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Messages - Lucifuga

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General / Re: Final Boss struggle (big spoilers)
« on: November 14, 2016, 09:36:32 pm »
In my test I had 0 throwing so my character consistently over shot the grenade past the distance limit. This made it so the tchortlings never bothered me.
My bad

Tinkered a bit more and found that throwing a gas nade on the right hand side of the intersection prevented the AI from checking that avenue when investigating the noise.

I find images help


1st Image
Make it to the door

2nd image
Move to the top right corner of the safe room
Mouth of Tchort will probably pay a visit. Stay put in your corner, kill him and then skip turns until you can exit combat.

3rd image
Enter combat, move 1 tile down and 2 tiles left. This is so the top right tentacle won't move.

4th image
You'll need 102 movement points to make this run but 100 will suffice. Popping an adrenaline shot should be enough so that your character is far enough inside the tile that the tentacles won't move.

5th image
This is how it should look having succeeded.

6th image
Throw a gas nade out here. Wait for it to expand enough to "block" the path and commence the nading on the bottom right tank.

When starting on the left tank I wouldn't use the gas nade to block the path as drawing over the tchortlings from the right side was consistently safe in my test.

General / Re: Final Boss struggle (big spoilers)
« on: November 14, 2016, 03:52:36 pm »
That is some excessive throw skill just for nades.
May as well put it to good use.

This will require stocking up on those MKVs.
The storage room needing electricity to open up had about 20 nade cases while the Tchortists sell the powder components. Should be able to make yourself ~7 in a single stock spawn.

Both bottom mutagen tanks can be destroyed via nades within the first few tiles of the ladder.

Your first step should be entering the nearest safe room and losing the aggro there in order to exit combat. The tentacles should then rearrange themselves. Two should be on your right and one up north.

Now from here your next step is to go back to where the ladder is but end your turn on any of the 5 bottom tiles. The closest tile from the room will need ~70 movement points to reach after having gone outside. A jumping bean drug and/or adrenaline will help if you can't make it.

Having successfully reached any of the 5 bottom tiles prevents the tentacles from rearranging themselves. The tentacle up north can't hit you from here so you can now consider these 5 squares as sanctuary. Pass the turns and exit combat once more.

Now the grenade tossing starts.
Each tank will take ~5 nades to destroy. Manually enter combat for each throw. Do remember that you must end your turn on the bottom 5 tiles for smooth sailing. My advice is to destroy the bottom right tank first. The noise from the nades will only attract two tchortlings however they won't actually aggro on you. Instead they'll try to investigate the noise but the closest they can get isn't near you. The Mouth of Tchort will probably aggro but he is like wet paper.

Onto the left mutagen tank.
The goal here is to attract the two tchortlings from the right side of the map over to the left. With all 5 tchortlings being on the left side of the map taking out the top right tank is much easier as well as hammering on Tchort. I was able to do this by going to the tile on the top left of the ladder and throwing the nade so the very edge of the blast radius hit the top right corner of the tank. Go back to your safety tiles and you should see the tchortlings from afar as they travel to investigate the noise. They don't have the needed range to spot you.

This is incredibly cheesy and fairly arduous but its a free two tanks and makes the fight much much easier.
If you still can't close it out you can try luring the tchortlings from the left to the right side with nade noises while keeping out of range in order to reach the final top left tank. Experiment a little.

Luck of best

Bugs / Re: Intricacies -
« on: November 13, 2016, 11:42:02 pm »
You have a knack for breaking things! Couple of real hardcore bugs there too, the crashes and cube stuff. Someone's gonna be busy fixing bugs next monday. :D

I have a request.
Could you update the wiki NPC/key list to include Masha/'s?
She is on the 7th level of SGS. Masha
Oddly you can't lock the door her key opens much like Waylon's keycard. Unsure if another bug or not.

I have to know: is it possible to kill Six with that gas grenade bug? If I read the text in those images correctly, it looks like it was dealing damage to him. >:D

He resisted each tick of damage in full so unfortunately no. 
Though I'm unsure of the version, Sanger and hilf found that you can kill Six with the chemical fire pistol.
Here be the thread - tanner - endgame (spoliers)

Bugs / Intricacies -
« on: November 12, 2016, 12:56:35 am »
This post will cover several bugs I ran into
Some may have been fixed or already known but I figure I should mention them all

Mines and Cutscenes

The wisest course of action What a bad gif

I'm not sure what quite triggers the crash (number of explosions/dmg calculations/NPC needed alive for code to work) but it happens in all cutscenes with excessive mines going off. Not exactly game breaking but worth mentioning

Blowing past the Institute door

You will need some real good sneak and traps to pull this off
Prep work also must be done prior to reaching the end of the Coretech Research Facility
The goal is to kill Denzil with mines when he first walks out. With Denzil dead the door never closes as the cutscene never completes. This allows the player to bypass the quest "Return the Reaching Man" if they were to then kill/sneak past all Tchor. One can continue to beat the game from here on as the tremors start as normal.

This requires the player to forfeit all the Institute has to offer but allows one to truly RP a non-wussy character 8)

Additionally, this cutscene grants the player full map vision and since it never ended you are bestowed this gift until one loads a save or enters another cutscene. Sadly the scene just before going into Deep Caverns ends the "buff" but one can roam around lower UnderRail and enjoy some sights.

Prep to boom - X-Ray Vision

Worth noting that if the player leaves the screen after the door has opened re-entering it will be met with a closed door making the run impossible to finish. Treat it as a one time opportunity.

Culling the competition - Gauntlet

If you mine the tiles where the Runners spawn on killing either one interrupts the cutscene. This results in the player character not walking forward with the gate closing behind them. No aggro is gained by doing this as the runners are independent and aren't affiliated with any factions. This gives player access to both the lockers and the elevator as the gate does not shut. Speaking to Andrea results in her asking if we want to start the gauntlet but this time the cutscene does not play. Player must still pull lever in final room of Gauntlet and speak to Andrea for quest completion. All items brought into Gauntlet are deleted when completed. Even if you cull the competition the final room will still spawn the two different runners.
At least you can keep all the loot in the lockers including the unique yellow tracksuit by doing this.

4 runners vs 1 you - rigged

Gassing NPCs

There are several NPCs that don't aggro to gas grenade player damage

Bad at Tetris

Hostile Dog at Rail Crossing

The dog in the back spawns hostile to all
There is both a Cat and Commoner here though so It seems like an oversight unless the dog is associated to a bandit faction of sorts.
Or maybe dog just be mad


Broken Haxxors

Vendors trying to sell knock off Haxxors that can't be charged/used

Merchant life be vicious

Ghosting Tunneler

Once the Faceless leave their base there are two tiles that are impassable where the tunneler once was. If you save and reload the tunneler reappears and isn't solid except for the drill.

Tunneler demands to be operated

The loneliest Turret and the independent Dreadnought

The turret won't fight back and the Dreadnought isn't officially in the Protectorate faction

Let me hack a Dreadnought to burst open door

Faceless no aggro

The Faceless Commander and company don't aggro if damage is dealt to them during their last cutscene

Also the cutscene ends if the search happens and the respective Faceless is dead - Hide cube on an off screen corpse for conned medallion
Resumes as normal if Commander is spoken to

Blowing people up with no repercussion

Keeping the Cube

This one requires you to save past the flag that triggers the final scene with Six and that is the use of the Elevator Controls for the first time. Fairly simple but the timing is hard. Just gotta save scum as your character presses the button. You have succeed once you see the save prompt pop up immediately following the cutscene with Six playing out as usual. Reload and you'll hear the in-game audio sound effect of having used the controls go off. Use the controls again and the cutscene won't play and you'll reach Lower UnderRail with a cube in yer pocket. Maybe medallion too


One of Marsha's monitors doesn't black out despite player destroying camera
When speaking to Six where the hole is selecting the dialogue prompts 3-2-3 results in no action from him - odd
Being hit with a stray burst shot while not the primary target and stealthed will not reveal you - seems off
Mac and Big Bret still have dialogue lines asking about their thoughts on the Faceless invasion despite them having left

Bugs / Re: No rest for the wicked -
« on: October 31, 2016, 03:34:46 am »
More doors that trigger fights

Both Tchor doors do it
Azif can also have his pathing blocked - no 'nade needed

Fun is had finding these

Bugs / Re: No rest for the wicked -
« on: October 21, 2016, 11:13:22 pm »
Saw this post -

Checked around
Can be replicated at Heidi's place via noise - backroom door triggers it
Your actions provoked hostilities warning pops up but no one attacks you - health bars grey
Core City riots just never end I tell you

General / Why does Mutated Dog love Core City Mutie more?
« on: October 21, 2016, 10:14:57 pm »
Was Mutant's best friend
What happened?

Let's Plays / Re: Let's Play Underrail Oddity Mod - French
« on: October 21, 2016, 03:51:07 pm »
Try holding shift + left click on stack of Micro Electroshock dischargers

Bugs / Re: No rest for the wicked -
« on: October 21, 2016, 09:39:54 am »
I'm still undecided between just fixing this or making it a valid quest outcome. On one side, it's completely unintended (back when this was made NPC's weren't yet reacting to sounds, so it didn't occur to us that something like this could happen) but on the other... it's hardcore! I'll move this to the to-do list for the time being and will think about it some more.

For what it's worth, my vote goes for valid quest outcome.
I've got more examples of sound abuse that aren't as hardcore.

For this all that is necessary is for the player to request the interview for Coretech. No job needs to be taken as all you need is access to the 2nd floor. Talk to Simmons and immediately get sent off after Cornell. No arena wins required. Player can even join JKK/Praetorian afterwards. Some serious sequence breaking going on here. Speed runner's dream.

Another example.
In this run I didn't speak with Jack Quicksilver as I wasn't up for playing decoy this time round. This ends his quest tree however you are still able to speak with Everard via sound abuse and obtain his quest. Problem is since Jack didn't issue you the quest to meet Everard Todor never spawns making it so you start a quest that is impossible to complete.

Sound interaction with key NPCs should definitely be looked into

Bugs / Coretech warehouse - [#context.player.Name]
« on: October 21, 2016, 01:10:05 am »

Coretech path
Issue occurs with both the Sentry and Runner

Bugs / Re: No rest for the wicked -
« on: October 12, 2016, 04:35:53 pm »
What path is this part of - joining United Stations\Protectorate?

Yup, joining United Stations

Bugs / No rest for the wicked -
« on: October 12, 2016, 01:05:29 pm »

Mareth deserves such a fate

Fun facts:
Since Mareth turns hostile after mutating Fort Apogee is fine with you killing him
Once Mareth mutates quest cannot be finished
Before mutating player can speak with Mareth to complete quest - if not infected when player climbs ladder CAU leave
Talked -> mutates -> killed = Mareth still mails you his unit's armor/Mareth still keeps his word and deals with Will if informed
If left alive after being infected Mareth warps back to Fort Apogee where Void and Dess shoot him on sight - mutated off screen
If Mareth is dead and you punch Void through dialogue Unknown intervenes

Mareth can be left alive for eternity as a mutant if player closes doors of room and kills comrades via traps prior to planting mutagen ;D

On a serious note, luring Mareth down the vent with a grenade noise seems like an unintended possibility
Who knows, maybe yall can make it into a branching plot

Playing on

Dev Log #31
states this is intentional but the reason behind doing so was never explained.
Seeing as how disassembling any loaded weapon via crafting yields no return of ammunition there is no means to retrieve the vials.

My question is why is this so?

Is it for game balance?
I can’t fathom why if this were the case unless one seeks to deny players of vials from looted weapons.

Is it based on the engineering of the blob pistols? If so this is unexplained in the world of UnderRail to my knowledge and needs to be addressed in-game instead of Dev logs.

Or is the reason simply being that grass grows, birds fly, sun shines and chemical pistols can't be unloaded?

Thanks for game existence and share with world

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