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Topics - coopatroopa

Pages: [1]
Builds / Weak as hell early game PSI on dominating?
« on: March 28, 2022, 08:49:41 pm »
I've been doing my first PSI build (and my first dominating build) and while I'm only level 11 at the moment I'm relying on constant molotovs for basically every fight, as well as being perpetually at one health. Is this par for the course or have I just built terribly?

Here's my build so far (can't actually link it) /build/?CwQGBgYDCQgAQQAAAAAPMjIADyMjIyMjLUEAAAAAKCtQOSwUKmUW378

I'm using Electrokinesis, Telekinetic Punch, Forcefield and TK Proxy (intend to add bilocation and enrage at level 14 with locus).

Builds / Which skills are near essential?
« on: March 23, 2022, 11:55:27 am »
Hey, I'm a new player and I've been trying to figure out a "build template" for future playthroughs. It seems to me that certain skill levels are pretty much used for all characters, and I'd like to get some feedback to see if I'm right to use these.

Every build:
Hacking effective 135 and Lockpicking effective 130 seem to be no-brainers and have a place on literally every build.
Mercantile effective 105 for special merchandise.
Electronics effective 120 and up assuming every build wants shields.
Mechanics effective 120 and up also looks like it's useful for practically any build, with the exception of PSI builds with leather armor.
Tailoring effective 120 and up assuming every build wants to craft any armor.
Biology effective 50 since apparently Focus Stim is incredible.

Most builds:
Chemistry effective 112 for MK V Grenades,
Throwing effective 80 should allow you to not kill yourself with aforementioned grenades.
Pickpocketing effective 50 for free ammo/hypos/oddities

Are there any skills here that I shouldn't be putting points into in pretty much every build, and why not?

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