Underrail Forum

Underrail => Suggestions => Topic started by: Hammer Wizard on May 17, 2021, 12:18:06 am

Title: Rework for Balor
Post by: Hammer Wizard on May 17, 2021, 12:18:06 am
Balor is too much of a weakling for a boss, everyone can easily dispatch him, no matter the build:

He doesnt have high levels of mech/heat resistances, unlike Industrial Bots, that can tank a lot of damage easily.
Can be stunned, easily dispatched in 1 or 2 turns
Can be incapacitated, mental breakdown makes sense but Balor be trivialized by flashbang
He has awful detection, despite the fact he has a mechanical eye
Has no real tanking abilities, it just happens he has a lot of HP on top of a mediocre metal gear set
Can be entangled, come on the guy must have like 20 STR why he can be entangled
He's way too easy to dispatch, compared to Braenkaster, he's a real tought bastard to bring down, and he's a proper hammer boss

My suggestions are:
>Give Balor tanking feats, such Stoicism, Conditioning, Fully spec'd Last Stand, also high Resolve and Fortitude
>Inmune to Stuns (like Magnar) and Flashbang Incapacitations
>Give him Sprint and Adrenaline
>Give him stupidly high detection or straight out True Sight, if you consider his mechanical eye a camera of sorts
>Give him a stronger metal armor or a metal armor unique that actually makes him tanky
>Make him inmune to entanglement/inmobilization
This way, Balor will become an actual threat and not a human punching bg
Title: Re: Rework for Balor
Post by: ShoggothWhisperer on May 17, 2021, 01:51:06 am
The best way to make Balor more threatening would be to increase his mobility or give him a ranged attack instead of making him tankier. Most of the time he spawns in 80-95% penalty armor with boots and the helmet, so any build can easily kite him around with tabi boots and low armor penalty. Sprint would go a long way to remedy this, or giving Balor the nimble feat to reduce armor penalty. Balor could also use grenades with the grenadier feat to provide a ranged attack without being too overwhelming, and receive better grenades at higher difficulties.