Underrail > Development Log

Dev Log #53: Expedition Gameplay Video

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- The music is AMAZING are these new tracks or were I deaf during my playthrough?
- Environment looks great as usual
- Shotgun has kicks!
- Spear is huge and looks like melee weapon for actual combat (sorry knives)
- Transition to jet-skiis seems smooth


- Shotgun burst attack seems weird. Aren't assault rifles/smg for burst?
- Another bug that shoots lightning? I still get nightmares with these Coil Spiders :P


- I chuckled when enemy run up to you and threw knives at you, then after losing 10% of health you picked a shotgun and one shotted him. "That's cute, here's actual weapon though. Bye" :)


--- Quote from: Styg on July 13, 2017, 07:59:38 am ---[..]For those who just can't wait to get to explore the Black Sea themselves, here's a short video from the recent internal testing that we've done (this is NOT a trailer). It does contain some spoilers, though we tried to censor the important stuff, so be warned.


Anyway, that's it for now guys. Let us know what you think.

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- = negative, + = positive

+ Awesome animated water effects! Had to zoom in and rewind multiple times just to look at the beauty you created.

- Shotgun SFX should be one big BAM! Not this weak, automatic rifle sound thingy. This way its "MEH!.." and not satisfying at all. :(

+ Electric attack SFX (monsters) is much better for example than your "shotgun"

- "Rock Blasting through" sound (ends with rocks falling) is very loud and frightening, tone it down PLS.

+ New graphics is surprisingly nice!

- At elevator the text is nice green, but your dialog selection option BG highlight should be toned down or be something else, like a low opacity green color BG or a much more faint  orange w. low opacity!

- Handmaiden attack physical feedback: you should have "player character-hit" animations. Player character standing there like a rock, while he is being hit by the Handmaiden takes away from immersion! Even fallout had hit-hurt-reel-back animations. 

- Single shotgun sound is also weak, if that's what is shot during Handmaiden battle.

+ Very nice room illumination effect when the machine is turned on and it switches on the lighting.

- Gun + grenade explosion sounds are weak overall. They should have that "OOMPH!"  Review the awesome DOOM 1 or DOOM 2 sounds please from the DOS/4GW Extender era!

I you want your weapons to really sound good and have an "OOMPH!", I can make your sound effects go BOOM, if you agree to send me your current ones - even if you send just one weapon sound file to try me out: PM me.  Here is my sound effects portfolio for OpenXCOM.

+ Nice Jet Ski graphics and sound effects!


--- Quote from: epeli on July 15, 2017, 11:44:18 am ---Yeah, all the music is new. Sounds like the soundtrack is getting a sizable expansion as well.

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Oh, that is great news. I love Underrail's music. Josh Culler is so good.

Man, this expansion looks great! And sounds great as well! From what the video shows whoever makes the music outdid themselves with this.
Can't wait for the release.


--- Quote from: Styg on July 14, 2017, 07:51:00 am ---The idea with Hypercerebrix is to replace the use of Junkyard surprise, so the intelligence bonus will be taken off from the latter.
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Yeah, I waited so long and it happen!


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