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List of sandbox games?

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Well from the top of my head I can only name few: 'It's hard to be God' (or something like it) is a name of a RPG game with a bit oldschool graphic and focused on telling sci-fi story in fantasy setting. It's also a continuation of a book... yup, you heard right - the game pretty much takes up from where book author ended (btw. book title is the same as the game). There is also 'Last of the Grey Dogs' - at least it's the name of the book that they used as an inspiration. It's a bit of 3rd person hack&slash RPG which is a bit nationalistic (about how to russians, or more like slavic people are chosen and great and stuff...), but still can be fun. 'Inqusitor' was put on the Steam lately and it's made by czech people (as far as I remember). It's isometric hack&slash with TONS of dialogue. And weird, dark story. It's interesting, even if the combat is quite dull.

There are few more titles, but I can't really remember their names - I was playing them, had fun, but promptly forgotten titles ;]. I remember the plot, but nobody wants spoilers, right? :P

Try Might & Magic 6-7, part 7 being one of my favorite games of all times and probably the best open world game I've played.

However, the graphics are quite dated and the mechanics are fairly old school, so not everyone has the patience to play it these days.

Also music is crazy good.

How do you feel about Platformers? If you like Minecraft, you may like Terraria, and it is coming out with a huge 1.2 update October 1st. It's a lot of fun to play with friends, it's sort of a Metroidvania style combat system and can be a whole lot of fun. Randomly generated worlds ensure that the experience is somewhat unique, and the amount of new content looks impressive enough to entice even a veteran of the game back to playing.

Well Terraria is nice and all, but I also heard some rumors that 1.2 version patch will be the last one. Which in turn kinda forced me to rethink my buy. I'm still waiting for it to be confirmed, but I heard that great plans were made for new versions and now they end into a dust bin.

I guess Terraria could be classified as an RPG, but as far as I know there is only change in equipment, not in skills of characters... more of an adventure game (which too can have interesting story). If you're talking about this type of games there is also Realm Explorer, Kenshi and few others - very sandboxy games where exploration is everything. Ah, but of course Terraria is one of the only ones (not counting Minecraft) which are out of alpha/beta stage.

With the content currently in Terraria (or rather, the last time I played), it's well worth the price. I had hours of fun playing it co-op.


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