Author Topic: Prequel idea: Descent  (Read 929 times)


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Prequel idea: Descent
« on: September 06, 2020, 10:19:10 am »
First off, I understand it's not going to happen anytime soon as the development team is busy with sequel and add-on.

But whatever, ideas are fun so I wanted to give my opinion on what could Underrail prequel be like and why it would be awesome :)


I would like to see an Underrail game about times just before humanity moved below the surface. Game is giving nice setting/explanation of what the cataclysm was and how the political structure of world above functioned. We have 6 megacorporations/factions that took over the role of nations (while it's possible previous nations survived in some state, as evidences by multiple langauges existing - Grey Army, snake people). Cataclysm itself is also interesting because, rather than cliche 'humanity doomed us instantly all with their weapons!!1!', we have creeping terror of surface slowly becoming impossible to habitate, possibly because Earth is moving too far from the Sun.

Corporations reacted rationally to this fact by building vast, underground complexes where survivors could hide and continue their existence. Additionally, these complexes were seemingly built in areas where mysterious, alien technology can be found.

This is perfect setting for cRPG game. We start with conflict between 6 factions, need to cooperate during extended period of time for humanity sake, need to build and maintain Underrail as we know it, possibly other axes of conflict (nations vs corporations? Poor people against corporate oligarchs?). Also, world in rapid, inevitable decline.

A highy believable and interesting setup.

Example: Corporations, as any other company, would operate mostly based on egalitarian model. You work for them as long as you are useful for them, and in return they give you employment, money and status. And most importantly: shelter. Most likely, pre cataclysm they had retirement plan for their members, as noone would commit all their life for someone only to die in poverty in the old age. But, all these loyal members would be a liability during hard times. Only most able would be given a spot down below. You could tell such story by introducing subfaction of old rebelled people who fear they will left behind, using their accumulated knowledge and connections to prevent it. But they are at odds with younger, more practical majority concerned about humanity, and their own, survival. As you do tasks for both sides conflict escalates over time, and you eventually are forced to join one of these groups, or perhaps abuse them for your own best interest.

Another example: creating Underrail, which could just as well be main questline of the game. Obviously such large secluded, well equipped area would not happen to exist on its own. Someone needs to build it. What if the game was splitted into time periods/years where you work towards reating this space? In first year you would do recon in old metros and caves. Then you would need to expand the area by drilling, maybe using nuclear weaponry just so the space is huge enough. Then you help setting up camps and protect them from disturbed land life. Eventually you move resources down there and assist your faction with building facilities. Next thing you know it, you built the core of Core City. And in the meantime, you witness gradual decline of world above and raising tensions between desparate groups of people. Game would end the moment you seal the door shut and begin new life as a morlock.

Just a rambling, again I'm fully aware I won't see such game anytime soon. But wanted to signal that I would love to see it and hear what you guys think :)

« Last Edit: September 06, 2020, 10:30:33 am by Turbodevil »


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Re: Prequel idea: Descent
« Reply #1 on: September 11, 2020, 10:17:36 pm »
Cool ideas breh. Very much reminds me of the Mega corporations of ShadowRun ( I get the feeling a lot of Underrail is influenced by Shadowrun actually. Probably why I'm such a big fan.

Its gonna be a long time before Styg and team get to this setting (hopefully some day), but if you're interested in games that already have a similar vibe as what you describe, checkout Shadowrun on snes emulator (, or the Shadowrun trilogy on Steam (