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Topics - Railas

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Suggestions / Alpha Feedback
« on: October 09, 2013, 01:26:26 am »
First I want to say that I had a great time playing the alpha.
Fallout 3 became Skyrim with guns so I am very glad to see that somebody is saving the spirit of the original fallout. And he does a really good job with that.

criticism helps more than some nice words, so lets get started ;)

I have played a melee/crafter/thrower character with high strength, metal armor and a hammer as main weapon.

- crafting a metal armor was a pain because there were no carrier vests available on any vendor and I had to wait for the stocks to reset two times untill I was able to buy one. Vendors should have this item more often.

- grenades may need a nerf. The best grenade (frag grenade V) one shots everything in the alpha

- Hammers with an energy consuming modification were very expensive to use and rapair :( a reduction in energy consumption could help. Maybe it would be also could if they could also be repaired with mechanical and electrical repair kits. Splitting the durability for eletronic parts of the hammer and the hammer itself would be another option. So I could use the hammer without energy if i want to so that only the mechanical durability deteriorates. An on-and-off switch would be nice, too ^^

- the skill biology needs a buff. it was barely usable and creating only 2 health hypos costs so many ressources that you could nearly buy 2 health hypos for the ingredients. Also extraction of reagents from organs did not really increase the value of the generated item. Overall this skill feld pointless. Maybe it would be interesting to connect loot from animals with this skill so that you could use it to get better value items from animals?

- killing animals is a losing business. The drops do not have enough value to pay for repairs of your equipment. this also means that there is no option to farm money in case you invested in the wrong equipment and do not have the money to buy other stuff. How about more respawning bandits or an equivalent to the caravans from fallout?

- borrowers were nearly unkillable with my class without using grenades. I had no movement points due to the armor and borrowers are really fast. The ran away, shot me and when I ran after them I have not had enough AP to swing with the hammer. They are immune to getting cought in a net, too. without the grenades one shotting them I would have not been able to kill them. Also their loot was worth very little. Can you make them slower or give a player an option to increase movement points somehow? Springs in boots did not work because the bonus was reduced to 0 by the heavy armour.
Also the area with borrowers where you have to save Jenny (I think) had dissapointing loot in the environment.

- disassembling items was a bit odd since leather armors gave about 15 pieces of fabric so you were never short in of fabric repair kits. because of all the rathound leather. However I kind of liked that. might not need fixing ;) though it would be great if you could change the max stacks of parts for repair kits to 20 so that you do not need to split them into packs of 20 manually.

- The character Quinton wanted me to get him poison glands but this did not show up as a quest and I could not give the glands to him :(

- melee combat is a little bit buggy. Sometimes my character was standing right next to somebody but wanted to walk around him to hit him. this was reproducable with the respawning stalkers in the underground. They needed to stand close to a pillar in a narrow hallway for this to occur. I also had a bug when I was surrounded by burrower spawns. I could not use my melee attack on them any more when I was in a corner. Sometimes I could only attack one of the spawns around me, sometimes even none of them.

- I found stun-locking to be annoying, especially with the robots because each robot stuns you for at least two turns if you go in melee. Maybe some drug would be good that reduces the chance of getting stun-locked.

Alright, this was my criticism. I am aware thar this is an alpha and some rough edges are to be exptected. The game was great fun anyway :) I Loved the crafting system and the whole feeling of the game. Also the damage thresholds was one of the lost mechanics I really missed. They make a character feel badass.

May I ask when we can expect the next content update? What will it include?

BTW, the captcha here is extremely annoying -.-

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