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Messages - Zopenco

Pages: [1]
General / Re: Is pure PSI Caster viable?
« on: March 18, 2017, 11:28:57 pm »
How do you kill hordes of robots with a pure PSI build?

I usually have very high electronics (to craft high quality shield) for my pure PSI char so I just use EMP grenade MKIII + high grade HE grenades. If that's not possible I guess you can try Electrokinetic imprint + Electrokinesis.

That needs throwing... I wondered how would you face robots with pure psionics (no grenades, no mines, no stealth...)

Is that possible at all?

General / Re: Is pure PSI Caster viable?
« on: March 18, 2017, 04:03:32 pm »
How do you kill hordes of robots with a pure PSI build?

General / Re: Progression Guide
« on: January 15, 2017, 10:31:46 am »
'Battery trouble' is the closest at hand and the shortest. Do not forget to buy explosives.

General / Re: Help with my last trait
« on: January 12, 2017, 07:50:54 pm »
I'd pick Expose Weakness but i'm biased towards resistance reductions.

But is it necessary to kill the final boss, I wonder? ;)

General / Re: Help with my last trait
« on: January 12, 2017, 07:46:02 pm »
Welcome to the forum!


Out of the things you've listed, I'd personally take Power Management. However, this is assuming that you can make use of it - do you have high electronics and all of the required materials? I'm not sure if you'll find the crafting materials for a new energy shield if you don't have them already (as in, I can't recall if Deep Caverns has anything like that).

Yes, there is top quality stuff lying around

General / Re: Help with my last trait
« on: January 12, 2017, 07:41:38 pm »
I have no idea what the right choice for you is, but here's my thoughts on some of the traits you mentioned.

Grenadier sounds like a nice damage supplement if you can craft, but your post doesn't exactly make that clear and I assume you can't for whatever reason.
Otherwise I agree that it's really not worth it for grenades you find.

I could craft top quality grenades if I had a supply of grenade cases. So far I have found none (it seems that Leo only sells explosives, not cases)

General / Help with my last trait
« on: January 11, 2017, 09:02:40 pm »
Hi everybody, I have just registered

I am currently in Arke Power Station with a knife armed high critical chance level 23 character

My stats are 3 - 15 - 9 - 3 - 3 - 5 - 7, I have maxed melee and stealth and have good throwing, traps, lockpicking, hacking and crafting

The traits I have chosen so far are recklessness, skinner, sprint, interloper, quick-tinkering, vile weaponry, weaponsmith, crippling strike, cheap shots, fancy footwork, ripper, cut-throat, critical power.

I cannot decide what trait to choose in level 24

Expose Weakness seems the obvious choice for the final boss, but is it really neccesary? A two turn debuff with a four turn cooldown for a single enemy doesn't seem like a bargain.

Grenadier... I haven't found any grenade cases in Deep Caverns so far and the low end grenades you can find/buy don't cut the mustard

Expertise doesn't seem a good choice for a critical based character

Opportunistic... I don't stun enemies often

Power Management is a possibility only because the Caverns seem rife with high quality electronic stuff

Eviscerate seems logical for a knifeman, but I am not sure it's effective so far in the game

Taste for blood, ditto

Can anyone help, please?

Pages: [1]