Underrail Forum

Underrail => Builds => Topic started by: ShoggothWhisperer on December 24, 2023, 08:10:33 am

Title: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
Post by: ShoggothWhisperer on December 24, 2023, 08:10:33 am
“I am become death, the destroyer of worlds”- J. Robert Oppenheimer

Do you ever wish you could just turn off your brain while playing on the hardest difficulty? Do you like big damage numbers? Are you tired of enemies surviving more than a single shot from your build? If you answered yes to any of these questions, then the Fusion Cannon is the perfect weapon for you. This build guide aims to show you how to make the most of this fearsome weapon, allowing you to obliterate anything in your path on even the highest difficulty.

https://underrail.info/build/?HgsFBQMIBQk8wqAAAFoAAFBJXgAAX18KX1AAAAB9AAA8KDErO8Odf8Oew59KwprDolpNKcKHwrRLd-K0lAXivrwF4r-GBd-8 (https://underrail.info/build/?HgsFBQMIBQk8wqAAAFoAAFBJXgAAX18KX1AAAAB9AAA8KDErO8Odf8Oew59KwprDolpNKcKHwrRLd-K0lAXivrwF4r-GBd-8)

What is the Fusion Cannon?

The Fusion Cannon is a unique heavy weapon found in the new DLC area, the compound. It’s relatively easy to acquire if you know what you’re doing, you just need 100 lockpicking to open the vent at the entrance area, enough stealth to sneak past patrols (~130 should be enough), and enough perception to sneak past the laser tripwires protecting the cannon (8 should be enough).

It’s important to know that there are some unique quirks of the weapon that aren’t covered in the description. The cannon works like the Naga energy attack, dealing damage to everything caught in the blast in the same radius as an HE grenade. Enemies directly hit by the cannon take full damage, while enemies at the edge of the blast radius only take 50% damage. Additionally, if you take the Disassemble feat, you can break down the Fusion Cannon into its components and reassemble it, allowing you to replace the fusion emitter and plasma core. This improves the damage and max energy, and additionally allows you to gain the benefits of the Practical Physicist and Power Management feats. The default version of the Fusion Cannon has an ~q115 fusion emitter, but a crafted emitter can realistically go as high as q160. A q159 emitter will net you 272-350 damage, so it's well worth it to disassemble the cannon and replace the fusion emitter.

What’s the damage?

With 11 effective per at max level you’re looking at 758-976 damage, with 125% crit damage from practical physicist. That’s pretty good, but the Fusion Cannon gets a lot better when you look at the feats that it benefits from. Being a heavy weapon, the Fusion Cannon benefits from Heavy Metal, which provides an 130% damage increase with full damage spec and Iron Head/95% Armor/Reinforced Tungsten Boots. On top of that, it also benefits from High Technicalities, which with spec at 13 int provides an additional 80% damage boost. Tricky Trajectory also applies, for a 10% damage boost and 30% evasion ignore. The cherry on top is Bullet Trance, which provides an extra 50% damage when specced once you reach max stacks. With a crit, max damage roll, and all the relevant drugs the highest damage you could get with this build would be 14,675 damage (350 base * 3.72 skill damage modifier *1.5 Crit * 2.3 Heavy Metal *1.8 High Technicalities *1.1 Tricky Trajectory * 1.5 Bullet Trance * 1.1 Serial Killer/Beast Tattoo). Except that number is incorrect. On a test run of this build (15 int version, no serial killer, no bullet trance, q152 cannon) I was able to achieve a damage roll of 25936. I believe that the Fusion Cannon has a hidden damage modifier on attacks, although some theorize that the High Technicalities scaling on the weapon may be broken. Regardless, now that Bullet Trance works with the Fusion Cannon, you should be able to deal upwards of 30k damage crits with high quality parts.


Gear for this build is somewhat complex, you’ll need to use specific gear to mitigate the fragility of having 3 con/ make the most of Heavy Metal.


Crafting high quality fusion emitters is a real pain in the ass, since quality is determined by the lowest quality component from the five component parts; laser emitter, electroshock generator, circular wave emitter, electromagnetic field stabilizer, and high efficiency energy converter. I recommend hoarding ~q120 parts so you can reassemble the cannon to benefit from power management and practical physicist, and then hoarding ~q150 parts to make an endgame cannon. If you aren’t using merchant refresh, you can’t realistically craft an emitter above ~q152. Don’t bother waiting until the Deep Caverns to craft your cannon, you’ll probably only find 1-2 relevant high quality parts.


Armor Suit


You shoot enemies, they die, they shoot you, you don’t die. Simple as. You play as a featless hammer build in the early game, an LMG build post depot A but before you reach level 15, and then become a walking WMD once you get the Fusion Cannon. The Fusion Cannon produces noise at the center of the explosion, so what will frequently happen is everyone caught in the explosion dies, combat ends due to a lack of enemies, and then everyone else in the zone congregates where the explosion landed, setting you up for another obliteration. At level 25+ nothing can withstand your blasts, but before then there’s a few enemies on Dominating who can give you trouble:


The Fusion Cannon is an absolutely insane weapon and has some of the highest damage possible in the game. While a plasma pistol crit execute with the proper special attack damage boosts could potentially deal more single target damage, the Fusion Cannon certainly blows all other weapons out of the water with its overwhelming damage and ease of use. Any build with investment in heavy guns should consider using the Fusion Cannon, as just the base weapon with the Heavy Metal feat is enough to one shot all but the toughest enemies. Despite its drawbacks, I firmly believe that the Fusion Cannon is the best weapon in the game.

Merry Christmas!

Title: Re: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Sykar on January 22, 2024, 09:07:43 am
Very nice build. I am not sure if I personally would use feats like Concentrated Fire and Suppressive Fire which are useless for Fusion Canon though even though I understand why you did it, I just cannot stand having feats that later will have little or no use. I'd rather have the opposite.
Title: Re: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
Post by: peet on February 09, 2024, 05:28:43 pm
Pretty lit. I wonder if there's a mobile version of this?
Title: Re: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
Post by: player101 on June 05, 2024, 03:29:53 pm
Thank you, nice build, most fun I've played so far. Haven't finished game yet but completed almost all content before DC.

Some adjustments and tweaks I did:

For the conclusion I want to say I hadn't any problem with fights even that marked as 'can give a trouble' in the guide: Magnar - both forms oneshotted after grounding; Carnifex - same thing, killed him at lvl 14; submerged Jet Eater - 1 shot; Quad Nagas died all in 2 shots, I haven't find out how to group them closer. The only enemies that can bother you are Expedition stealth spiders as you can't be bio immune and get enough DT to block all poison attacks at the same time so you have to stay in web and eat antidots.
Title: Re: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Kiruha on June 12, 2024, 10:43:03 pm
Is Heavy Metal works like other feats with penalties (with unmodified armor penalty?). If it is, it will be interesting to make mobile+Stealth Super Steel variant of this build (Nimble + Armor Sloping + Body Weight Training all that staff).  The biggest problem is that main source of damage of Fusion Canon comes from Heavy Metal, so build is tied to metal armor anyway
Title: Re: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
Post by: Eidein on June 13, 2024, 03:10:31 pm
Is Heavy Metal works like other feats with penalties (with unmodified armor penalty?). If it is, it will be interesting to make mobile+Stealth Super Steel variant of this build (Nimble + Armor Sloping + Body Weight Training all that staff).  The biggest problem is that main source of damage of Fusion Canon comes from Heavy Metal, so build is tied to metal armor anyway

Sloping applies to the armour, so when you equip the lower AP armour that's your unmodified being lower also, sloping would make your heavy metal weaker.
Title: Re: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
Post by: VenipedeVEVO on December 16, 2024, 07:56:05 pm
  • You don't need any lockpicking to get the Cannon, just break that vent with crowbar and 9 STR, only thing you should worry about is stealth which you can boost up with junkyard surprise (2 AGI roll), soft black hopper armor (you'll need to invest in tailoring anyways to craft quality sturdy armors), black balaclava and black tabi or soft hopper boots. I've got mine Cannon at lvl 12 (reached 150 effective stealth) and I'm pretty sure it's possible to obtain it at lvl 10. Going to HD dlc earlier good because you also get Warthog and on lvl 12 it's much more powerfull than any LMG you can craft.

I'm following this up to say that it's very attainable at level 9 on dominating—I've done it. 130 effective stealth seems to be the cutoff. Getting to/crowbarring the vent is the hardest part of the process. I'd speculate you can go as low as level 8, but I'm not looking to sit around a merchant waiting for perfect black cloth/junkyard surprise rolls. As long as you're hitting 130, you can do it the second you're done with Depot A.
The fusion cannon itself is a little bit useless that early, but on Oddity XP, simply getting to the Compound and back is 1/2 a level, and like the quote says, the Warthog is very good and bridges the gap.

Very fun build! Highly recommend for Dominating.
Title: Re: Fusion Cannon Build- The Ultimate Weapon
Post by: cakedoer on January 19, 2025, 04:15:54 pm
Started my second ever playthrough on Hard (Oddity) and kind of got bored shortly after getting the Fusion Cannon, so I restarted the build on Dominating (Oddity).

Highly recommend taking Sprint on this build (6 AGI required) and dropping a feat somewhere and a point of INT. It can't be understated how useful those movement points are when you basically don't have any at max armor penalty. The damage loss is minor.

The feat I would drop is Concentrated Fire, since you're taking it right before you get the Fusion Cannon anyway. Then, you can technically also play without Strafe - especially on Oddity, where you don't need to kill many enemies to level up. After Depot A up until level 14 you can mostly just run around with minimal combat required.

Strafe is nice since to have you don't have to avoid moving before firing with your LMG, but you can adjust your playstyle to account for not having it.