Underrail Forum

Underrail => Suggestions => Topic started by: Deep Driller on November 25, 2024, 09:43:29 am

Title: Title (or Rank, or Status) for a character, based on a build
Post by: Deep Driller on November 25, 2024, 09:43:29 am
I've seen a couple of build, here and in other places. Those would benefit from having a title (or any other name), when fully/almost fully leveleed up.

So the suggestion would be: when a character gets to high level (25 or 26), they will receive a certain title, based on chosen skills and/or feats — if those fall under a certain title requirement.

For example:

1. Melee over 100+Psychokinesis over 100+Telekinetic Punch (learned)+Improved (or Expert) Unarmed Combat — should give the characted "Mind Knuckle" title (there should be a better name for it).

2. Any two of psi abilities over 150+any four abilities from each school learned and innervated at least once — "Under-Magus" title. Any three of psi disciplines over 120+any four abilities from each school learned and innervated at least once — "Over-Magus" or "Under-Archmagus" title.

You get the idea.

Titles should be purely cosmetic; only a line under the character's name.