Underrail Forum

Underrail => General => Topic started by: Wildan on May 10, 2015, 12:49:12 am

Title: Custom Portraits
Post by: Wildan on May 10, 2015, 12:49:12 am
How about a thread where we post our custom portraits?

I made two which I currently use. One for heavy armored characters, the other for light armored, leather/overcoat guys:
Drop the large and small versions both into the C:\Users\[Name]\Documents\My Games\Underrail\CustomPortraits folder.

Edit: Backgrounds are set as transparent now so they should interact properly with the ambient of the area (thanks epeli):

(http://i.imgur.com/isU4UJe.jpg)     (http://i.imgur.com/yxqq1bB.jpg)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Wildan on May 10, 2015, 12:12:24 pm
Another thing I didn't know. Awesome, will change that.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: StephaneF on May 12, 2015, 09:24:48 am
Is there a way to import a custom portrait without creating a new character ?
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Wildan on May 12, 2015, 02:42:32 pm
As far as I know you can only change the portrait of a character that already uses a custom portrait by putting a different png file with the same name previously used. For default portraits I guess we need a savegame editor. I tried opening savegames with a hex editor but I couldn't make sense out of any of the strings as the data is compiled.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Zepposlav on June 29, 2015, 02:05:00 pm
I combined 2 in-game portraits to make one fitting the in-game player model wearing tactical vest coat :) Maybe someone will find them useful.




Edit: Some metal armor guy without helmet that will fit character model ->

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Diggfinger on July 03, 2015, 09:59:20 am
Outstanding work, gentlemen!
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Sykar on August 06, 2015, 01:55:29 pm
Sweet I gonna add those asap.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Styg on January 08, 2016, 06:23:33 pm
Now I definitely have to do a Snake Plissken playthrough. :)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Elhazzared on January 08, 2016, 07:19:23 pm
Definitly a couple pictures there that I really like! When someone mods the game so that merchants buy everything I'm definitly taking the top right one for my first playthrough.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Nines on February 13, 2016, 07:13:19 pm
I want to make a portrait pack, however, I encountered a weird... issue?

For example, this (http://orig07.deviantart.net/e67a/f/2010/113/3/3/character_concept___01_by_randis.jpg) is the original image.
This (http://i.picpar.com/MNHb.png) is how I cropped it (obviously won't bother myself with hairs).
And this  (http://i.picpar.com/RNHb.png)is how I see it in the game. How is that even possible? :o
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: xammurapi on February 13, 2016, 09:51:58 pm
maybe white is accepted as transparency
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Juri on February 13, 2016, 10:40:07 pm
It looks the same to me
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: chimaera on February 15, 2016, 09:56:18 am
I want to make a portrait pack, however, I encountered a weird... issue?

For example, this (http://orig07.deviantart.net/e67a/f/2010/113/3/3/character_concept___01_by_randis.jpg) is the original image.
This (http://i.picpar.com/MNHb.png) is how I cropped it (obviously won't bother myself with hairs).
And this  (http://i.picpar.com/RNHb.png)is how I see it in the game. How is that even possible? :o
I've checked the portrait you have uploaded and it works as it should (no floating hair). Are you sure this is the one you have in your portraits folder?
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Nines on February 15, 2016, 01:40:25 pm
I've checked the portrait you have uploaded and it works as it should (no floating hair). Are you sure this is the one you have in your portraits folder?
I don't know why it works for you as it should, but for me the problem was because I exported files from GIMP with two options checked: "Save background color" and "Save color values for transparent pixels". Once I unchecked them, it started working as intended.

Your cropped portrait still contains those floating hairs, only with their alpha channel set to zero (in other words, they're fully transparent).

I'm not sure why the game would display those. But optimizing PNGs gets rid of invisible artifacts like that and reduces the filesize, sometimes considerably. Fixed version (http://i.imgur.com/eLb5TCq.png)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Nines on February 16, 2016, 05:16:53 pm
Made 25 custom portraits (12 for female, 13 for male). Link. (https://mega.nz/#!mx0wRLiT!3n1DdWcMCB9v0DlY0cXUYK1LLRVIpYZGhaeLEr0Eymk)
If someone knows good artists, concepts of which could fit Underrail setting, it will be highly appreciated (send a PM).

(http://i.picpar.com/OeIb.png) (http://i.picpar.com/PeIb.png) (http://i.picpar.com/ReIb.png) (http://i.picpar.com/QeIb.png)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: eLPuSHeR on February 17, 2016, 07:51:40 am
Awesome work Nines.  8)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: dirtman on February 18, 2016, 09:50:26 am
great work, man. they really fit the setting of the game.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: morinn on February 20, 2016, 08:07:50 pm
Hi guys. Just sharing my sneaky characters portraits.

Here's a preview:


PS: The original art is not mine. I just edited the images.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Nines on February 25, 2016, 04:01:18 pm
Added 25 more portraits. Link. (https://mega.nz/#!mx0wRLiT!3n1DdWcMCB9v0DlY0cXUYK1LLRVIpYZGhaeLEr0Eymk)

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Fenix on February 26, 2016, 09:38:58 am
How can I get link on specific post (to repost about portrait pack on another forum)?
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Styg on February 26, 2016, 11:10:10 am
How can I get link on specific post (to repost about portrait pack on another forum)?

Click on the caption above the post.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Gnmm on April 15, 2016, 10:25:01 pm
''Made'' this one last night to fit the player model (unarmored), I hope you guys like it.   :)

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: reinhark on October 11, 2016, 01:14:34 am
Is there a way to import a custom portrait without creating a new character ?

Greetings, people of the past. It is I, Reinhark, The great cheater. I have came here bearing the news.
It is possible to do this, but this is pretty difficult. Please proceed if you have what it takes.
Programs you need are the following:
Cheat engine

1. Find out what portrait you are using, and what you want to use.
Every underrail has portrait folder where the profile pics are stored.
What you want to do, is find which profile picture you are using, and what you want to replace it with.
Use program named XNBextract or something. I think this file is used for stardew valley. follow it to download.

Let's say I want to replace my current picture, which is named "scavle2" ("_l" and "_s" do not count, as they stand for small and large. )

...To the faceless stealth specialist located in "genderless" folder, named "flst"

Here are some actions you need to do.
THE IMAGE NAME MUST BE THE SAME LENGTH AS ORIGINAL. Therefore I must extend my image name to 7 characters, "flst" to "flstest".

The easy part is done. Now let's move on to hardest part. Start the Underrail and load your character.
Use the cheat engine, target underrail as your process, and find your character's name.
Here are the instructions:
Use this chart and convert your character name to hex.
My character is named "Reinhark" so it should be...
52 65 69 6E 68 61 72 6B

Now insert 00 for every single characters. so it should look like:
52 00 65 00 69 00 6E 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 6B 00

Run cheat engine and:
Change "Value type" to "array of byte".
Click checkbox named "Hex" at the left side of input box.
Input above hex(In this case, [52 00 65 00 69 00 6E 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 6B 00]) and run it.
You should get 2 to 20 results.
If, for some reason memory disappears conduct the search again.

Right click each one and pick "Browse this memory region".
Find the location of memory location where your name and your picture name is near each other. if picture name cannot be found in one memory just go to another memory.
It should take effect, immediately.
(alternatively, you can try to scan the file name, [73 00 63 00 61 00 76 00 6C 00 65 00 32 00] which stands for "scavle2". But this game has long pre-loading sequence so it is not recommended.)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: TenK on October 12, 2016, 06:56:41 am
Thanks for the additional portraits!! I appreciate them!

Added 25 more portraits. Link. (https://mega.nz/#!mx0wRLiT!3n1DdWcMCB9v0DlY0cXUYK1LLRVIpYZGhaeLEr0Eymk)

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: somewhere_far on November 19, 2016, 09:08:44 pm
I made some custom portraits using bits and pieces of the originals (mostly) to keep a similar aesthetic.

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Ravager on October 09, 2017, 06:13:43 pm
Made 25 custom portraits (12 for female, 13 for male). Link. (https://mega.nz/#!mx0wRLiT!3n1DdWcMCB9v0DlY0cXUYK1LLRVIpYZGhaeLEr0Eymk)
If someone knows good artists, concepts of which could fit Underrail setting, it will be highly appreciated (send a PM).

(http://i.picpar.com/OeIb.png) (http://i.picpar.com/PeIb.png) (http://i.picpar.com/ReIb.png) (http://i.picpar.com/QeIb.png)

Is there a way to get an updated link for these portraits?
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Ravager on October 30, 2017, 03:19:53 am
These portraits are fantastic. Really fills in the gaps with female portraits.
Title: crumbhousers player portraits
Post by: crumbhouser on September 03, 2018, 03:05:39 am
Hi everyone!

Because I just finished my first playthrough, I drew some custom portraits for future playthroughs. Figured I'd share them here too!

Took a while to get the transparency stuff looking right between Photoshop and the game, haha.
In some cases Photoshop is totally hell-bent on inserting white/light pixels where there are none, even with transparency matte set to black on a PNG 8. Oh well  ::)

Tried to make them fit in the game's setting too.

You'll have to rename them blahblah_l.png and blahblah_s.png and put them in My Games\Underrail\CustomPortraits.

Coat guy:

Girl with ancient rat hound gear:

Goggles dude:

Girl with tactical vest:

Totally normal character:

Low PER character:

They work okay in the game, as far as I can tell.

Enjoy! :D
Title: Re: crumbhousers player portraits
Post by: HulkOSaurus on September 03, 2018, 08:35:12 am
What is Girl with Rathound Leather smoking? :D

Thanks for the portraits!
Title: Re: crumbhousers player portraits
Post by: Styg on September 03, 2018, 09:37:20 am
The one with the bag should be our default portrait. :D
Title: Re: crumbhousers player portraits
Post by: PhrygianDominant on September 03, 2018, 12:20:29 pm
The one with the bag should be our default portrait. :D

Dev Log #60: The bag-over-head portrait update:

Hi guys, just wanted to let you know we've added a new and dominating portrait to the game. Expedition delayed by months. Cheers!
Title: Re: crumbhousers player portraits
Post by: ciox on September 03, 2018, 02:24:45 pm
The one with the bag should be our default portrait. :D

Dev Log #60: The bag-over-head portrait update:

Hi guys, just wanted to let you know we've added a new and dominating portrait to the game. Expedition delayed by months. Cheers!
Eh, I'll take it.
Title: Re: crumbhousers player portraits
Post by: Dieusama on September 03, 2018, 03:33:18 pm
I though the black-haired guy in yellow jumpsuit is supposed to be the default portrait
Title: Re: crumbhousers player portraits
Post by: crumbhouser on September 03, 2018, 06:15:08 pm
What is Girl with Rathound Leather smoking? :D
everything ;D

The one with the bag should be our default portrait. :D
Bag? no, that's the totally gorgeous new face he found after visiting Sergio the Wizard...
Title: Re: crumbhousers player portraits
Post by: Fenix on September 04, 2018, 08:04:56 am
I though the black-haired guy in yellow jumpsuit is supposed to be the default portrait

It's a Bruce, it's a roleplay!

Nice pack.
Title: Re: crumbhousers player portraits
Post by: Dizzy on September 04, 2018, 06:51:00 pm
This is fantastic! +Rep

I will definitely be rocking "Coat Guy" for my Chemist Dominating run.

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Styg on February 08, 2019, 08:49:20 am
Merged and stickied (stucky?).
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: boi on March 06, 2019, 08:27:11 pm
I "made" (googled and cropped) this portrait for my character. The art style isn't quite the same as the rest of the game but I think it fits surprisingly well.

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Xothic on April 29, 2019, 11:17:58 am
Heres a couple I've made in paint over the years.

Always liked the facial expression of the guy in the yellow jumpsuit, but hated the yellow jumpsuit, so I put him in the hooded cloak of another character. I also merged Ezra's custom portrait with one of the Coretech guys.

They're slightly sloppy jobs I admit, but they look pretty good ingame.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Doxy on August 06, 2019, 03:09:36 pm
I don't think he needs an introduction ))))

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Khornet on September 11, 2019, 10:08:25 pm
Is there a way to import a custom portrait without creating a new character ?

Greetings, people of the past. It is I, Reinhark, The great cheater. I have came here bearing the news.
It is possible to do this, but this is pretty difficult. Please proceed if you have what it takes.
Programs you need are the following:
Cheat engine

1. Find out what portrait you are using, and what you want to use.
Every underrail has portrait folder where the profile pics are stored.
What you want to do, is find which profile picture you are using, and what you want to replace it with.
Use program named XNBextract or something. I think this file is used for stardew valley. follow it to download.

Let's say I want to replace my current picture, which is named "scavle2" ("_l" and "_s" do not count, as they stand for small and large. )

...To the faceless stealth specialist located in "genderless" folder, named "flst"

Here are some actions you need to do.
THE IMAGE NAME MUST BE THE SAME LENGTH AS ORIGINAL. Therefore I must extend my image name to 7 characters, "flst" to "flstest".

The easy part is done. Now let's move on to hardest part. Start the Underrail and load your character.
Use the cheat engine, target underrail as your process, and find your character's name.
Here are the instructions:
Use this chart and convert your character name to hex.
My character is named "Reinhark" so it should be...
52 65 69 6E 68 61 72 6B

Now insert 00 for every single characters. so it should look like:
52 00 65 00 69 00 6E 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 6B 00

Run cheat engine and:
Change "Value type" to "array of byte".
Click checkbox named "Hex" at the left side of input box.
Input above hex(In this case, [52 00 65 00 69 00 6E 00 68 00 61 00 72 00 6B 00]) and run it.
You should get 2 to 20 results.
If, for some reason memory disappears conduct the search again.

Right click each one and pick "Browse this memory region".
Find the location of memory location where your name and your picture name is near each other. if picture name cannot be found in one memory just go to another memory.
It should take effect, immediately.
(alternatively, you can try to scan the file name, [73 00 63 00 61 00 76 00 6C 00 65 00 32 00] which stands for "scavle2". But this game has long pre-loading sequence so it is not recommended.)

I REALLY wish I knew changing portraits during a playthrough is going to be nigh-impossible, because I would've downloaded the custom pack before I actually started playing for the first time.

It now INFURIATES me that I cannot change it - believe it or not I followed every step in this guide (I've used CE before though I'm no code wizard) - and I CANNOT find the hex value for my character's portrait next to its name. It probably doesn't help that I used the armored helmeted male portrat (mt_l.png and mt_s.png) which has a primitive two-character file name.
And yes I actually did convert a custom portrait's .png file to .xnb and put it in the game files, though I did not get far enough to test if it would work.

Is there SERIOUSLY no other way to change your character's portrait on an existing save file? I think I'm roughly halfway through the game so I've got days of gameplay left and I'd like to not be bothered by the unfitting portrait. Immersion is a huge deal-breaker for me.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: BDR on September 12, 2019, 07:25:55 am

I REALLY wish I knew changing portraits during a playthrough is going to be nigh-impossible, because I would've downloaded the custom pack before I actually started playing for the first time.

It now INFURIATES me that I cannot change it - believe it or not I followed every step in this guide (I've used CE before though I'm no code wizard) - and I CANNOT find the hex value for my character's portrait next to its name. It probably doesn't help that I used the armored helmeted male portrat (mt_l.png and mt_s.png) which has a primitive two-character file name.
And yes I actually did convert a custom portrait's .png file to .xnb and put it in the game files, though I did not get far enough to test if it would work.

Is there SERIOUSLY no other way to change your character's portrait on an existing save file? I think I'm roughly halfway through the game so I've got days of gameplay left and I'd like to not be bothered by the unfitting portrait. Immersion is a huge deal-breaker for me.

Hey guy,
I made an account on this forum to tell you everything is easy. The user that provided the original guide, Reinhark, went WAYYYYYYYY into detail when he may not have needed to / the game was older then and maybe that was necessary? From what it seems like, he meant if you were literally in the middle of a run and didn't feel like closing the game and reopening.
At least thats what I'm assuming.

Anyway made the account to tell you that you CAN change your portrait at any point in the game on a saved file / character.
All you need to do is use XNBCLI  https://github.com/LeonBlade/xnbcli/releases (https://github.com/LeonBlade/xnbcli/releases)

Download and extract that. Next, navigate to where your specific portrait is. It is okay if you do not know the file name yet, Just so long as you remember your gender.
For example, My char is a girl, so her portrait was here :  \steamapps\common\Underrail\data\portraits\female

For whichever gender you are locked to, go ahead and copy (NOT CUT, MAKE SURE TO BACK UP THESE FILES IN CASE YOU GOOF) all the files into the XNBCLI folder called "Packed"
Should then look like this : (https://i.imgur.com/jWs7i7M.png)

Then, in the main XNBCLI folder, run the unpack.bat file.
This will unpack each XNB file you had in that folder previously.
You'll need to click through the images and see which one is your current icon to determine what its name was. At least, that's what I did. Its not too many so its easy to confirm.
Once you do so, delete the rest of the unpacked files as you won't need them for the rest of this. Or leave them there, I don't care, I'm not a cop.
You'll get something that looks like this: (https://i.imgur.com/3fCeWii.png)

Once isolated, you can now just import whatever image file you want and save it as whatever the files name was.png
If you have custom portraits already prepared, Great! If not, You can easily make whatever you want in paint.
Just open it up in there and set the pixels to 100x100 for the _l and 50x50 for the _s

Paint tut  (right click and hit resize with these options filled in / unchecked) : (https://i.imgur.com/7JDppM8.png)

Finished work : (https://i.imgur.com/2DNZt1k.png)

Simply save this 100x100 monstrosity as whatever your characters portrait was so for mine the file name now must be xpbl_pm_f_s.png and xpbl_pm_f_l.png

When you have finished this, and have made sure you made a backup of the original portraits somewhere,  Go back to the XNBCLI main folder and click the pack.bat
This will pack the new png up into an XNB file.

Now just shove that xnb file which should have the original portraits name back into the steam underrail folder for the respective gender and restart your game.

When finished, Saved character or not, your new profile picture will be displayed.

Shown here on one of my saved characters : (https://i.imgur.com/OVEPgRy.png)


Shoutouts to Reinhark as they did most of the legwork in figuring this out. I'm just bumping with the knowledge of changing it whenever.
GL and have fun, this game seems pretty good.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Khornet on September 12, 2019, 09:30:32 pm
My God, so it really was as simple as replacing the contents of the file containing the portrait. I do not know why I did not come up with that myself. Thank you.

I do have a problem though - the portrait I have assigned to my character is also sometimes used by NPCs. Changing it to a different file under the same filename will also change it for every single NPC that uses it. So while it's a solution - it's not a perfect one, since my special snowflake character stops being unique.
Ideally, I'd like to be able to simply re-choose my portrait to a similar manner while during character creation.

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: recombinantOctagon on October 16, 2019, 06:10:49 am
I made some portraits. They're all cropped out pieces of concept artwork (aside one). I'm planning do some edits based on ingame portraits for the people who want their PC to fit in with the game's aesthetic.

https://mega.nz/#!HhdjGQoL!oeafFWWKqG4Ca9vgFv-SugtsJKPEO7JFUkjDZtsLpRo (https://mega.nz/#!HhdjGQoL!oeafFWWKqG4Ca9vgFv-SugtsJKPEO7JFUkjDZtsLpRo)

Hope you guys enjoy.

(https://i.imgur.com/9SA5OWc.png) (https://i.imgur.com/l8Mex1I.png)(https://i.imgur.com/TIaM4PG.png)(https://i.imgur.com/GEQczHa.png)(https://i.imgur.com/SDzzI6X.png)(https://i.imgur.com/gIMUzFH.png)(https://i.imgur.com/ITWXOik.png)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: recombinantOctagon on October 22, 2019, 07:19:17 am
More portraits, this time in the game's artstyle. All of the 48 portraits in the link are edits of existing ingame portraits/assets smashed together.

These portraits are all of existing in game armor sets. Currently, I've done one for all of the leather armors added in Expedition (plus regular Siphoner leather), and the four types of metal armor. The metal armors are primarily recolors, with the helmets altered to reflect the inventory sprite for each. I tried my best to include skin and gender variations for every set, as well as regular visor and shaded visor variations for the metal armors. There's a bonus one in there too.

https://mega.nz/#!Skk3mIjD!TClq085xDQ9mzm8z6DtklImY4HSQLRzN2qeYE31R0fI (https://mega.nz/#!Skk3mIjD!TClq085xDQ9mzm8z6DtklImY4HSQLRzN2qeYE31R0fI)

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Hazard on October 28, 2019, 09:36:11 pm
Hey, good job with the UR-style portraits. The metal armor variations are especially nice.  ;)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: gamebaidoithuong on March 21, 2020, 07:21:22 am
It's a good tutorial, but I think this is simple and everyone knows how to do it, but thank you for guiding those who don't know.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Tanxxx on April 19, 2020, 10:58:56 am
Made a redhead version if anyone wants to use:



A great game my Serbian neighbours, poz iz Slovenije.  :)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: DunderFail on May 05, 2020, 09:50:57 am
I wonder how difficult it would be to have dynamic portraits that changed whenever you wore different armor.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Vokial on May 05, 2020, 06:31:17 pm
I wonder how difficult it would be to have dynamic portraits that changed whenever you wore different armor.

I think it's fine. I understand where the request comes from though. You probably found a nice portrait that you see as a possible manifestation of your character, but on the picture, the armor looks different than what you plan to wear through the whole game.

I'm happy that the background and lighting conditions change - thats a very much needed touch as the portraits would stand out too much otherwise. Great feature. What I don't really like is that far too many portraits are wearing respirators while not many models have them. Still, you can find some good ones in the packs online or make your own if you find a nice picture somewhere and crop it, even with MsPaint (for the background to be non-filled).

I just don't seem to find good ones for various character archetypes on the base game.
Where's the older, battle hardened sniper visibly having his glory days behind him? A hobo with a shotgun? Or the rogueish swaschbuckler trickster guy? Maybe the Judge Dredd kinda enforcer? Or the Riddick close combat specialist? Oh maybe the afro guy in tank-top qualifies for that I guess - if we could choose the skin of the model. Right now it's a total white guy with an afro portrait.
But tha main problem is that most of the male portraits are about total zoners that would easily fit as random burned-out Foundry mineworkers or zombie-like junkies from the slums of Core City. They look like crack-addicts not soldiers.

I reall look forward to see a new pack posted here by some generous person, or even a 1$ extra portrait DLC by the original artist so it'll fit with the rest.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: DunderFail on May 05, 2020, 06:40:55 pm
I wonder how difficult it would be to have dynamic portraits that changed whenever you wore different armor.

I think it's fine. I understand where the request comes from though. You probably found a nice portrait that you see as a possible manifestation of your character, but on the picture, the armor looks different than what you plan to wear through the whole game.

I'm happy that the background and lighting conditions change - thats a very much needed touch as the portraits would stand out too much otherwise. Great feature. What I don't really like is that far too many portraits are wearing respirators while not many models have them. Still, you can find some good ones in the packs online or make your own if you find a nice picture somewhere and crop it, even with MsPaint (for the background to be non-filled).

I just don't seem to find good ones for various character archetypes on the base game.
Where's the older, battle hardened sniper visibly having his glory days behind him? A hobo with a shotgun? Or the rogueish swaschbuckler trickster guy? Maybe the Judge Dredd kinda enforcer? Or the Riddick close combat specialist? Oh maybe the afro guy in tank-top qualifies for that I guess - if we could choose the skin of the model. Right now it's a total white guy with an afro portrait.
But tha main problem is that most of the male portraits are about total zoners that would easily fit as random burned-out Foundry mineworkers or zombie-like junkies from the slums of Core City. They look like crack-addicts not soldiers.

I reall look forward to see a new pack posted here by some generous person, or even a 1$ extra portrait DLC by the original artist so it'll fit with the rest.

What really annoys me more than the armor and portrait not matching is how your character is always a white guy with black hair or a white gal with... I forget what color hair.

I wanted to use the portrait with a black guy in a suit but I couldn't stand how it didn't match my character.

Frankly I don't think there should be player avatars at all if you are A) Just going to use stock portraits already in the game and B) your character model isn't going to change depending on which portrait you chose. A very limited character creator like we see in the Shadowrun games would have been appreciated.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: DunderFail on May 05, 2020, 09:22:06 pm
In addition, I think there needs to be more character models in general. Your head should change depending on what you are wearing, so everyone in a black longcoat isn't wearing NVGs.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: DunderFail on May 05, 2020, 10:25:04 pm
''Made'' this one last night to fit the player model (unarmored), I hope you guys like it.   :)

I'd love it if someone made this for the female PC as well!
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Vokial on May 06, 2020, 05:14:23 pm
Yep, there's no reason to choose a bald guy if your character model always have regular short hair. Having a muscular build? Model will still look like you're playing with an anorexic person with the body proportions of a 10 year old.
Some in-game portraits got faithfully modeled through the game as NPC's, and I can only imagine what some players feel when they meet one that has the exact same portrait what they choose, but rendered much better with a model that's actually fitting. One of the main reason why I use portraits found elsewhere.

If there would be some awesome dude who would make, or modify portraits and make several versions, each personalized according to character models wearing different armor, would be greatly appreciated. We don't even need a mechanic that changes between them according to what we equip, a player can decide what he 'll wear as part of pre-crafting his build, so he can choose the fitting portrait that at the start of the game (and hopefully do not change his mind later).

However, this one I'm attaching here, present from one the above posted packs I find really good. It's generic action hero apprearance is fitting to many models with light armor or tac-vest (even has goggles hanging around his neck so it qualifies to my build wearing tac-vest with black cloth). It still shows some possibly shady personality so I like it quite much rolling with a character being invested in subterfuge skills.
Really like how it's carefully checking out his enviroment like the main protagonist in the original wolfeinstein 3d and basically that's what I imagine him doing 99% of the time prowling around dim-lit hallways of abandoned military bases, or moving through the alleyways of Core City slums anyway - so it's close to perfect.
Thanks for whoever made it!
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: nosaM on May 09, 2020, 10:07:49 pm
I made 6 custom portraits using existing portraits. I used paint3d and gimp.

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Vokial on May 10, 2020, 10:17:55 am
I corrected the one I attached in my previous post (smaller pic still had the black bg), also tossed in another clear faced, more sophisticated guy, so worthful to check the previous page again. I don't know why they are only visible when I'm logged in, but here's a few more with this post - now for characters with goggles.
These two were part of some pack from earlier. And although they seemed to be one of the better ones, they were facing to the left - so towards the edge of the screen instead of towards the game, so here's the correction.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Vokial on May 10, 2020, 11:01:04 pm
I just realized I happen to have the magnificence on my shelf that is the Beast Trilogy (actually 4 books) by Enki Bilal and realized that his art style fits exceptionally well in this game. So a portrait of Mr. Hatzfeld over here. Borrowed the motion-tracking version of the goggles from the full face masked guy I posted above, so it will fit the in-game model of my character even better (sniper wearing tac-vest with black overcoat). Little photoshop practice involved, just couldn't help myself.
Now he's up there in the upper left corner, judgementally watching the play below.

Enki Bilal has some excellent art, great materials all around for female portraits as well.
Btw, anyone knows why the attachments only visible if I'm logged in?

EDIT: Updated versions, with some minor adjustments like cranial roundness and posture. Also added a little glow of the goggles on the nose and collar.
Got rid of the annoying white dots too which were only apparent in game for some reason.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: harperfan7 on May 14, 2020, 04:30:06 pm
It's not the highest quality, but if you don't like it you can blow it out your ass.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: nosaM on May 15, 2020, 06:49:31 pm
Got rid of the annoying white dots too which were only apparent in game for some reason.

The white dots can be caused by semi transparent pixels, and they can be a pain to get rid of.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: nosaM on May 18, 2020, 11:40:27 pm
Made one of the emperor of man, he will unite underrail under the Jeb empire. There will be no Protectorate or Free Drones only Jeb.

Also doing people is a lot harder than doing art when making portraits. I used paint3d and gimp to make the portrait.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: nosaM on June 19, 2020, 05:39:41 pm
Made two more Barney, and  Adrian taken right from the cover art of both half life games. Made with gimp, and paint3d.

Also you need to login to see attachments for some reason.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: sunshinyblossom on August 27, 2020, 10:03:21 pm
so im a bit rarted. can someone tell me how i upload a custom portrait? ive been trying to convert the png to an xmb because thats what someone told me to do. please help me im pepega
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: UnLimiTeD on September 27, 2020, 07:28:32 pm
After tinkering with @recombinantOctagon 's portraits for two days in my quest to create a tin can profile that was sufficiently spiky, I've produced several variants that seem to be well received in discord, so I figured I'd upload this monument to me wasting time (I'm not that skilled, so yes, I spent 2 days to create a handful of portraits).
Edit: There's pixel artefacts on most of them. I'll take care of it soon.
Did spiky versions of all metal armours but tungsten.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: sull on November 05, 2020, 08:26:16 pm
I've masked and scaled two characters from the Dishonored franchise into custom portraits. The first is Billie Lurk as she appears in Dishonored: Death of the Outsider (from this concept art: https://dishonored.fandom.com/wiki/Billie_Lurk?file=DotO_Billie_Concept.jpg (https://dishonored.fandom.com/wiki/Billie_Lurk?file=DotO_Billie_Concept.jpg)). The second is a whaler assassin found in most of the games.
Preview: (https://i.postimg.cc/QxgW6Pzd/UR-Dishonored-Preview.png)
Download link: https://mega.nz/file/00xm3TAZ#nUPQ7zpT5xI5rEOBOjU9luTPOZ0iMs73YB2gcgcH-tQ (https://mega.nz/file/00xm3TAZ#nUPQ7zpT5xI5rEOBOjU9luTPOZ0iMs73YB2gcgcH-tQ)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Othienka on March 01, 2021, 09:05:57 pm
Hello everyone! I recently tried my hand at creating a "new" face for my first play-through...and ended up making over 25+ custom portraits for each armor variation used/encountered during my game (have yet to finish it). I blame any possible naming errors on that ;) . Link for the pack below.

Also, while working on it, I ended up making a XCF on GIMP with all the bits and pieces cleaned up and separated; which should be extremely useful for those who'd want to do their own variations using another similarly-sized face.

Some examples:
(https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4dccdc7f-ab6a-48c6-8876-5591137e008e/def2nrp-6b8f33e4-d70d-4d3a-bbca-411ed2eff7ed.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGRjY2RjN2YtYWI2YS00OGM2LTg4NzYtNTU5MTEzN2UwMDhlXC9kZWYybnJwLTZiOGYzM2U0LWQ3MGQtNGQzYS1iYmNhLTQxMWVkMmVmZjdlZC5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.7kK4y7-cv1INx6dg_FYy1_fpNdmkWq5CKTBphNZ84F8)   (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4dccdc7f-ab6a-48c6-8876-5591137e008e/def2nuj-410e77b2-bbd2-49d3-bbc4-98990ec89eb8.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGRjY2RjN2YtYWI2YS00OGM2LTg4NzYtNTU5MTEzN2UwMDhlXC9kZWYybnVqLTQxMGU3N2IyLWJiZDItNDlkMy1iYmM0LTk4OTkwZWM4OWViOC5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.6uEdxG9L_-iVfTQqVBMpog5K59-A0pW_MpUWEJHpJiY)   (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4dccdc7f-ab6a-48c6-8876-5591137e008e/def2nur-56ab1499-98d2-44bb-916d-70f6bdf71218.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGRjY2RjN2YtYWI2YS00OGM2LTg4NzYtNTU5MTEzN2UwMDhlXC9kZWYybnVyLTU2YWIxNDk5LTk4ZDItNDRiYi05MTZkLTcwZjZiZGY3MTIxOC5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.PxvZm1ZMcHbkf4u1aXMGw-PmJGAoIc01FWsS8TH8t_c)   (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4dccdc7f-ab6a-48c6-8876-5591137e008e/def2nvd-765ce612-2019-4091-925c-23421a08f9fc.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGRjY2RjN2YtYWI2YS00OGM2LTg4NzYtNTU5MTEzN2UwMDhlXC9kZWYybnZkLTc2NWNlNjEyLTIwMTktNDA5MS05MjVjLTIzNDIxYTA4ZjlmYy5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.hLIklLvm2jv9aibwTjOjolfa6gH_AjbgMqGdStDSsH0)   (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4dccdc7f-ab6a-48c6-8876-5591137e008e/def48ic-0702e1d6-1af7-46fc-92c9-a0cd06d0ca1c.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGRjY2RjN2YtYWI2YS00OGM2LTg4NzYtNTU5MTEzN2UwMDhlXC9kZWY0OGljLTA3MDJlMWQ2LTFhZjctNDZmYy05MmM5LWEwY2QwNmQwY2ExYy5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.HG4ptQV-vZTDPJ9ZV2jov67yFq0a3V59yz5hhjU3xGM)   (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4dccdc7f-ab6a-48c6-8876-5591137e008e/def2nzx-00da3f36-707a-4f88-bd26-f43152a261ae.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGRjY2RjN2YtYWI2YS00OGM2LTg4NzYtNTU5MTEzN2UwMDhlXC9kZWYybnp4LTAwZGEzZjM2LTcwN2EtNGY4OC1iZDI2LWY0MzE1MmEyNjFhZS5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.lGPylBE67XPiR1w7yA8S6IvZPqF_HhdnICfSmP7snFE)   (https://images-wixmp-ed30a86b8c4ca887773594c2.wixmp.com/f/4dccdc7f-ab6a-48c6-8876-5591137e008e/def2o1r-68e5266a-5e2d-4c08-9229-0af7e8942f51.png?token=eyJ0eXAiOiJKV1QiLCJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiJ9.eyJzdWIiOiJ1cm46YXBwOiIsImlzcyI6InVybjphcHA6Iiwib2JqIjpbW3sicGF0aCI6IlwvZlwvNGRjY2RjN2YtYWI2YS00OGM2LTg4NzYtNTU5MTEzN2UwMDhlXC9kZWYybzFyLTY4ZTUyNjZhLTVlMmQtNGMwOC05MjI5LTBhZjdlODk0MmY1MS5wbmcifV1dLCJhdWQiOlsidXJuOnNlcnZpY2U6ZmlsZS5kb3dubG9hZCJdfQ.lvU2v1zvruFl9NMsZtG41OdgWWGPXEm4KHkSt2GI3gQ)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Othienka on March 05, 2021, 03:54:15 pm
And an alternate CAU portrait.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: nosaM on July 09, 2021, 02:01:20 pm
Made a portrait perfect for removing chalk zoners.

Edit added another kebab remover.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: nosaM on August 02, 2021, 02:08:50 pm
Here are some more custom portraits for you. Made with made with Gimp & Paint3d
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: spray_can on January 24, 2022, 06:47:29 pm
Here's a custom portrait i made.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: harperfan7 on January 24, 2022, 07:59:58 pm
psycho bloody SS armor guy

Can you do that one but with a shaded visor?  as in with face not visible
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: harperfan7 on January 20, 2023, 07:23:20 am
I should post these.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Fins on September 05, 2023, 06:32:17 pm
This one is what i used for my original (not yet published anywhere, but i may publish it one day) build. Some folks may recognise her - names Nova. Enjoyed playing with this portrait lots more than with most others.

Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Ramen_os on September 29, 2023, 06:57:00 pm
Does someone have a ZIP file with all custom portraits shared here? Might be good to have them all in the same place :)
PS: I am also trying to create some documentation (in French) on my personal wiki, so I would add some stuff like that (if it's not too much to ask).
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Vagabond on November 07, 2023, 09:33:19 pm
With the new Heavy Duty DLC we all can now roleplay as the Jin Roh brigade. So here is a full size range portrait pack made by me for personal and public use under creative common non-commercial license.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: harperfan7 on May 03, 2024, 12:44:41 am
Somebody should make some balaclava and psi-headband portraits, and maybe some for the unique headgears (cyclops, bioscrubber, etc).
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Thedudeman on October 01, 2024, 08:51:47 pm
Is there any way to add custom portraits to various NPCs?  One's like Vera and Gorsky who should have unique portraits (imo)
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Munkaccino on October 16, 2024, 05:03:07 pm
A friend of mine asked me to make a custom portrait for his DRG driller character, and I figured I should make all 4 classes while I was at it, tried my best to keep within the Expedition DLC's artstyle.

I'm posting them here in case someone else would like to use these on similar builds.
Title: Re: Custom Portraits
Post by: Int0rCess0r on February 09, 2025, 08:24:53 pm
Somebody should make some balaclava and psi-headband portraits, and maybe some for the unique headgears (cyclops, bioscrubber, etc).

Took Harper up on it, I think it turned out decently well.