Underrail Forum

Underrail => General => Topic started by: mattu on November 15, 2016, 04:10:45 am

Title: Favorite noisemaker?
Post by: mattu on November 15, 2016, 04:10:45 am
Thinking about playing another stealthy character.

I wish I could snap off a few rounds from my pistol when I wanted to attract attention from around a corner.

Since there's no way (I think) to do this, what do you guys use for noisemakers? Frag grenades mark I? Flashbangs? What's the sweet spot for effective, light, and economical?
Title: Re: Favorite noisemaker?
Post by: Lucifuga on November 15, 2016, 11:57:12 pm
Favorite noise maker?

Frag mine

Being serious though I don't think anyone will dispute the regular Frag Grenade as the most efficient noise maker seeing as the skills required to make them are low and how most armory merchants have enough stock of the materials to craft several in a single spawn. Materials are also dirt cheap and easy to come by.

I find thin nade cases harder to come by so I discredit the HE variant.

Flashbangs are valuable to stealth users as you can incapacitate an enemy and exit combat to make your escape. Plus without feats they have a long cool down.

Molotovs make less noise and the AI has enough brains not to walk into the flames. Really a waste if your not using them on enemies.

EMPs are costly.

TNT is a bit too valuable of an item to use just for noise.

Wish you could bait bandits with the fumes of Mushroom Brew
Title: Re: Favorite noisemaker?
Post by: Tygrende on November 16, 2016, 12:13:58 am
Yeah, the plain regular frag is probably the best option. Cheap, light, abundant, easily found, can be also used to disarm traps the hard way.
Title: Re: Favorite noisemaker?
Post by: mattu on November 16, 2016, 03:42:05 am
Well, frag grenades it is then. Thanks.