Underrail Forum

Underrail => General => Topic started by: lewis_cb on January 01, 2018, 12:09:28 pm

Title: Quick Pockets
Post by: lewis_cb on January 01, 2018, 12:09:28 pm

I was wondering if someone really uses this feat at all. The extra utility slot is nice but the 50% reduction doesn't sound convincing enough so that one plans to swap weapons.
Wouldn't it be more interesting to be something like a 5-turn cooldown ability that allows 1 free swap?

I try to think about situations where I would use it but it's hard, perhaps long CD things like tranquilising bolt or flashbang?
Title: Re: Quick Pockets
Post by: Bruno on January 01, 2018, 02:04:01 pm
Quick Pockets seems like something of a "Oh crap!" feat, for when you are taken by surprise or screw up your planning. So you can change to another weapon and still fire it, or take out some EMP grenades and throw one. Probably good if you use various utilities, like to be prepared for everything and dislike reloading.
Title: Re: Quick Pockets
Post by: mattu on January 01, 2018, 03:33:49 pm
I've taken it several times, although it's not a high priority feat.

It can be a life saver to swap in an item and take an action with that item on the same turn. Also very tempting if I have a character that uses caltrops. Caltrops + Taser chews up a lot of slots.

I'll probably take it on my upcoming chem pistols char, since the catalyzer belts don't give any extra utility slots.
Title: Re: Quick Pockets
Post by: harperfan7 on January 02, 2018, 03:52:36 am
It's a big quality of life feat for me.  The extra slot is really nice since I always take throwing, and the ability switch something out without using your whole turn is very nice. 

I wear utility belts and my standard loadout is nets/caltrops/frag/incendiary/taser, switching out for HE's/flash/Emp/Toxic as needed.  There are always times when you realize something else would be better, like a different gun or different kind of grenade, and then there are times when you use all of your ammo or a whole stack of a utility and need something else.