Underrail Forum

Underrail => General => Topic started by: scippie on July 09, 2013, 09:24:37 pm

Title: Mega-noob doesn't have a clue...
Post by: scippie on July 09, 2013, 09:24:37 pm

The second I saw this game on steam greenlight, I wanted it. Too bad it's not released there yet so I'm trying out the demo right now. I really hope it will be available soon on steam or more news will be out about getting a free copy on steam if you buy it on desura.

But that's not the point of my question. I seem to be very very bad at this game and I probably don't understand a thing of it. I still really want to play it because, yeah, it's great.

I created a character, made it a female thief-like character, sneaky and stuff like that. I wandered around a bit, found out about my special psy abilities that I should be able to unlock and got a first assignment where I should get a rathound with a crossbow. I took the crossbow and went to the lowest floor and found a place with 3 rathounds (or more). I try to get one (I start using my stealth ability) but they all get to me fast and within some turns, I die.

I have tried to do some smart stuff like placing myself somewhere better but I can't find a way to do this.

So I'm feeling very very noobie. Can someone help me? I really would love to be able to play this game!

(fyi: I never played games like fallout and I am just an advanced novice at RPGs)
Title: Re: Mega-noob doesn't have a clue...
Post by: maheusz on July 10, 2013, 10:59:27 am
The demo build is kinda out of date, so there may be things that doesn't work as intended (I remember that stealth was reworked quite a lot so it may be not the best idea to focus on in in your build). As tips I can say to you that focusing on pistols/submachineguns get you pretty much through the most of the demo. Grenades too are very OP in that version. You can heal all your damage (but not psi) when talking to the doctor on the level with psi trainer for free. Guy in Quatermaster Office has your gun and the bullets. Hmmm... what's more... It is a hard game, so save often and on different slots (because demo can crash a lot...). Ah... and remember about crafting - it can really give you neat stuff :).

You can use bandages to heal when above some damage treshold... and also psi abilities are pretty strong (there is one which holds down your enemies - you may look into that). You may also check some of the topics on the forums - it's kinda slow, because new build is coming along and Styg in number-crunching at the moment. Some people also published builds here - try them. Of course most of them are for newest (not demo - alpha) version so some things may not be working. Like really awesome melee damage system and reworked stealth. Or new zones quite far away.
Title: Re: Mega-noob doesn't have a clue...
Post by: Eliasfrost on July 10, 2013, 11:58:24 am
I don't quite remember the demo version but some general tips are:

-Always max your character stats during creation. meaning, put 15pts(max at creation) into the skills that you're going to use, having lower pts (5-10) have proven to be ineffective, at least for me.

-Do the psi quests in the beginning, it's an easy way to get fast XP before you venture further into the caves, those are: the blind dude on the engineering level and the animal dissecting guy, what I usually do is try to lure one rathound near me and shoot it with the dart, kill it, pick the sample up and return for XP so that I've reached at least lvl 2 before going further down the caves.

-Pick 20pts into biology on lvl 2 and pick the doctors perk, it allows you to use bandages even if you're damaged below the normal bandage threshold (40%), this is a life saver because it stops you from using up all your hypos on "minor" injuries.

-Heal up after every battle and reload your weapons, remember that every battle might be your last (Especially versus humans)

-Before engaging combat (since you're sneaky, you should be able to engage combat yourself) make sure to switch to combat mode first (the little button in the right bottom corner), this will allow you to shoot/attack multiple times before the enemy start rushing towards you, if you attack outside combat mode and combat is engaged, all enemies will take their turns before you do. I'm unsure whether this is a bug or not, or if Styg is going to add some kind of "sequence" stat later (sequence in Fallout determines who will attack first when combat is engaged)

-If you have abilities, use them! Such as aimed shot, psi abilities, kneecap shot etc.

-Stock up on hypos and bandages before going into the caves for the first time, you will start the game with 300credits (iirc), spend those on first aid stuff.

I can't think of anything else at the moment that is useful at the beginning of the game, but those are the things that helped me a lot when I start out new characters.
Title: Re: Mega-noob doesn't have a clue...
Post by: scippie on July 10, 2013, 08:01:45 pm
Thanks for all the tips guys. The game isn't all that hard now that I get the hang of it. Your tips were very useful!