Underrail Forum

Underrail => Builds => Topic started by: ComicWallet on June 08, 2020, 09:32:49 pm

Title: Help me create Robocop!
Post by: ComicWallet on June 08, 2020, 09:32:49 pm
Hey there everyone!

I've played through Underrail once, as a hit and run PSI adept, so now I want to switch to a totally PSI-Free walking tank. Basically, I watched Robocop recently and really want to recreate that in the game. Thank you so much for your help!
Title: Re: Help me create Robocop!
Post by: harperfan7 on June 09, 2020, 01:59:53 am
The problem is that metal armor and pistols are unsynergistic, and pistols aren't good anyway.  You never want more than 5 str on a pistol build, but metal armor requires 8 or 9, preferably 10 or 11 (because crippling strike is fairly common), and if you're going metal armor you're not relying much on mp and not on dodge/evasion at all, so you'll want good con too.  You can go with con on a pistol build for survival instincts, but the str requirement is going to really weaken your already non-optimal build. 

You *could* just wear heavy tacvests/riot gear/leather armors, but that's not robocop. 

So unless you're playing on easy or something, I suggest either letting go of the image of walking around in metal armor, or just pretend that your shotgun/rifle is a pistol. 
Title: Re: Help me create Robocop!
Post by: Shredded Cheddar on June 09, 2020, 03:32:45 am
Bro I was writing up a whole thing for this but I accidentally closed the window and it all got deleted.

starting stats:

str 8
dex 8
agi 3
con 10
per 3
will 3
int 5

Rough level 30 - http://underrail.info.tm/build/?Hg0IAwoDAwZQRgDCoAAAKAAAAABuWlpaWgAAAAAAAFUmYxcNwqNbEhEWRVUkKMK2fOKfhAHioowD4qeCAuKqngPita4G378

left out lots of skill points and a couple feats for customization. Keep in mind this is a very defensive build - i play with 1 life usually. You could change a decent amount of feats here to be geared more offensively.

Later on you're using a rapid laser .44 hammerer, 4x super steel regen armor, super steel striders, super steel helmet with shaded visor. Keep in mind this build is very gear reliant IMO, you may need to play outside your envisioned playstyle to get through the early game, especially on higher difficulties. Thats where some points in stealth come in handy you can also use traps or the container/ door opening skills.

Basically your playstyle is to let enemies come to you, while you shoot them with a big caliber pistol and blow them up with nades. You have nades, dirty kick, taser, (cheap shots if you want), for ccing your enemies, you are immune to stuns, and if they do get close you can beat their heads in with your choice of fist, fist weapon, or sledge (but that's a little outside the vision of the build). With your stats your max AP is usually gonna be 70 with adrenaline- ap costs are 30 for rf, 20 for pistol, 15 for nade, 15 for dirty kick, 14 for metal gloves, 10 for leather glove, 10 for taaser, 9 for fist weapon. When you consider your belt options you can see these values work pretty well with either a bullet strap belt for 4ap reloads or doctors belt for 2 ap drugs, which youre gonna want to be using quite a bit. I would recommend d belt. You're also immune to poison caltrops, and can use throwing nets even later on if you up your throwing a bit more.

This could be really rough for a new player on dominating, but if you're playing normal or hard and you know some of the strategies you should be able to use this and get the flavor that you're looking for.