Underrail Forum

Underrail => Builds => Topic started by: harperfan7 on July 25, 2021, 08:49:42 pm

Title: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on July 25, 2021, 08:49:42 pm
*check the 2nd page for some addendums due to recent updates

This is my personal custom build, my favorite of all that I've played. 


Win initiative, drug up, race up to enemy, stun/root/incap, expose weakness, flurry, move to next enemy or run away behind cover, stasis if necessary.  Use blitz if you have the mp at the start of a fight, then you'll get your fancy footwork mp and can sprint.  Later on you can premed your stasis to fit another flurry into your round.  That's the essence of this build.  When flurry inevitably misses, use LTI and switch to your knife (see "equipment" below).  You'll be constantly juggling cool-downs and drug durations.  I have yet to face a fight this build can't handle, though granted I've played many sword builds now and really know what I'm doing. 

If you've never had such high evasion (especially with siphoner armor), you can throw the strongest grenades at your feet, unbuffed, with no shield, and barely take damage.  The only traps you need to watch out for are EMPs.  You might think with 3 con and psi aids you might be too squishy, but remember you can use aegis and morphine for 2 AP each, and infused siphoner armor does grant a fair bit of protection, and your shield helps block whatever does manage to hit you.  You will get netted or blunder into bear traps, but you have escape artist and limited temporal increment, so you should be fine, especially if you used your mp to make enemies have to run over to you at the start of their turns.  At the highest levels you can reach over 1000 dodge/evasion, especially with vitality powder, super-soldier drug, and all-in together.  I typically don't use adrenaline until I need the AP so as to put-off the fatigue as late as possible; with future orientation/psycho-temporal acceleration/limited temporal increment, you can be under contraction permanently (until you run out of psi reserves anyway).  I keep precognition active during battle, carefully eyeing my psi points and psi-booster cool-downs; psionic accelerators are worth using on this build later on.  Flurries need to deal mechanical damage or they fail, so make sure to use Expose Weakness on tanky enemies first; later in the fight your onslaught/taste for blood/crit chance/emitter will carry you against tanky enemies.

Whether you want to max blitz spec or future orientation spec is up to you; blitz will pay off the increased AP cost from FO over the course of a long battle, but only if you get to use another blitz and you might miss those AP in a given round when blitz isn't available.  Max out your flurry specs first regardless.

If you were willing to pay the psi penalty and can find the spare skillpoints, premeditated electrokinesis is a fantastic way to start a flurry, replacing recurrance in your slots.  Also, I'm toying with the idea of dropping persuasion and premeditation and picking up quick tinkering and some traps/chem points instead (QT spec instead of blitz) so I can plop down a mkV HE mine or a mkIII plasma mine in combat for free and step on it when enemies are crowded around (like when exiting a stasis).  That's pretty cheesy though, and I like having persuasion. 


Root soda should be your primary food to ensure that you basically always win initiative.  It's cheap and available the entire game from level 1 at SGS.  In the second half of the game you'll get twitch, which you can either stack with root soda or replace root soda with if you feel you need a different food. 

I use the vigorous belt from lvl 1 to about lvl 10-12 or so, then switch to a doctor's pouch for the rest of the game.  I wear rathound leather for the first two quests, then galvanic/laminated/psi/black tacvest with kevlar balaclava until depot A (kevlar tabis as soon as possible).  In depot A I am using a Tm headband and wearing siphoner leather armor and siphoner spring boots (for extra acid DT).  After depot A stick with siphoner leather/tabis and a TM headband.  Upgrade to infused leather as soon as you finish the beast quest; I can't decide if I like regular siphoner or greater siphoner better.  They both look cool, and regular has higher heat and acid resist so you have less trouble with ground fire/acid puddles (which can ruin tranquility), but greater has energy too and has a higher quality ceiling.  If you don't care about looks, slap antithermic on them for extra heat protection and make them insulated regardless (dont want to be frozen).  By the time you get expert sprint you should switch to infused hopper tabis for the decreased cooldown, but keep your siphoner tabis for arenas with slows (like creeper areas or areas with cold gas).  I prefer a TM/expanded/muffled headband, with limited temporal increment/dilation/contraction/precognition/stasis/recurrance. 

For weapons, I like to use a straight supersteel energy machete (until you get the Red Dragon) with a tichrome serrated energy knife.  The supersteel has more precise flurries, and the knife has low AP costs for when your flurry is on cooldown and applies cheaper expose weaknesses (and it stacks up taste-for-blood faster); energy on both because it is less-commonly resisted and won't ruin incaps on nearby enemies.  If you want, you can use a tungsten machete with moomoo milk for some serious damage (tungsten shock is good for strongmen and nagas).  However, I've found that you dont want to do too much damage too fast with machetes because you don't want your first two flurries to kill until you've got your flurry AP cost down to minimum.  With onslaught, taste for blood, and carved-up, your damage steadily increases throughout the battle.  You do not need to truly optimize for damage with machetes, and crit chance can easily get too-high; again you dont want to kill too fast early on; in fact I wouldn't pop a focus stim until you've got flurry built up. 
edit:  just realized that you may also want to leave your weapon uncharged until you have flurry built up

A low/low efficient energy shield is best, unless you're up against plasma beams and plasma turrets, or snipers, in which case I'd use high/high efficient.  You may want low/low amplified for certain fights (like deathstalkers or carnifex).  Speaking of snipers and deathstalkers; if you're up against stealthed enemies, you can run out into the open and/or make some noise, then enter stasis and let them reveal themselves.

For utilities, I prefer a taser, nets, and flashbangs (you'd think with these and dilation I'd want opportunist, but killing too fast is an issue) or stingballs vs high-resolve and/or low-armor enemies.  You could use nail bombs for easier tfb, and plasmas if you feel the need for some AoE damage.  I find that plasma grenades are good for killing jet skis, and nets don't work on water anyway.  However, you can also use molotovs to set your enemies on fire and create dangerous ground to help corral enemies and keep them off your back which you are almost completely immune to (actual immunity if you make your armor antithermic); with your evasion and armor you just aren't taking damage even from napalm. 

For jetskis, get a torpedo and use a tungsten electric spear (with hunter, naval jousting, and high speed/turbo, you're doing crazy damage and jetskis make flurry a little too unreliable).  You'll need to use adrenaline or vitality powder to use a tungsten spear without penalty, but you really shouldn't need more than 3-4 turns to win a fight (stasis adds a turn). 
(the dodge/evasion pic below is at lvl 25 or 26 with no SSD)

edit:  Had an idea for a slightly alternative build:  max dex, 10 agi, taking uncanny dodge at 10 or 12th instead of expert sprint later on.  Uncanny dodge is nice for handling stealthed melee enemies like deathstalkers and muggers (if you can think to use it first), and is nice for not being forced to kite in fights with heavy melee enemies (though you still have to watch out for roots, stuns, and incaps; roots especially). 

Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Valor on July 26, 2021, 09:59:27 am
How do you deal with rage inducing guaranteed misses that completely shut down your onslaught/flurry?

Even on 95% hit chance, average chance to not miss a single attack in 3 flurries (9 attacks) is only about 63%. And if we go to more reasonable 91% hit chance, it drops sharply to about 41%.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on July 26, 2021, 12:46:06 pm
I know theres a lot to read, but I covered that.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Hammer Wizard on July 28, 2021, 05:47:16 am
A requirement to play this build you forgot mention is that you must blast Eurobeat music at full volume at all times
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on July 28, 2021, 03:05:26 pm
A requirement to play this build you forgot mention is that you must blast Eurobeat music at full volume at all times

Kek, I do often play GAS GAS GAS during big fights.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on August 03, 2021, 11:33:05 pm
Some proof that onslaught frequently caps out. 


Btw, the Black Blade is good for genociding the natives.  Only skaerders have any armor, and its not much.  Saves on batteries too; just remember to bring mech repair kits.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Steppe on August 06, 2021, 04:09:12 pm
Good build, even if the siphoner leather armour makes you look like a gimp
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on August 06, 2021, 04:37:29 pm
It's optimal to add antithermic to the leather since you'd still be nimble, I just like how siphoner looks.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: prowojo666 on August 26, 2021, 08:07:41 am
Hello, i followed ur build and the dominating so far was rather smooth, however now im stuck on Magnar fight which is much harder than on my ranged build. I have level 22 and i have only like 22% chance to hit him before he uses his vitality powder (if he does i have only 10% to hit), and he is also followed by a ton of natives. Without stealth becouse siphoners armor lowers it so much i have no clue how to approach this fight, i cant even position myself becouse im instantly detected. Any advice on how to do it?
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: RewRatt on August 26, 2021, 01:41:00 pm
Hello, i followed ur build and the dominating so far was rather smooth, however now im stuck on Magnar fight which is much harder than on my ranged build. I have level 22 and i have only like 22% chance to hit him before he uses his vitality powder (if he does i have only 10% to hit), and he is also followed by a ton of natives. Without stealth becouse siphoners armor lowers it so much i have no clue how to approach this fight, i cant even position myself becouse im instantly detected. Any advice on how to do it?
Siphoners leather doesnt lower stealth, Aluminized cloth used in making the armor will.
Only way to solve hit chance problem on Dodging enemies is to have more skill or Stun, Root, Incap them.
At level 22, you are missing 3 Ability Points that you can invest (1 at 24 and 2 from feat at 26). So level up and it should get easier. Also, make a Supersteel blade if you haven't yet to up that hit chance. I don't remember exactly, but I believe Magnar's second form has even more Dodge & Evasion.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on August 26, 2021, 03:11:19 pm
Any advice on how to do it?

Take out all his minions first.  Start with xbowfags/spaeters, then skaerders, then krigsfars/old men.  If you can get them clumped up, a stingball nade then a good frag will take out most of them.  Spaeters won't use PSP if you are in stasis.  You can keep magnar off your tail by casting dilation on him and making sure to end turn far away.  Once it's down to you and magnar, you just keep him dilated and hit and run with your off-hand knife.  Oh, and if you get an incap with your knife via cheap shots, thats a good time to throw a net and start flurrying.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: prowojo666 on August 26, 2021, 07:10:00 pm
Hello, i followed ur build and the dominating so far was rather smooth, however now im stuck on Magnar fight which is much harder than on my ranged build. I have level 22 and i have only like 22% chance to hit him before he uses his vitality powder (if he does i have only 10% to hit), and he is also followed by a ton of natives. Without stealth becouse siphoners armor lowers it so much i have no clue how to approach this fight, i cant even position myself becouse im instantly detected. Any advice on how to do it?
Siphoners leather doesnt lower stealth, Aluminized cloth used in making the armor will.
Only way to solve hit chance problem on Dodging enemies is to have more skill or Stun, Root, Incap them.
At level 22, you are missing 3 Ability Points that you can invest (1 at 24 and 2 from feat at 26). So level up and it should get easier. Also, make a Supersteel blade if you haven't yet to up that hit chance. I don't remember exactly, but I believe Magnar's second form has even more Dodge & Evasion.
I managed to beat him. Sadly all supersteel i got was less than 100 quality so i use tungsten machete instead (put point into str instead of agi to use it) so my to-hit chance was trash. Grenades got rid of the annoying trash natives and once they are out it was long run back and forth with knife and spamming spirit potions to get psi back to speed myself up and slow him, but risk-free cause he was never in range to charge me. 2nd form of magnar was actually easier to hit, i had 26% with a knife, also 2nd form is not a problem at all becouse it doesnt seem to have charge attack (if magnar used charge attack on me it was like 1000 dmg so game over regardless of shield) and even if it gets a hit in, its not enough to kill me especially through the shield. Thanks for help both of you guys, this was actually the only troublesome fight so far surprisingly.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: prowojo666 on August 26, 2021, 07:21:59 pm
Also, if i may ask whats the third and forth buff from ur magnar screenshot? The two after focus stim, i dont recognise them.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on August 26, 2021, 11:49:11 pm
Also, if i may ask whats the third and forth buff from ur magnar screenshot? The two after focus stim, i dont recognise them.

Psionic Accelerator and Aegis
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Richter on December 26, 2021, 08:14:32 pm
I shamelessly "necro" this thread as this build was a lot of fun to me in my last playthrough. I hope it will come to the attention of others and they'll enjoy it as much as I did.

Thanks for sharing and for the in depth explanation, Harper!
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on December 27, 2021, 02:45:40 am
No problem, and I'm happy to hear it
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Goblingeneral12 on January 08, 2022, 03:14:10 pm
This might be a bit annyoing, but do you have a level 1 or an early level version of this build, I love the idea of it but have no idea where to start with it and when I guess what points to allocate I always end up fucking something up, can you show the skill points at around level 10-16?
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on January 08, 2022, 10:49:20 pm
This might be a bit annyoing, but do you have a level 1 or an early level version of this build, I love the idea of it but have no idea where to start with it and when I guess what points to allocate I always end up fucking something up, can you show the skill points at around level 10-16?

The feats are in order.  Increase dex at 4th/8th/12th, increase agi at 16/20/24.  Max melee/throwing/lock/pickpocket/persuasion/TM at 1st level, with the remaining 30 going to crafting skills (aim for early grenade requirements, imo).  10-16 is an awkward period where you've finished leveling throwing/lock/pocket and are trying to max out dodge/evasion while hitting whatever crafting requirements you need.  I start leveling dodge/evasion in the early midlevels (you need 30 dodge for escape artist before depot A).  After 30 dodge I max out evasion first because its more useful. 

Forgot to mention that you always level TM.  Persuasion you dont need to powerlevel asap, but since you're only going to 112, id go ahead and max it out to be safe before you do core city/black sea quests.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Goblingeneral12 on January 09, 2022, 03:06:17 am
Thank you so much
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on January 09, 2022, 05:19:27 am
Oh, 40 dodge for fancy footwork.  Don't forget that.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on March 12, 2022, 08:47:19 pm
Update:  got some new items.  Sharpened straight tungsten for nagas.  Leper poison in general, crawler or black dragon on your side knife.  Blasting cap + crowbar + expose weakness for nagas and similarly tough enemies, can even add on a CACS because why not (I haven't tested if you can have cacs and blasting cap at the same time yet).  The kukri is a good side knife before you make a quality tichrome one. 

I upgraded my custom build a bit: 
It has lower persuasion because you need higher crafting now due to the All-in nerf.  You can make up the persuasion loss with special gear/consummables, but you need to use them at the right time.  Delayed EW to 30th since we have blasting caps now and you can make due without.  Premed comes early and we take some PK for electrokinesis; premed EK is a fantastic starter.  The extra psi cost doesn't hurt much; I didnt use too many psi boosters with the previous build and I never needed accelerators; they were largely wasted. 
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: deanisi on March 13, 2022, 05:36:48 am
Wow, that's exactly what I was looking for! Thanks dude, gonna try it as soon as I can.

P.S. Underrail char builder doesn't work in Russia for some reason. Well, it's VPN time.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Under-The-Wind on April 13, 2022, 06:41:19 pm
Thanks for sharing this build - I've been having lots of fun mowing down everything in my way!
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Koibra on April 27, 2022, 09:35:01 am
Hey man,

Sorry I'm a little late to the party, but I was wondering what a psi-less version of this build would look like. I feel like every build i do has TM in it and I want to do a build without any psi shenanigans - more of like a conventional swordsman/dueler, throwing in feats like decapitate and ripper and such. Is such a build viable? If so, would it change that much?
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on April 27, 2022, 04:03:43 pm
Basically anything is viable.  TM goes especially well with swords; I basically only use TM with swords.  That said, I have designed a non-psi version, but I've never played it and I don't know that it all works together. 


The quick tinkering is for placing down HE mines and stepping on them in combat.

You could drop the con and get decapitate if you wanted; not exactly sure what feat I would drop in that case.  This would get you tungsten chetes too, or the claymore. 

The main thing that changes is you have a lot less room for error; less mp, longer CDs, no stasis turn-extender.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on July 31, 2022, 02:27:39 am
update:  you can get to 95% accuracy with a machete while on a torpedo now if you use the lemurian marine armor and the jetdrag drink (even with non-ss chetes), but flurry goes on cooldown if you hit a jet rather than its rider (which might be a bug; if so its not resolved yet), also you need advanced naval combat.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: haze1103 on July 04, 2023, 04:06:06 pm
Shamelessly necroing.

I do like the build, though I admit I've never played without stealth or heavy armor before. Hopefully I can get through Silent Isle.

In the second iteration, you removed EW because of the availability of "blasting cap". I'm not sure what's that supposed to mean. Is this about using a Firecracker Cap with the crowbar? I've never ran these before, but I guess it might work for some key targets. Swords seemed decent enough at destroying small bots without needing armor exposure, but I'm concerned about fights like the Beast (though I guess I can throw acid vials and gas grenades still)
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on July 04, 2023, 04:15:54 pm
The only thing I use firecracker caps on are nagas and some bosses; for other armored enemies just use an energy sword (or sharpened tungsten shock chete for black sea bots).  Gas + caltrops + mollies for your allies is all you need for the beast fight.  You can just skip silent isle until later if you want; you dont need to do it early.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: haze1103 on July 04, 2023, 04:35:57 pm
Off topic, but Silent Isle is required to get to Blaine, right? Or am I missing some other path. That's usually why I force myself to rush it before Depot A. Hard to get tabis without him
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on July 04, 2023, 05:17:56 pm
Yes, unless you have extreme hacking skill (I think 90?).  You *can* get the tabi blueprint elsewhere, but its random and rare.  You can also find hopper/pig/ninja tabis from vendors, rarely. 
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Niko on July 05, 2023, 04:51:48 am
Off topic, but Silent Isle is required to get to Blaine, right? Or am I missing some other path. That's usually why I force myself to rush it before Depot A. Hard to get tabis without him

Colton, the first vendor off the boat to Junkyard possibly carries the tabi blueprints, randomly. Yes, this does require using Cheat Engine to reset the vendors, but it is available right from the start, if you were just looking for a guaranteed source. He also has a pair or two for sale, also randomly, if you want to avoid crafting for some personal reason.

Also Lucas in SGS randomly has had tabi blueprints at the start of the game.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: haze1103 on July 07, 2023, 07:47:25 pm
Turns out with this much agility and Sprint, you can just electrokinesis the goliath, grab the cargo, and run back to the boat.

If it sucks, hit da bricks.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Shu Duke on October 07, 2023, 09:44:48 pm
wanted to ask, why not level mercantile too to find higher quality items from shops? for best shields, energy for your weapon and other good stuff.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on October 07, 2023, 10:34:34 pm
I don't want to spend skill points on merc, and I already can't craft some of the best stuff I find.  The quality-levels I have access to are plenty sufficient.
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Shu Duke on October 08, 2023, 11:35:00 pm
btw, im planning on doing a full dom oddity run for the second time, as in getting to level 30 hell, exploring all areas and stuff, would it work on this build? or is it more suited on classic play style
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on October 09, 2023, 05:18:22 am
I always play oddity, but this is not a "get all the oddities" build.  It's lacking some of the skills and ability scores required.
very late edit:  you can easily get to 30th though; before DC even, especially now with heavy duty
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: harperfan7 on December 25, 2024, 01:02:48 pm
Had an idea for a slightly alternative build:  max dex, 10 agi, taking uncanny dodge at 10 or 12th instead of expert sprint later on.  Uncanny dodge is nice for handling stealthed melee enemies like deathstalkers and muggers (if you can think to use it first), and is nice for not being forced to kite in fights with heavy melee enemies (though you still have to watch out for roots, stuns, and incaps; roots especially). 
Title: Re: Sanic "Siphonerman" Psi-blade build
Post by: Eidein on December 26, 2024, 06:14:41 pm
We are out here permanently necro bumping your own thread!