Underrail Forum

Underrail => Suggestions => Topic started by: Alt on November 24, 2022, 07:02:02 am

Title: Crafting components upgrade
Post by: Alt on November 24, 2022, 07:02:02 am
This is more for the Infusion than for the original game.

The ability to improve the crafting component, this can be obtained after completing some quest or some other way. Like workbench or something.

I'll explain with an example:
We have a quality 40 component A that we want to improve. To do this, the system will require a component B with quality in the range from (component A - 10) to (component A + 5) and some payment. The payment can be just charons or quality of Super Steel Plates, or whatever. If the requirements are met, then component A will be improved with additional 20-30 quality points. This way you can improve the component only to a certain value, 130 for example. Then you get the opportunity to "InFuSE" component and you can do it only once, just like with leather. "InFuSiOn" will give component additional quality points in range 5-20, this range can be increased in a similar way as Super Steel Plates and Super Steel Refining Data.

This can have some more restrictions ofc, like impossibility to "inFuSe" component with quality above 140 or those that you didn't previously improve on workbench, or whatever.
Title: Re: Crafting components upgrade
Post by: aofangs on November 24, 2022, 01:09:27 pm
This would be pretty neat see in the next game for sure.