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Messages - fat_cyborg

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Character seperated save games
« on: October 01, 2013, 11:29:21 pm »
...How about destroying the lore of the game? The vaults were never meant as experiements, you pretty much get told the vaults were there to make sure enough population would survive to re-populate the world once the radiation subsided and earth could be tammed once again. but no, suddenly, the vaults were almost all of them experiments to see how people would deal with certain situations...

Some people like Pepsi some people like Coke.
I thought the story was great.  It was interesting. 

Suggestions / Security terminal hackable Robots
« on: October 01, 2013, 10:44:24 pm »
I want to have robots on my side.
I want to have robots on my side to be able to open doors though, I mean if they can disarm and collect my traps they should be able to open doors.

Suggestions / Re: Heavy armor feat
« on: October 01, 2013, 10:33:27 pm »
I dare say with a 20kg of metal armour and boots, neither of which was in any way designed for no noise, you can't sneak very much.
You might still be able to move well, however, if properly trained.

Some movement points would be nice.

Suggestions / Re: Character seperated save games
« on: October 01, 2013, 10:30:21 pm »
Now now, I think we're not giving Brotherhood of Steel a fair shake. I mean, can you really say a game sucks just because it was developed out-of-house, totally disregarded established storyline, totally disregarded established gameplay, totally changed the visual and audio style of the works it was based on, blatantly inserted commercial product placements, and-

Crap, what was my point again? Something about 'Brotherhood of Steel' and 'sucking'. Hrm.

Oh well, I'm sure it will come back to me eventually. In the meantime, I think we should all just be grateful that Brotherhood of Steel 2 was cancelled.

I'm glad Fallout 3 eventually came out and made things allright.  Well, most things: 
- I hated little lamplight, those freaking kids just had to be invincible and annoying. 
- They really should have used low intelligence dialogue options from Fallout 2.  Ever play through Fallout 2 as a super dumb guy, it's a challenge! They didn't have dumb guy dialogue in Fallout 3. 
- The ending also didn't recap your exploits, but thankfully New Vegas had that kind of ending.

Suggestions / Re: Character seperated save games
« on: October 01, 2013, 02:21:20 am »
On another note I shall have to bring down the holy inquisition on you so that you shall be purged by fire after playing any fallout that it's not 1, 2 or tactics. :P

Some people didn't even like tactics.  I played all the fallout games even the Brotherhood of steel on the original Xbox.  Yeah, it sucked, but I just like their universe.

Suggestions / Character seperated save games
« on: October 01, 2013, 01:16:56 am »
I like to play through games more than once with different kinds of characters.  It annoys me in games like Skrimm, Fallout 3, or Fallout: New Vegas when all the saved games are lumped together. 

Dragon Age had it right.  They seperated your saves based on your characters you created so that you didn't accidentally save one over the other.  The only way to get something like that in those bethesda games was to download a character save game organizing program that backed up your saves and seperated them based on character names.

Please add something so I can save without worry.

Suggestions / Re: Heavy armor feat
« on: October 01, 2013, 01:04:26 am »
It seems when you are encumbered your skill in dodge, evasivness, and stealth all get dropped, and you no longer get movement points in combat.  If you have the hit and run feat and kill something you don't even get movement points.  The yellow combat movement points are just gone forever.  It's like it drops your maximum movement points to 0. 

Suggestions / Heavy armor feat
« on: October 01, 2013, 12:55:45 am »
I think there should be a feat to bring down the encumberance of the heavier armors.  Maybe cutting the encumberance in half.  Maybe base it off strength. 

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