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Messages - Solluth

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: December 21, 2015, 06:24:43 pm »
When talking to Dockmaster Silas about side favors to get into the wormhole the second option reads "... How many favors I need you to do..." As the player is doing him said favors, it should be either "How many more favors do I need to do you?" Or "How many more favors do you need me to do for you?"

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: December 21, 2015, 07:54:46 am »
Gorsky, during the quest to open the old GMS vault. He says "Well, according to encrypted message we..." Where instead of should be either "An encrypted message we..." or "Encrypted messages we..."

Bugs / Re: Transition bug, I can't even play.
« on: December 21, 2015, 06:11:34 am »
So, for all of the people that may end up here looking for a fix of their own, I would like to post that mine is (so far- fingers crossed) fixed. Since I was close to the beginning, I simply exported my character and started over. I have turned off the rolling auto-saves before a transition and have been making sure to F5 - Quick Save- before I enter any new transitions. No problems as of yet, but I will keep it posted if anything new develops. This seems to work well so far, but good luck and watch out for the F**king Psi-bugs.

Bugs / Transition bug, I can't even play.
« on: December 20, 2015, 05:13:30 pm »
So, I got this game is got rave reviews. I have about three hours in-game at the moment, and I F***ing love it. However, I am completely stuck at the moment. After I turned in the outpost quest, I cannot enter the armory or the North end of the Station platform. Being focused on Psi-powers atm, I would like to sell my gear and learn some skills. :<

I have tried all of the different random fixes, downloading the 4gb patch, running as admin, reloading it after it has been off for a bit, etc. I cannot find anything that will work, and I really just want to spend more time enjoying this game.

Pages: [1]