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Messages - Ravior

Pages: [1]
Thats a serious Bug!

It shouldnt happen that co-operating mates turn rogue (all of them) if I hurt them a little with the outer ring of my grenades explosion.

Even If I throw molotov cocktails and they run into the fire after it burns there they get mad at me!

Whats up with that?

Isnt it easy to do a more realistic behavior for stuff like this?

I repeadedly offered my help in any ways reasonable for this when writing with the developer via E-Mail, because I have lots of practical C#, XNA and even Software Architecture knowledge.

Seems as if he takes this "I did this myself" really seriously ^^

But yeah, adding man-power to a late project, makes it even later I guess...

Bugs / Re: Zone Transition Fail
« on: January 11, 2016, 02:31:08 pm »
I'm having such an error after 3 hours of playing, when I try to get back to the Commons:

My savegame is here:

I would like to post my full log, but for some reason it gets cut at the word "Ausnahmestapel" all the time. The Log is in the zip, also.

System.Exception: Failed to load locale 'StationAlpha-Level3 - South Gate Station'. ---> System.NullReferenceException: Der Objektverweis wurde nicht auf eine Objektinstanz festgelegt.
   bei hs.f1()
   bei A_0)
   bei A_0)
   bei A_0)
   bei azu.yz(fh A_0, Boolean A_1)
   --- Ende der internen Ausnahmestapel

Bugs / Re: Zone Transition Failures
« on: January 08, 2016, 10:54:32 pm »
I also had zone transition failures with the released and patched version from gog.
Is there any news about this yet? I cant find where...

Pages: [1]