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Messages - Mercon

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Bugs / Re: Professor kidnaping event happening twice
« on: May 13, 2020, 08:55:48 pm »
Damn it, your forum is bugged too! Cuts off my message on the staff name. Apparently you can't just copy the name of the staff from the wiki and paste it here, unsupported language perhaps?

What I meant to say is that Hoddurform spear staff item card goes full screen for some reason.

Another bug is this infinite trap in camp defense. Usually, you can disarm them if they survive the attack but not this one

Bugs / Re: Professor kidnaping event happening twice
« on: May 13, 2020, 08:51:52 pm »
Found it. When going to sleep you can, under specific circumstances, fall into a dialog branch that explicitly sets the flag that the professor is kidnapped. It's a development leftover and was used for testing. I removed it, so following the next update this shouldn't be happening no more. Nasty little bugger. :D
Thanks for the trivia, I like to read stuff like that. Nice kill!

PhrygianDominant you don't mind if post some extra minor bugs here? I don't want to make separate threads for every little thing.

So this probably fixed because no way I'm the first one to notice it but just to be sure, the H

Bugs / Re: Professor kidnaping event happening twice
« on: May 12, 2020, 03:52:32 pm »
About the G4 music, I've fixed that for the next update. It was intended, accomplished with a trigger that basically changes the music when you enter or leave it, but now that you've pointed it out, it doesn't really get the desired effect. We've used these triggers in a few places, but there they worked better, I guess. :D
Ayy, thanks!

I hope it will be easy to trigger...

Bugs / Re: Professor kidnaping event happening twice
« on: May 11, 2020, 07:48:41 pm »
Alternatively, you could upload your newest save for my to try and fix it, but with that comes the chance of me messing things up even further.
Thanks. I finished it already, it was immersion-breaking and unpleasant for sure but there were no further bugs at least. I just walked in an empty pirate base and talked with the professor who stood in cell with an open door...Got an extra jet key and some cash for my troubles.

I have a feeling that this bug will be a pain to track but I'm interested in a fix for further playthroughs.

Where should I upload the save? And what exactly, the whole folder?

Funny thing is that the closest save I have left I made to verify another bug, could you check it out too? It happens in that G4 area with a pirate shack. There is a weird area soundtrack transition that changes music depending on where you stand. It's pretty jarring and annoying and I don't remember hearing it happen somewhere else. Is it intended?

Bugs / Professor kidnaping event happening twice
« on: May 10, 2020, 01:57:12 pm »
So don't know what happened exactly. I found the mole and reported him around the time they send me to find a way to implant the chip from the arm. Pirate ambush was killed, kidnapping prevented. Then I spend large amount of time doing stuff before proceeding with the quest. First I cleared Horticulture Center, LemCo waterfront, port Crag and found but not towed the sub. Then I cleared port Cato of pirates and killed any pirate I saw in adjacent territories, no bugs.

Then I cleared Nexus of Technology, and after it Health Center. I believe the bug happened after I took Microchip Implant Encoder from Nexus of Technology before doing Health Center because after I returned from the rift selling stuff Ladelman suddenly bugged out and started his rant that Briggs suspects him of being the spy since he is from the south and refuses to trade, I didn't realize it back then but that was the point the game launched second kidnapping event. Now Briggs tells me that the pirates ambushed the camp despite that previously failed ambush still lying dead near his feet, and he says that they collapsed the tunnel but it's not collapsed.

Now I am stuck with rescue professor quest and I don't know what to do, I killed the pirates already, should I attempt to complete it anyway or will it break my save even further? I can upload the safe if needed.

General / Re: Expedition alpha testing
« on: June 21, 2019, 11:48:43 am »
Want to to try again with the application. Played for more than 300h hours on gog and 100+ on steam (yes I have two versions of the game). Have a lot of free time to play both at home and on work. I'm especially interested in new psi discipline and any builds that go with psionics. Bughunting is my hobby of sorts and I boast to find at least 10 bugs before release next month if you allow me to participate.

General / Re: Expedition alpha testing
« on: November 25, 2018, 02:22:57 pm »
Hello, got a lot of free time right now and a strong desire to return to Underrail. I have experience in game testing and often post suggestions and bug reports for my favorite games (underrail being one of them). I'm especially interested in testing the new psi discipline and everything related to psionic builds.

Not worried just saying my piece. I believe time warp school will be the last psi the devs will add. And I agree that you can explain almost anything imaginable - that's the nature of fiction I'm just saying that some things work better than the rest in any given setting.

Shadow powers are something more suited in a vampire setting. Heat and cold psi powers are old tropes of sci-fi and the "science" behind them is likely explained by creative writers many times. Something along the lines of exciting base elemental substances to make them heat up or cool down, so it's a form of telekinesis working on an atom scale. You probably could apply this to light as well but once you can manipulate light waves with your mind is there anything you can not do? Why not death rays of light? Why not the very composition of your target's body? It's a rabbit hole and you have to draw the line somewhere.

That's not psionics that's fantasy magic. Psionics is supposed to be sci-fi magic with a mind power twist on it. It usually grounded somewhat in reality and you can manipulate some fundamental forces with your mind to produce supernatural effects. How can you explain the ability to manipulate light and darkness with your mind? New psionic powers that manipulate time are pushing this far enough. Besides psionics are based on common tropes and some things just don't make sense.

Bugs / Re: Bugged reward in Rathound King - Camp Hathor
« on: February 04, 2018, 05:53:08 am »
That is good to hear, thanks!

Suggestions / Re: A way to deal doppelgangers without psi.
« on: February 03, 2018, 01:37:26 am »
it's technically just you hitting yourself after all.
Is it? I think the doppleganger is a product of a harmful psionic field that manifests itself with apparitions and produces direct mental damage. I don't think you actually hurt yourself.

Making this ability mechanical will trivialize its threat. Your armor will likely negate the damage, even more so with shield. Besides unblockable mental damage is a staple of thought control school, mechanical damage is for telekinesis.

Dopplegangers are certainly annoying but I don't feel that they need nerfing. If you know that the character uses this ability you can prioritise him and flashbang him or burn his psi, in other cases you can evade the spectres with other means.

It somewhat makes sense for your thought control skill to reduce mental damage, because you learn techniques to protect your mind but it should be mild. Also though it would certainly cement psi users as the most powerful class but I still wish for some kind of psionic shield ability. It will reduce physical damage by 25% and negate mental for as long as its active. Every hit drains psi by damage number.

No pressure, you guys are pretty great. It's cool that you stay in touch with the community and actually listen. And I know that you will do everything you want to in due time. Can't wait for the expedition, arrr!

Is it ok to ask one question though? I remember reading in the diary that core city will feature a merchant that specialises in watercrafts. Will there be a new location for him or is it that coughing dude from the base game?

Wow, did not expect an actual dev response! That is very refreshing and appreciated! And yes on second thought I agree, skill checks are not really needed there. Like if you play heavy combat oriented character with zero social skills that can totally take the base solo but can't because he simply can not persuade Silas that he actually a badass killer? That's frustrating.

As for the extra content I am sure it is not that quick to make but is it not in this case 10-17 new sentences and a few scripts?

As I see it - After you find Blaine and Silas tells you his plan you propose a solo mission which he shrugs off. If you adamant and say that you gave him no reason to doubt your abilities before, he will still be hesitant saying that taking on a whole compound is a different matter entirely (in all honesty the junkyard was more hard for me) but ultimately surrenders when you say that he has nothing to lose if you fail and die with your attempt. He proposes a compromise: for you to go and get him support for the original plan normally (as insurance if you fail) and then if you still persistent he agrees to your suicide plan still believing that you will die.

If you go back on your plan you will get 20-30% less reward "for wasting time", if you go solo you get 50% more (because Silas is really impressed, the gates and his people undamaged). There should be different phrases for eels and support soldiers who will go to the depot after you are done of course.

Plus one special response from Silas if the player decides to storm scrappers before progressing the questline normally. Silas should react with a mix of surprised annoyance, fear and joy and give 10-25% more reward.

Otherwise the only really complicated thing I could imagine that could be done and goes into the category of far too timely to implement is a whole new situation in which you convince Silas for solo run without actually requesting help from either SGS or Protectorate. While similar gameplay wise this will produce a new situation in area power balance where there is independent and more powerful Junkyard that resists advances of both neighbours.

Somewhat unrelated but I also wanted to ask - in this questline you can find Blaine by persuading Katherine promising her "a favour". Does this actually do anything? Why is this an option? By the time you usually start this quest you pretty low in status in underrail to just go granting favours to random people. She is a merchant (who are usually shrewd and prosperous people) operating on a ganger turf and for all she knows you're just some drifter that running errands for SGS at best. Can you make this option to increase her prices a little or something or there is actually some weight to your promise that I simply don't know about?

Bugs / Bugged reward in Rathound King - Camp Hathor
« on: January 11, 2018, 04:53:24 pm »
If you follow a specific path, namely without taking the quest to kill him, persuade the king to consider peace with the camp, while also taking his kidnapping quest then go and persuade Edgar (he asks to let him know what was the king's response) and kidnap Sarine the quest for treaty will logically fail. But if you return back to Edgar there is wrong dialogue option that states that Edgar "promised" to teach you to be a better hunter while there was no actual conversation prior to that if you did things in the order described above (because you failed treaty and did not take bounty quests Edgar never did say "here's money, come later for lesson" and there should not be any reward).

Proposed solution: after failing the truce quest by kidnaping Sarine there should be an option to tell Edgar that the King declined the treaty after all (while hiding your involvement) and Edgar offers his regular headhunt quest.
Though this approach will produce a new situation if you attack the king with Edgar party and they discover corpses of Beck rescue group along with caged Sarine and she uncovers your treachery. The combat then starts with both sides hostile to player. On your victory you complete the quest by telling Boyd that you were the only one who stayed alive.

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