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Messages - Papa Stink

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Re: Deep Caves & Final Battle re-design suggestions.
« on: February 25, 2020, 08:20:41 pm »
This is an old topic but I think these ideas are really good. I just beat underrail and I agree with alot of these suggestions. The last part of the main story is the only part that almost made me stop playing. Get rid of the whole faceless mind reading and points thing and replace it with this.

5) Let player use either faction for the final battle:
    a) For Faceless, help them wipe out Tchortists camp. Then, help them find a (very limited) number of devices that would let them withstand Tchort's psi-curses. Then, a (small) squad of Faceless will join you as meat shields during the final confrontation.
    b) For Tchortists, help them drive out Faceless somehow (maybe an explosion at Arke Power Plant to collapse their caves?), then lead an attack on surviving Faceless. Then, help interrogate a prisoner, who tells them all about Tchort, how it is not a god, but an abomination. Faction leader kills prisoner, but a small number of Tchortists lose their religion and join you as meat shields during the final confrontation.
    c) For players with very high Persuasion (or/AND Intimidation!), allow an options where BOTH factions help you, after you complete some very hard quest (possibly related to Monolith in worm caves)

And plot elements like
1) Clarify threat Tchort poses to Underrail. Six doesn't explain anything, and neither do Faceless or computer logs. They describe how the current situation in Deep Caves came to be, but after reading all materials I could find, I still do not understand why should I believe Six that I need to destroy Tchort, or what exact danger it poses. Until its own dialogue about eating souls, for all my character knows, Tchort might eat evil and defecate rainbows!

And also:

1. Get rid of the randomly spawning Tchortlings and have them be preplaced like dungeon enemies with only one scanner in certain areas.

2. Make the quantity scanners smaller. Like I siad before, only have them in certain areas of the map and only have one.

3. Reduce the damage done by scanners by three or four.

4. And have multiple merchants for both outposts.

I hope this thread is noticed by the devs, I can't see myself recommending or even returning to this game when the deep caverns are so full of artificial difficulty.

General / Question about crafting shotguns
« on: January 30, 2020, 10:47:52 pm »
I'm doing a shotgun/sword build that focuses on stealth, hacking/lockpicking, and crafting. I want a good shotgun that has good damage and decent precision, what parts would make a good shotgun?

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