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Messages - Ghataka

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Builds / Need feedback with "assassin/thief" knife build
« on: December 23, 2020, 08:28:36 pm »
I'm trying to build a kinda vanilla assassin/thief character for normal just to ease into the game and explore, full on knives crit build and throwing, i haven't played in over a year and didn't play that much before that so i'm lost with the current state of this kinda build, but since it's for normal i figured i could do whatever (?)

This is what i've got for a level 6

I feel like i'm spreading it too thin and i can't get all the crafting skills i want as high as i want, i played around with pickpocketing in the past and it was pretty fun with a stealth build so i definitely wanna keep that. Is there something i could drop or temporarely put on hold in order to raise crafting? I have barely any idea when it comes to priorities with skills and how useful they are early on >mid game> late game.

With the stats my idea is to keep raising dex and that's it, and with the perks, hard to pick cause i want a lot of them but i've tried to single out what i think are the most needed right now. I don't know if i should've get ninja looter from the beginning but my idea is too get fancy footwork next, need some help with feat priority too, and that's all i think.

PS: Since i'm doing oddity and i want this character to explore the game i don't really wanna drop hacking and lockpicking, but anyways i'll listen to any tips.

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