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Messages - MikeOxlong

Pages: [1]
Builds / Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« on: August 25, 2021, 03:48:39 pm »
Ok, so I started playing this build on dominating, and beat depot a recently, It was easier than I would have thought tbh.
I'm level 15 rn, and I'm planning to start crafting gear, since my current one is starting to become underleveled.
Reason why I'm typing this, is to ask what gear I should be crafting? I know I should have 7.62mm muzzle break and rapid reloader hornet, along with 9mm muzzle break and scope chimera, and a bullet belt, but what shield, armor, headwear and footwear i should be carrying around?
Also is it worth it to get sure step, or should I just use steel boots instead?

Current build:
Lvl 30 build:

Builds / Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« on: August 07, 2021, 12:26:03 pm »

Ok, so I lowered tm to 70, and got 6 dex for grenadier.
Got around 150 spare skill points from tm and overleveled lockpicking/throwing, and put them to pickpocket/traps and some crafting for those 170+ frames (SGS tatto/underpie and +2int drug)
I don't know if ambush is good, seems like there would be small amount of opportunities to use it, and it would only take like one move for them to make it invalid again.
I think if there are any very evasive enemies then flashbang+throwing net would take care of them, unless there are big groups of dudes like that, then I dont have idea what to do besides skipping them with stealth.

Is quick tinkering worth 1 point in dex? Also, power managment or trigger happy?

Builds / Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« on: August 05, 2021, 07:31:22 pm »
Ok, I'm quite happy to hear that my build is half-decent!

The reason i have TM so high is because i want the wizard adrenaline (forgot the name) to have the chance to back fire as small as possible.
As for grenadier I don't know if 3 points for it are worth it, cause I don't want to only throw grenades all day.


Builds / Rate my basic bitch build
« on: August 05, 2021, 03:57:51 pm »
Ok, so usually when I want to play a rpg, i watch some gameplay and read some info on wikis to get a good grasp of combat, while not spoiling quests, and plot.
In the end, I came up with this build:

It's Assault rifle, throwing, sneak and TM build, because I heard all of those things are meta but I have never played the game so I don't know yet.
I'm planning on playing hard, because normal seems to easy to me. I also don't care about reloading many times.
I have 2 free feats slots so if there are any must have feats, that I didn't take feel free to include them.
Also what is the best AR frame? I think its hornet cause it has very low ap cost, and I think that amout of attacks per turn is better then any other "stat".

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