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Topics - zogar101985

Pages: [1]
General / First time player, need help preping for the Deen Caverens
« on: November 29, 2016, 02:55:27 pm »
Hello everyone. I am currently on my first play through of the game. I have loved every second of it so far. It is easily on of the best games I have ever played.

So, I am getting near the end, I am almost done with all the  tchortist quests, and am about to go to the deep caverens. However, I read a few posts, and it seems the difficulty jumps a lot. So I was hoping I could get some help in prepping for it.

So I am a Juggernaut type character. Metal armor, assault rifle, and I wear googles.

My armor is a reinforced Super Steel set, using a Regenrative vest. I used a Tichrome bar and a super steel bar to reforce it.

My boot are reinforced super steel, with insulated padding for cold protection.

My googles night vision with a seeker lens I think its called, it gives +13 to crit.

My shield is the best high frequency I could make. It has 2 high frequency mods, and I use the extra part that increases conversion rate.

As for guys, I use 2 of them. One is a Hornet. The other a Chimara. In both I use a smart mod, and the thing the increases burst accuracy.

I am not sure if any of this is the best way to equip myself, especially the guns. Anyway, and help or tips you could give me would be greatly appreciated, and not just about the equipment, anything in general. Thanks in advance. 

General / Help with last Protectarate quest(spoilers maybe)
« on: November 26, 2016, 08:28:31 am »
Not sure there will be spoilers, but figured I'd mark it just in case. But anyway, I am on the last quest, Gas the Drones. Thing is, at one point way earlier I had gotten lost in the caves, and stumbled across the bunker where you are suppose to find the mutagen. So of course, I cleared it out. I don't remember finding anything like the mutagen, but when I went back after getting the quest, I couldn't find it either. I don't know if I got it earlier and lost it or what. So, am I pretty much screwed or is there something else I can do? Any help would be appreciated.

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