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Topics - Mercon

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Bugs / Professor kidnaping event happening twice
« on: May 10, 2020, 01:57:12 pm »
So don't know what happened exactly. I found the mole and reported him around the time they send me to find a way to implant the chip from the arm. Pirate ambush was killed, kidnapping prevented. Then I spend large amount of time doing stuff before proceeding with the quest. First I cleared Horticulture Center, LemCo waterfront, port Crag and found but not towed the sub. Then I cleared port Cato of pirates and killed any pirate I saw in adjacent territories, no bugs.

Then I cleared Nexus of Technology, and after it Health Center. I believe the bug happened after I took Microchip Implant Encoder from Nexus of Technology before doing Health Center because after I returned from the rift selling stuff Ladelman suddenly bugged out and started his rant that Briggs suspects him of being the spy since he is from the south and refuses to trade, I didn't realize it back then but that was the point the game launched second kidnapping event. Now Briggs tells me that the pirates ambushed the camp despite that previously failed ambush still lying dead near his feet, and he says that they collapsed the tunnel but it's not collapsed.

Now I am stuck with rescue professor quest and I don't know what to do, I killed the pirates already, should I attempt to complete it anyway or will it break my save even further? I can upload the safe if needed.

Bugs / Bugged reward in Rathound King - Camp Hathor
« on: January 11, 2018, 04:53:24 pm »
If you follow a specific path, namely without taking the quest to kill him, persuade the king to consider peace with the camp, while also taking his kidnapping quest then go and persuade Edgar (he asks to let him know what was the king's response) and kidnap Sarine the quest for treaty will logically fail. But if you return back to Edgar there is wrong dialogue option that states that Edgar "promised" to teach you to be a better hunter while there was no actual conversation prior to that if you did things in the order described above (because you failed treaty and did not take bounty quests Edgar never did say "here's money, come later for lesson" and there should not be any reward).

Proposed solution: after failing the truce quest by kidnaping Sarine there should be an option to tell Edgar that the King declined the treaty after all (while hiding your involvement) and Edgar offers his regular headhunt quest.
Though this approach will produce a new situation if you attack the king with Edgar party and they discover corpses of Beck rescue group along with caged Sarine and she uncovers your treachery. The combat then starts with both sides hostile to player. On your victory you complete the quest by telling Boyd that you were the only one who stayed alive.

Suggestions / Option for solo Scrappers HQ takeover (Gang showdown quest)
« on: January 08, 2018, 09:16:14 pm »
 I tried to attack with eels squad but Silas got himself killed just a few times too many, so I reloaded and decided to weaken scrappers before main attack happens. Seems easy enough, waste a few gangers and fall back to the docks...But then I thought why not kill them all by my self since I play on classic and get all the xp, also because I usually try to end all combat encounters without allowing any foe firing a single shot or using meds (for extra challenge and loot). That was a bit long but after a few hours, I found the right combination and Depot B was devoid of life. Then I go to Silas and start the "attack" I did not really expect that there would be anything different because games usually tend not to cover every option but seeing the eels and sgs soldiers just stroll through absolutely dead compound and then act like they were part of the skirmish when I did all the work solo was sure disappointing and immersion breaking (because game did not recognise unexpected approach).

 It is possible that I am mistaken and there is acknowledgement of that choice maybe if you attack the base before striking the deal with eels I did not try it out. Yet I strongly believe that there should be a special option and extra content when you proceed the questline. When Silas asks you to plant the bomb in the caverns there should option to convince him that if all he wants is to take the scrapper HQ he can just ask and you will "get it done". Naturally, even though Silas sees you as a capable individual he will still see your "plan" as absolutely derailed so you'll have to convince him. Both persuasion and intimidation should be possible. Needless to say, there should be an option to forfeit this suicide mission and agree to original plan (Silas will be annoyed) but if you actually manage to pull this off he should be very impressed and throw some extra cash (because you got him what he wanted without risking any of his men or actually damaging the depot with explosive diversion).

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