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Topics - Davaeorn

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General / Stealth Build w/o crafting viable?
« on: February 15, 2018, 10:17:53 am »
Hi y'all and thanks for having me,

I am new to this game and am quite unsure on how to build my character.
After watching NerdCommando's build guides on youtube, which I all dislike because all his stealth chars are crafting heavy.

I don't know how to proceed without possibly creating a gimped char.

Apologizes also in advance for any grammar mistakes etc., I am not a native speaker (or writer for that matter).

It would be mucho appreciated if some experts could find a moment of their time to look over my build design:

Limitations: As you could probably guess I have a strong disdain for crafting in RPGs. I understand that it makes sense in the game's setting but I just don't like crafting as a RPG gameplay mechanic generally (hated it in Skyrim/Fallout 4 -- but those weren't RPGs on the otherhand -- was glad it was minimal or not present in Fallout 1/2 or BG1/2 etc.). The build should have none or minimal crafting (I've read there is a certain 'cloaking device' which one cannot obtain via merchant...)

  • I want to play a stealth char who is capable of stealth kills via either throwing or melee.
  • I also want to pickpocket.
  • On traps I am not sure how viable they are without the possibility of crafting them by yourself.
  • I want to open every container, hack every computer and be able to find every hidden passage etc.
  • I have no problem avoiding encounters but I don't want to have to avoid too many them because I am not capable to kill.
  • I wouldn't mind speech talents but I don't know if they are viable.
  • I wouldn't mind toying with grenades and/or traps if there are enough available for purchase.

Starting Stats
Strength       3    (no crafting, no guns etc., no blunt -> not needed)
Dexterity      10  (for max. dmg)
Agility          10   (for max. stealth)
Constitution  3    (just no)
Perception    6    (for seeing everything)
Will              3    (no bueno for the build, I guess)
Intelligence  5     (for feats like cheap shots or expose weakness?)

With the skills my uncertainty begins:
  • Should I take melee or throwing or both?
  • Should I take evasion or dodge or both or neither?
  • Should I take traps at all?
  • Should I take persuasion (I've read somewhere here on the forums that intimidation is more or less useless?
  • Something I missed?

Unsure again:
  • I am pretty sure I need interloper, sprint, paranoia, cut-throat (if melee), recklessness and opportunist.
  • Does ambush work with throwing knives?
  • How useful are escape artist, fancy footwork, nimble, uncanny dodge, blitz and should I take it for the build in mind?
  • Something I missed?

Thank you all in advance for any help you can provide!

PS: I just don't have the time at hand to figure it all out by myself via trial and error like back in the days when there was no internet and I had the time to play days and hours of world of xeen on my 486dx. My RL just does not allow it to play through games multiple times or try stuff out for hours. Since this is the char I want to play, I turn to you guys for advice.

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