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Topics - ConJohnner

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / Creature Compendium
« on: March 06, 2018, 02:29:38 pm »
I think it would be cool to have an in-game creature compendium.

It would have the name of a creature, an animated visual, and possibly a short description of said creature.
I don't think we would need stats like its item drops or kill count, just the bare minimum. Kind of like animal encyclopedias.

The one thing I'd rather not have is place holders for creatures that are yet to be seen. e.g. If there were 5 total creatures in a game, and I'd only seen 2, the Compendium would only list those two and not have 3 other spots marked '?? ?? ??'. Personally I like having new creatures be a surprise.

As for the animation of the creature it could be as simple the face or head of a psi-beetle opening and closing. I think the last dev update had 4 creatures showcased, it would be like that.

The main reason for wanting this is really just to look at the creatures. I think the detail is great and I've already spent too much time looking at the little details in sweet looking enemies.

Anyways, I really like this game.

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