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Builds / Skills for Chem/Bio Crossbow Build?
« on: December 30, 2018, 04:32:30 am »
After getting bored with a dex/sneaky knife build I really wanted to try a crossbow character heavy in Chemistry and Biology (I really want to max those out), and came up with this -

Essentially I'm running Crossbow with Mechanics/Chem/Bio to craft the weapons and bolts. Traps were chosen for synergy with deadly snares and already having the crafting skills. Hacking and Lockpicking were raised to effective level 100, and stealth was taken pretty high (110 effective at level 20). Evasion was maxed out but I skip dodge entirely(...)

Now for the weird things and what I'm worried about-
-Since I was starved for skill points I crank 10 Int and don't push Chem/Bio/Traps past their synergy limit (the syngery bonus stops applying at Level*5+15 effective level).
-I drop Dodge entirely since I'm planning to control engagements with traps/stealth and generally stay out of melee. I *think* this should be possible but haven't played a ranged build yet.
-Since I have the skills to craft GRENADA I put a few points in Throw, but can't figure out if 20 is enough to do anything to help the RNGfest of 0Throw nades.
-Electronics was chosen over tailoring for crafted shields/goggles (seeker goggles look juicy with +185% crit damage anatomic-aware/bowyer bows), but I'm curious what people think about that.
-Power Management seems weak, maybe change it out for Critical Power?

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