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Topics - SockMyDuck

Pages: [1]
Bugs / Zone Transition Failed
« on: September 21, 2019, 02:37:46 pm »
Getting a zone transition fail bug when using the juice portal in Junkyard's northern alley to go to Rail Crossing. It didn't seem to happen when I went to other places

Bugs / Briggs missing?
« on: August 24, 2019, 07:37:09 pm »
Not entirely sure this is a bug, but I can't find Briggs after returning from the Nexus of Technology. The professor was kidnapped and I'm told to go talk to Briggs, but when I go down into the Arch Keep there is only one soldier saying that Briggs is up ahead. He isn't in the room where the professor usually is and the large doors aren't open either.

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