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Topics - Valok

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Builds / LF an Unstoppable Force
« on: April 29, 2023, 09:07:56 am »
Before we get to the meat, a bit of context:

Some good time ago, due to some problems in life, I had to stop my (rather advanced) playthrough (I had done I'd say 60-70%? of the main quest/side quests and I think I was 60%? done with the expansion). When I finally decided to come back later I was a bit put out due to losing my save and having to redo the whole thing, so I essentially abandoned the game and went to do something else. However, recently I decided to come back and finally 100% it but for this though I want to avoid some of the headaches I went through in my first playthrough, and I'd like to have a character that will offer me more fun than my first.

What I didn't like was having to resort to 'cheap tricks' (i.e doing the best to abuse the AI or location, or having to resort to traps/etc) or save scumming all the time the moment one thing or another goes wrong or I'm met by a new circumstance because the only way I could get through a fight is if I'm doing the jump on the enemy (i.e the true power of the character does not lie in himself, but rather in a completely external actor that gives him perfect clairvoyance and time traveling). What I need is a true juggernaut.
He can rely on stealth to begin a fight, sure he will use grenades/stims/etc when available, ideally I'd like him to use psi for the 'special flavor' it gives to the character (though its not necessary), but all these things should be extras, he shouldn't NEED them to actively fight groups or survive engagements - no matter how long they could be. Ultimately, what I want is staying power.

As an example; imagine a frontal assault on that military base. From my searches what I've seen is people poping some CD's on stim/skills, killing some enemies, and then immediately running for cover because the character can't seem to survive more than 1 person hitting them. I'd like to avoid this as much as the game allows me to. Ideally the fight would start, and the character would just keep mowing down enemies one after another, even if all its best stuff is still on CD. The most recent build that caught my eye a bit was this one bellow. It does show some staying power and, thematically, it looks cool, but as you can see it still has some of the things that I'd rather avoid if at all possible.

Is this the best that we can get out of a character? Or perhaps someone could pinpoint me to another build that's more in line with what I'm looking for?

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