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Topics - Fjellknaus

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Bugs / Unable to complete Trainheist in South Rail Crossing
« on: September 18, 2019, 09:15:02 am »
So the sequence of events that happened, and might have been an oversight during the quest design was as follows:
I go straight to help out South Rail Crossing after cleaning out Buzzers and saving him
Talk to the Bandits, fail the speech check, try to fight them a few times.
Realize I'm outclassed and outgunned.
I then go back to South Rail Crossing to see if I can ask for help, and I actually can. He tells me to talk to the Protectorate in a camp whose name I can't remember anymore. The information did not show up in my notes.
Explore for a while, following the train tracks to see if I can find the camp. Just find a lot of Lurkers that kill me. I give up on exploring.

I come back a couple levels later and blow the shit out of the bandits with mines and traps. Free the train and defuse the bomb.
Then going back to South Rail Crossing, the leader does not acknowledge that the train is free, and there is nothing to interact with at the train itself. The quest appears bugged and unable to finish, at least until I find out where the hell I was supposed to go for the Protectorate reinforcements.

tl;dr Asked for reinforcements, instead leveled up for a bit and cleared the bandits out myself, SRC does not acknowledge the removal of the bandits.

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