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Topics - Elouen

Pages: [1]
Builds / Questions about fist opportunist versatility
« on: August 02, 2020, 04:06:55 am »
Hi, as in the title, i have a few questions.

I want to make a fist build capable of using a crossbow and/or a chem pistol (and maybe other sorts of pistol and damage dealing weapons)

maxing dex like the furious left clickers that we are, i supposed that chem pistol was the way, but with  as much feats (only marksman, no aimed shot) and less  points, a cyclone could use 17 AP only  making it a very interesting  and versatile weapon.

but being abble to cook shot everyone sounds pretty nice too

i only have 2 slots for weapon, i could get quick pocket and get super  v e r s a t i l e  but is it really necessary?

 cheap shot/combo/pneumatic fist of the north star seems to be the way for ou  anime enthousiast  (is wrestling worth it? same for elec gloves?)

Stre : 3

Dex : 10

agi : 6 (i like being quick)

Con : 9 we want to take more than half a shot and  still have functional limbs

Per : 3 no aimed shot here, we kill with our little fingers

int : 6 we need a lot of point so int is necessary

this stats burn my eyes too but i do not know what to do, i play on hard but do i need this much con? maybe less? and switch it with agi  since i could go with evasion? more int because i will not have all the skill points?

should i do something else with the versatility feat (like taking other damage feats?)

Builds / crossbow/shotgun build advice
« on: October 31, 2019, 06:26:14 pm »
hello there,

I want to make a build  with shotgun and crossbow to use. with some stealth and if its possible some traps  and if i take traps i think i want opportunist. i wantto craft a lot by the way
i want to play it on hard


Strengh -5 for shotgun (should i put it to 6?)
Dex        -5 for marksman and maybe other stuff
agility     -7 for going fast and maybe some perks but i am not really sure
Con        -3 for points
Per         -10 for touching something
Will         -3  for not killing everyone with the sheer tremendous forces of our brain on pills
intel        -7  for making weapons of war with the sheer tremendous creativity of our brain

Going for marksman and opportunist

is those stats okay?

Should i go with versatility? or should i go with 160 with both stats? and if i go versatility wich one should i go main?

Should i upgrade tailoring and biology?

i think throw is not usefull for my char, if it is how much should i up it?

what are some important feats you think are good with that build?

Any other thought?

thanks by the way for your awnsers

Builds / Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« on: October 14, 2019, 10:22:02 am »
Hey, with all the possible builds in this game, i would like to have a very fun build, but im a noob and i don't know what will be fun in this game.

so i wanted that you come over this topic, post a build you played and that you had a lot of fun with, so in one topic, people could easely choose there build .

So tell us, which build was the most fun for you?

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