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Topics - Siegesubmarine

Pages: [1]
Suggestions / NAGA Protector in your house
« on: October 05, 2023, 03:35:31 pm »
There is another suggestion that AEGIS should take the NAGA Protector with them.
Indeed, it’s a waste to leave it patrolling the beach of an empty island!

But why let AEGIS take it?

It would be better to have it patrol your house!

After all, if Core City Housing Corporation can pick up thing across all Underrail and install them in your house, they may pick up thing in the Black Sea. For a price…

Suggestions / Upgrading special armor
« on: April 28, 2023, 07:05:26 am »
We have already a way to upgrade (refurbish) some unique weapons.

We should have a way to upgrade some special armor like the Rathound Regalia or the Chemical Assault Unit Armor.

Suggestions / Sea Wyrm Scales as ballistic panels or plates
« on: January 20, 2023, 03:51:52 pm »
I think Sea Wyrm Scales should be used as ballistic panels or plates: they are heavier and confer higher mechanical resistance/threshold than any other leather.

This would allow an acid resistance/threshold component for other armors than leather ones.

We will have Mutated Dog Leather as acid resistance/threshold component for light armor and Sea Wyrm Scales for heavy armor.

Bugs / Fraser don’t show the first tier of special merchandise
« on: March 16, 2021, 12:43:49 pm »
The mercantile check for the first tier of special merchandise of Fraser (quartermaster of Fort Apogee) do not seems to work: Fraser say “say no more” but nothing change in his inventory. 72 effective mercantile skill.

Or is the wiki wrong about the skill check requirement?

Bugs / Auto Save corruption after re-entering area with ongoing combat
« on: March 16, 2021, 12:31:48 pm »
It happened several time: exiting an area while under attack and been unable to re-enter it after. Last time in upper Underrail near Emporion Shopping Mall.

The Auto Save simply won’t load and display “Error : failed to load the saved game”.

Addendum: another try ended in crash, attaching the crash log.

Suggestions / Some suggestions
« on: February 12, 2021, 12:49:06 pm »
More opponents with shotguns: I have seen opponents with spears or swords (even outside the Black Sea) but shotguns wielding characters are very rare. 

I think dogs in Junkyard and Al Fabet in Core City could be tweaked: they wander too much and tend to block some narrow passages. Worse, when that happen they stay still for a time (once nearly a minute), blocking the way.

In some place, like a certain fetid place, you cannot loot the corpse of some enemies: they are in water and you can’t reach them. Maybe extending the range of looting or modifying the enemies IA (for attacking closer to shore) can end this inconvenience.

Bugs / Possible bugs
« on: February 12, 2021, 12:43:14 pm »
Underrail Expedition

Grey Army’s armors seem to last forever in merchants inventory. I sold the armors of Grey Army’s fallen soldiers to several merchants and after that those armors were always on sale. Exactly the same models and the same numbers, no matter how many time (and restocking) have past.     

I have never seen any Biohazard suit in sale, in any merchant (including Constantine). I have seen Fire suit, Blast suit (even fished one) but no Biohazard suit. I had to wait the end of Expedition to properly loot a certain place filled by a certain very, very bad gas. 

Suggestions / A rift near Fort Apogee
« on: September 25, 2020, 06:29:21 am »
Please install a rift near Fort Apogee: there are rifts near nearly all important places including Free Drone base and Institute of Tchort. Why not near Fort Apogee?

Bugs / Aegis Jet Skis patrols
« on: September 25, 2020, 06:26:28 am »
Underrail Expedition

Aegis Jet Skis patrols keeps patrolling around the island after the end of the expedition and the dismantlement of the base camp.

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