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Topics - HempWolf

Pages: [1]
Builds / Old Mad Chemist build
« on: August 14, 2023, 11:18:28 pm »
Hello, a long time ago i made a mad chemist build. I never tried it unfortunately, but i want to start playing again and i wanted to test my mad chemist build.

So i wanted to ask if this build is viable. I don't want to do psi and i remember that the idea was chem pistol, with grenades and a shotgun as backup.

Suggestions / Energy weapons should have an effect on Doppelgangers
« on: December 10, 2020, 11:14:18 pm »
Due to the fact that Doppelgangers deal energy damage and are as stated in the wiki an apparitions, it means they are an energy based manifestation.

So it makes sense that they are immune to physical damag, but energy weapons should harm them or cause a status, where if you hit them with enough energy they implode because of too much energy in the concentated energy field that keeps them in the world.

This could also cause an energy backlash on the person creating them as they technically have to be connected.

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