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Messages - ShoggothWhisperer

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Builds / Re: Rasophore build
« on: July 19, 2021, 04:10:32 pm »
Isn’t 12 con and tempered electricity a little overkill? You already have decent resolve thanks to 7 will and Iron will to neuter TC damage, and electric damage besides TC can be resisted well with Tesla armor. It seems like it would be more effective to go increased strength for extra damage and accuracy, and use that last feat for something else.

General / Re: 16 TiChrome Tabi builds, possible nerf and discussion
« on: July 19, 2021, 07:15:08 am »
Lets say, hypothetically, your level 24 with 15 strength and have 251 effective melee skill. You have q155 hammers made of Tichrome and Tungsten. Tichrome has 190-297 damage, while tungsten has 190-342. You have the tabis setup with tichrome for 3 attacks per turn with tichrome. Tichrome nets you 570-891 total damage, while tungsten gets you 380-684 total damage, assuming no crits. With crits, crit power, and no other sources of crit damage, tichrome gets you 1040-1782 total damage, while tungsten gets you 912-1642 damage. It’s still better to crit bosses with tichrome. This isn’t even factoring in electroshock generators, which definitively puts tichrome over tungsten. Electroshock generators have static damage based on quality, so the only thing that matters is getting more hits. Q150 electroshock has 75-150 electric damage, which most enemies don’t resist. Electroshock also solves the problem of letting enemies live with 5% hp, since you can just hit an adjacent enemy and have the shock kill them, or lower the health of adjacent enemies so they can be 1 hit killed with electroshock. Once you get a few stacks of taste for blood you can consistently 1 hit kill weaker enemies for more stacks to take down tougher enemies, and tichrome lets you get 3 melee kills per turn compared to 2 kills with tungsten. Tichrome performs better against single targets, multiple targets, weak targets, strong targets, and with/without crits, making it the best in class for every scenario.

General / Re: 16 TiChrome Tabi builds, possible nerf and discussion
« on: July 19, 2021, 01:54:02 am »
You only lose 40% crit damage and a bit of maximum damage going from tungsten to tichrome with crit power, and tichrome has higher crit chance than tungsten. Tichrome still outclasses tungsten even on crit hammer builds, but crits on hammer are kinda pointless since you kill everything weaker than Skaaders in a single hit, even on dominating.

Suggestions / Re: Idea of new Metathermics spell: Endothermic Aura
« on: July 18, 2021, 09:14:55 pm »
Next you going to suggest we add cryokinetic stream and pyro-shield.

General / Re: 16 TiChrome Tabi builds, possible nerf and discussion
« on: July 18, 2021, 09:09:49 pm »
I think a nerf to tichrome hammers makes sense. Right now tichrome hammers are the best in class for crafted hammers reguardless of build, since going from 2 hits to 3 hits is effectively a 50% damage increase. The other hammers either have increased crit chance, crit damage and spread, or higher stun chance and smaller spread, which is much worse than tichrome. Tichrome will probably swap ap costs with super steel, since super steel is lighter than tichrome, but right now has a higher ap cost than tichrome.

General / Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« on: July 14, 2021, 05:21:39 am »
All enemies will investigate sound while in turn based mode. You can abuse this by throwing a grenade while undetected and immediately entering stealth in turn based mode to force enemies where you want. Outside turn based mode, this only works on humans and death stalkers.

Coil spiders can disarm gas grenades.

You can murder the frowning man outside the university of tchort to get the coretech faction equipment without joining coretech and agroing institute, but it will agro Demetrius.

On dominating, you can kill the Ironhead heavy gunner and Berserker outside the cave with Hugo to get high quality metal armor and a high quality hammer right out of Depot A.

You can now get hypercerbrix right out of Depot A if you go under Oculus to the Formedicator.

General / Re: how to unlock shadowlith tattoo?
« on: July 14, 2021, 05:08:17 am »
It’s an unmarked quest. You can look up “the shard” on the wiki if you want spoilers, otherwise talk to the ferryman and Yngwar to find out about it.

General / Re: how to unlock shadowlith tattoo?
« on: July 13, 2021, 06:57:40 am »
You have to do a secret quest to get the Shadowlith Tattoo involving the native graveyard and the ferryman.

A while back someone posted a screenshot in the discord of a 55k crit plasma pistol execute. This sparked my curiosity, and I set about attempting to find a way to surpass that number that is actually feasible in game. From my findings, I have created this build.
As you can probably guess, this build uses the ripper glove with Serrated Super Steel Armor to inflict the maximum number of bleeds per attack, and uses eviscerate to turn those bleeds into over 3 million damage. The rest of this guide will be on the setup, target, and actions required to achieve something close to this damage in game.

Part 1: Required Gear

For this build you will need the following:
High quality Tungsten Dagger (q179 dagger used for calculations)
Rippers Glove
Triple Serrated Super Steel armor (13% penalty with Armor Sloping, nimble, and body weight training)
Tabis of any kind
Doctors Belt
3 Leper Poison Throwing Knives
1 Leper Poison Bear Trap
Toxic Gas Grenades
Super Solider Drug
All In
Psi Booster
It should go without saying that you should be max level, and have Deep Caverns completed to hopefully get some high quality Tungsten Plates.

Part 2: The Target

If we are going for maximum damage, we need to pick the right target, as certain feats only work on certain enemy types. Creature is the best enemy type for max damage, since hunter boosts knife damage and we use a knife to eviscerate. We also need an enemy who has enough health to survive our ripper punches and bleeds, so we will have to do this on dominating with a boss creature. Luckily, one of the latest updates added Fatso, a large boar with 2.6k health on Dominating. Additionally, Fatso gains 75% damage reduction while under 75% hp, so he should be able to survive before the eviscerate. Sadly, Fatso also gains immobilization immunity under 75% hp, so you will have to rely on a lucky incap right before the eviscerate or replace a feat with combo and only stun Fatso on the 3rd turn for the opportunist bonus damage. From here on out our calculations will assume that the enemy we are fighting is a hypothetical walking punching bag creature that is susceptible to fear, poison, immobilization, and contamination, and who can’t kill us.

Part 3: Setting up the Eviscerate

Now that we have all the right equipment, we can start to set up the big number. This maximum damage number will assume that each punch inflicts 6 bleeds, that the eviscerate crits and does maximum damage, that the target is at exactly 1% hp when we eviscerate, and that we never miss. We start out at 25% hp for the fight response and under the effects of All In, and have a gas grenade already spewing toxic gas that is contaminating the punching bag. We have a doorway with a leper poison bear trap blocking it, and we set up a loud noise that the punching bag goes to investigate. We pop a super soldier drug exactly 5 seconds before the creature walks into the leper poison trap, and manually enter combat as soon as the trap goes off. If timed correctly, the creature will be immobilized, fully contaminated, and poisoned with 3 stacks of leper poison for 3 turns, and we will start combat with full AP since the super soldier drug was technically used on the previous turn. We have 100 ap with contraction, adrenaline, and fight response, and we are going to use that to our best ability to stack as many bleeds as possible. Our first turn is pretty simple, as after using adrenaline and contraction we attack with the Rippers Glove 25 times, inflicting 150 bleeds. On the second turn, we punch 18 times, cast frighten on the punching bag, use a psi booster, and then enter stealth for the blindsiding boost, using 99 ap to obtain an additional 108 bleeding wounds. On the final turn, we punch 17 more times, throw 3 leper poison knives to achieve maximum stacks of leper poison, use premeditation, predation, and then finally eviscerate, using 100 ap and bringing our total bleed count to 361, with 360 bleeds from our serrated armor and ripper gloves and 1 bleed from the beartrap. If everything went according to plan, we should have dealt 3,050,124 damage, slightly beating the 55k execute that inspired this guide.

Part 4: Damage Breakdown:

Let's talk a bit about how damage multipliers in Underrail work, since understanding them is key to maximizing damage. Our q179 tungsten dagger has a damage range of 11-31, which is our starting damage. We then multiply this by our weapon skill damage bonus, 417%, to get 129.27 damage. We then add the weapon strength modifier, which is 39% of base damage since we have 18 Str from All in, adrenaline, and Super Soldier, to reach 12.09 bonus damage from strength, bringing our total up to 141.36. We also get a 25% damage bonus against organics, bringing our base weapon damage up to 176.7. We then multiply this by our damage bonus from feats and abilities, which is 25% from opportunist, 50% from Taste for blood, 15% from blindsiding, 20% from hunter, 10% from the beast tattoo, and an assumed 40% damage bonus from predation. I say assumed damage bonus because the formula for how predation scales with TC is still unclear, so for now we will assume that at 240 skill predation provides a 10% damage bonus, which is raised to 40% when the attack is melee and the target is feared. This gives us 260% damage from feats, bringing our damage up to 459.42. We then multiply this by the mechanical damage received modifiers, which are 200% from contamination, 30% from infected wounds, and 60% from the leper poison, bringing the damage total up to 1791.738 damage. Now for the main attraction, eviscerate, which grants us 70% bonus damage per bleed stack thanks to specialization. We have 361 bleeds, which means eviscerate deals 25370% of our base damage. This multiplying our already impressive 1791.738 damage takes us to a monumental 454,563.931 damage. That’s already pretty good, but lets say, hypothetically, that our eviscerate crit. This would multiply our 454,563.931 damage by 671% due to the base 270% of the dagger from tungsten, cheap shots, crit power, and ripper at 1% health. This is how we obtain the damage total of 3,050,123.98, rounded to 3,050,124. More realistically, we obtained 90 bleeds from our actions and have the target at about 5% hp, giving us a final damage of 739,079 if we get a max damage stab, which is still quite impressive.

Part 5: Final Thoughts

I set out to make a build that could consistently deal more damage than 55k, and I have succeeded in that regard. You can theoretically obtain higher damage through a couple other methods, but these methods are statistically impossible to accomplish in game. One such method to crank out more bleeds is by using a Skaader sword with specced flurry, which can attack 3 times with flurry for 10 ap compared to 12 ap with the gloves, and doesn't have to worry about armor penalty. The problem with this is that the combo falls apart if a flurry misses, and is thus not obtainable in game. Another option is to use a Torpedo jet ski, which provides a maximum of 202% bonus melee damage, and use the Sea Dog and pirate tattoo feat to boost weapon skill damage and perform the combo against Jet Eater, who has 2.9 k health on Dominating. The problem with this method is that Jet Eater doesn't spawn every playthrough, and Jet Eater cannot be immobilized or poisoned, not to mention the accuracy penalty for fighting on a jet ski. Hercules is an option to free up more stat points, but it only slightly increases the strength bonus damage and lets you increase will to boost predation damage. I left electroshock and energy edge emitters out of the equation because I am unsure how they interact with predation, eviscerate, and some of the damage feats, but they could be used to increase damage even further. With the amount of attacks you make against Fatso with your damage you probably don't even reach 90 bleed stacks before he dies, so the in game obtainable amount is likely much lower than the values listed above. Fatso also becomes immobilization immune after reaching 75% health, so you either need to incap him at the end of your turns and before the eviscerate or you can stack mechanical damage reduction to tank him at 25% hp with +100% crits received. I don’t plan on running this build myself since I don’t have the patience to constantly reload on the quest for perfect damage, but feel free to try it out yourself if you like big numbers.

Suggestions / Re: Reconsider PSI slot count
« on: July 12, 2021, 05:12:18 pm »
Calling psi the lowest dps of all builds is a flat out lie, since crowbar exists. All jokes aside, Mania allows for huge burst damage with NO crits, and crit cryo orb, and proxy+ implosion+ crit TK Punch will kill every enemy in the game. Additionally, psi never misses, so these always work. There is nothing stopping you from swapping out psi skills since the vast majority of them are situational. For TC, most people mainly use NO, Bilocation, Projection, mental Breakdown, and enrage, since the other abilities are very situational. You will rarely ever use more than 6 psi abilities in a fight, since a lot of the abilities are ineffective against certain enemy types. This just sounds like you complaining that you can't fit TC and TM into your build without sacrificing some psi abilities.

Suggestions / Re: Plasma beam seems too strong to me
« on: July 11, 2021, 05:01:09 pm »
Another option could be to increase psi cost to 90, but have the cyclops eye reduce plasma beam psi cost by 40%.

Suggestions / Re: Better geared enemies on higher difficulties
« on: July 11, 2021, 04:58:13 pm »
It would be nice if enemies spawned with certain types of better gear, like melee bandits spawning with tabis or gun bandits spawning with detection goggles. Riot gear bandits would also be a neat addition, or bandits with emp grenades or other specialized equipment. Crafting builds can craft 130+ quality stuff by the mid game, so it probably wouldn’t upset the game balance too much if enemies spawned with special components like rapid reloads or nanocomposite plates on tac vests. Gear quality should be based on the enemies level, with higher level enemies more frequently having advanced components on their weapons. While it might let the player access some nicer equipment early game, that benefit is outweighed now that human enemies are deadlier and tougher.

Interesting build. You could drop int to 8 and put that extra point into con to reach 10 con and get thick skull, which is a great feat for every build, even with LOC. Nimble isn’t really worth it on this build since you don’t care about dodge and evasion. You also could replace pack Rathound with conditioning to get further damage reduction, since morphine+aegis+conditioning+Unspecialized Stoicism at 20% health is mechanical damage immunity. It’s better to spec stoicism instead of mania since the stoicism damage reduction reduces the hemopsychosis damage and allows you to get mechanical damage immunity at higher health. I usually don’t like running TC and MT on the same build as they are redundant, but the point of the build is to use all schools so it can’t be avoided. You lose a lot of power from MT by not taking pyromania or thermodynamicity, and a lot of damage from NO by not taking cerebral trauma, and a lot of damage from PK by not taking force user. Compared to 2-3 school psi builds you gain slightly more versatility at the cost of weaker damage and much higher maintenance from constantly swapping psi abilities.

Bugs / Re: Yelling at hobos makes them angry
« on: July 01, 2021, 10:32:26 pm »
Most people would probably attack you IRL if you randomly yelled at them, so this is just making the game more realistic. I can’t wait until the final update where killing cave hoppers with fire gives you cooked cave hopper meat.

General / Re: [Spoiler Character] dialogue curiosity
« on: June 16, 2021, 11:50:52 pm »
It probably only triggers after encountering him at the institute, since you can resist his mental pressure and cause him to attack you.

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