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Messages - swampzero

Pages: 1 [2]
General / Re: Deep Caverns Are Poop: issues [minor spoilers]
« on: January 06, 2016, 11:10:34 pm »
and add a map with fast travel to the locations you are always visited. this would be a great benefit. the entire game would imho benefit from a map and a fast travel system.

Absolutely NOT.

travel is already one of the better parts of the game, and even the lack of maps is cool (if you let the player know theres not a map item,s o he can start keeping track instead of using a wiki).  Those parts were the good things about the game.

but I agree with you with giving the player a unique name for every  zone just so he's able to label his map at least

General / Re: Deep Caverns Are Poop: issues [minor spoilers]
« on: January 06, 2016, 07:39:24 am »
By the way, I was looking at my saves trying to see if I still had one with the doors unopened, and realize that the saves mention the name of the zone below their screenshot.

Is that information available anywhere else in the UI? I kinda wish I knew about this sooner so I could tell apart warehouses A and B or random research stations without trying to remember Havrost's directions

General / Re: Deep Caverns Are Poop: issues [minor spoilers]
« on: January 06, 2016, 06:50:41 am »
I'm not sure if thats the place, because theres no map, but it was in the statue square, top right building. I think I did find a keycard inside there, but the doors still needed hacking, all of them. 

edit; if you remember the location, spoil it for me so I can check if i DID pick it up.  I already opened all the doors so I wont be able to check if it works, but I can see if i missed it.

Also I don't buy the better prepared line.  I have a regen-armor so i can convert the 10 thousand batteries i found to health, but what if someone didn't have that particular armor piece? It would be a huge difference.  And considering the warehouse blocks provide you with literally every other item in the game, I'm starting to think I missed a vial stash somewhere, because it makes no sense.

General / Deep Caverns Are Poop: issues [minor spoilers]
« on: January 06, 2016, 06:27:07 am »
Am I missing something here.  Or is it supposed to be this annoying? I mean I'm dealing with it, but WHY .

First of all, why are you introducing so many new plant/humor material but never give me a single vial to extract em?  You gave me 300 god damn batteries and MILES and miles of shelves filled with electronics, but i can't get a damn vial to save my life.  Haven't been able to make a single hypo since getting down here, if I didn't have the regen vest I'd probably be in an unwinnable-state by now.

Second, there's a building with  I Swear To God 20 doors all requiring 90 hacking. Why.  What's the point of having all 20 require hacking. If you wanna have a hack-check just put 1 keycard behind a 90-hack door.  I know you're not doing it for the batteries because you gave me 200 of them so either you're doing it to piss me off or by mistake?  And they all guard a bunch of chatlogs that I was entirely too pissed to read at this point.

The unlimited enemies and the difficulty are fine honestly. I'd enjoy it, even, if I could stop worrying about how to process all these plants and maybe make a hypo.

Bugs / Save size and number of files exploded at late-game
« on: January 06, 2016, 01:55:57 am »
I'm at DC and I started noticing increased zone-transition times. I thought it was the areas or a memory leak, but turns out its the autosaving.

My save folders used to be 10-30mb. Now they are 160mb each, containing ~1100 files. These are created from autosaves every time you zone transition on top of when you save manually, and it has made transitions take up more than 30 seconds for me.

It's not terrible, but its not optimal either. I know games have more stuff to keep track of during the lategame, but it's starting to impact the game here so maybe you can look into tricks to make them smaller

and speaking of spell crit chance, is this trade-off supposed to be inconsistent between crafting and feats?

In crafting 66 quality ingredients trade-off:
-12% cost or 6% crit.  1% crit costs 2% manacost

In crafting 100 quality ingredients trade-off:
-17% cost or 9% crit.  1% crit costs 1.8% manacost

20% cost or 15% crit.  1% crit costs 1.3% manacost

It seems it's always better to take Psychosis and use the mana-cost option than the critchance option on the headband

General / Re: Easy way to defeat Tchort (mega spolier)
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:13:56 am »
thanks for the title spoiler

Bugs / Is Neuroscopic Proximal Filter bonus supposed to scale like this?
« on: January 04, 2016, 10:11:38 am »
Quality - %Crit
66   6
82   7
100   9
120   10

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