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Messages - dirtman

Pages: 1 [2]
Suggestions / Re: Lets talk about font changes
« on: February 18, 2016, 11:09:51 pm »
same here, don't see the problem with older fonts. new ones seem a bit out of place and i'd prefer an option to switch them too.

Suggestions / Re: Psi abilities - meditation method
« on: February 18, 2016, 11:06:15 pm »
that's the same thing as the pill, just the herbal method. didn't the doctor mention something that it takes a long time. i got the impression it's a long process to unlock it through meditation and discipline and whatnot. this game takes a relatively short time and you spend most of it solving problems for people and killing things so you don't have time to meditate. :D

but unlocking it through mysterious pillars could be a viable alternative. :)

General / Re: Al Fabet
« on: February 18, 2016, 10:59:55 pm »
Elhazzared, dude, it seems you've been into this game for a time now. surely you understand there's more to it than collecting loot and selling it to merchants for shiny coins.

General / Re: Custom Portraits
« on: February 18, 2016, 09:50:26 am »
great work, man. they really fit the setting of the game.

i passed them with a will 10 character and learned a psi power only from the silent isle pillars. others only gave me some bad trips. :)

perhaps with higher will you get different visions or powers but somebody else should confirm it.

General / Re: Al Fabet
« on: February 18, 2016, 09:45:51 am »
what Sanger mentioned about the food and special bolts makes sense. it would be expected that they buy food and any kind of ammo in virtually unlimited quantities. but considering other loot i really don't see the problem. i'm melting crap into components all the time and literally swim in repair kits.

besides, in my experience, merchants usually spend all the money they have on the stuff i bring back so if i could sell them everything it really wouldn't make much of a difference. :D

General / Re: Al Fabet
« on: February 16, 2016, 10:47:18 pm »
The sad part about Al Fabet is that rather than listening to valid feedback from players the developers instead chose to make a mockery of siad players. Goes to show how much they respect people who actively try to help the development of their game.

don't know if there's some kind of a backstory to this, but it seems to me that you're just a bit too oversensitive. :)

General / Re: Underrail 2 game story is not complete.
« on: February 16, 2016, 10:39:50 pm »
I just finish to play your amazing game, I have some questions:
Do you have any plans in future expand game more, because it ends by two choices, to stay on station or travel to North Underrail?
What will happen with Tanner, maybe DLC main goal will be to kill him or get on my side, or some other options?
Where is the main base of Faceless from where they come, there will be some base in future DLC?
What happened with earth, what was reason why humanity went underrail?
I hope in underrail two or some DLC we will get answers to this questions, because game seems unfinished?

i think you got the wrong impression. it seems to me that those questions are unanswered on purpose. it doesn't take long for people to forget or change some historical event. just look how people in the game became superstitious the faceless even though you can find out a lot about their origins and that it wasn't so long ago. considering that the people of underrail have been living underground far longer than that and in what conditions it is relatively easy to lose the precise information about what forced them to leave the surface.

i was a bit disappointed that i didn't get the opportunity to even speak with tanner but to be honest the only real problem i see in the end game is that you cannot deal with the main villain in any non-combat way. and also, not being able to converse with the main villain was a bit underwhelming. :D i'd prefer to exchange some words with the guy before the whole showdown.

I'd like to add also something but since it's my first time in Deep Caverns I don't know the exact name of the place. If I'm not mistaken it's before the door mechanism. Also, the southern area from which you arrive here, my character passed through the cave wall and then from outside the map stepped on the exit grid.

Bugs / Re: Jack Quicksilver dialogue issue
« on: January 26, 2016, 11:33:26 pm »
So GOG employees have weekends off? How nice. :D

Bugs / Re: Jack Quicksilver dialogue issue
« on: January 24, 2016, 04:48:32 pm »
Thanks, I skimmed through the hotfixes topic but I totally missed it. GOG is still at, is it common that they are a couple of days late?

Bugs / Jack Quicksilver dialogue issue
« on: January 24, 2016, 04:34:08 pm »
After finding Oculus and already on a quest to locate Wit Nosek, Jack's dialogue hasn't changed. His lines are the same as when he gave me the quest to find Azif. I'm on from GOG.

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