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Messages - TrueNeutralEvGenius

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Bugs / Re: [SPOILERS] Stolen Rail Crossing Train
« on: April 24, 2016, 10:59:31 am »
But not only "fight" option, right? Because I triggered these conversations in the past, it seemed ok to me, loaded couple of times and tried different options. Still it's your option to make agressive moves and fight. "Fight" is one of your option, if I remember correctly. They are still not attacking, as long as you are not taking "fight" option or other agressive measures against anarchists.

Bugs / Re: [SPOILERS] Stolen Rail Crossing Train
« on: April 23, 2016, 02:59:35 pm »
I don't think it is a bug. You just fail your persuasion check and you still can continue your conversation. Seems ok to me.

General / Re: Your House (in Core City)
« on: April 23, 2016, 02:20:15 pm »
Ninjaxenomorph, very nice, I think you have some really good ideas there. Thank you, I will add it as consideration for devs in my main topic of offerings/suggestions (

epeli, 9] Yes, but it's not the same, still it's autosaving in the new location when you change it. This was the main idea. To save in previous location before changing it. Sorry, maybe I explained it poorly. I hope now you understand what I mean.

11] Hm... Cache would only make things slower? I don't think so. Let's remember Baldur's Gate cache system, for example.

Added 13] Your House (in Core City). Based on and thoughts and ideas.

General / Re: Your House (in Core City)
« on: April 23, 2016, 01:57:26 pm »
I see. Then I hope in the future there will be more interesting things going on with your house, like someone will try to rob you and you will need to defend. Some quests. Just cosmetic stuff is not interesting, imho.

Thanks for your answers and views, guys.

I'm adding it to suggestions section to other ideas -

Why leave your stuff in your SGS room? It won't be stolen.
I leave mine on the floor in the merchant district of Core City, in front of the gun shop, that's where I sell most of my loot.
Yes, same here. It's not Arcanum where NPC actually grab your items which are on floor, hehe.
But most of the stuff is still in SGS room, because you can't take thousands of weight with you. It's like main base with important stuff, components, everything.

Yeah, the house furnishings are mostly cosmetic and you can leave your stuff anywhere at the moment, but
I retain the right to implement NPCs that will take your abandoned/carelessly stored stuff.
Arcanum FTW  ;)

Refreshed (modified first message).

eLPuSHeR, it's not about OS. OS doesn't cache game files.

General / Re: Your House (in Core City)
« on: April 23, 2016, 12:04:10 pm »
I see. That sucks, frankly.

Same here. I have thousands of weight of important stuff in my room in SGS and don't want to carry all of it to a new house.

General / Your House (in Core City)
« on: April 23, 2016, 10:34:36 am »
I'm wondering about buying all the stuff for a house. Is it actually affects somehow, will there be some quests if I will buy everything top notch and the most expensive? At the moment I only see sense in buying workbenchs, because as I thought they are giving +to crafting skills. And I have a question: it gives you skill bonus permanently and anywhere you are or just in the house? I still haven't tested it, so still wondering what to buy. Will be glad if you can answer and explain all the stuff about house in detail. Also what about defence and stuff. I guess if it's there than it must be a reason for that, right. Maybe I'm too greedy or more like don't want to say goodbye to the money I earned with sweat and blood in Underrail.

Will be glad for responces. My gratitude.

Info in wiki:

General / Re: Underrail wiki?
« on: April 22, 2016, 02:51:56 pm »
Totally welcome. Yeah, I guess there is need to hold actual information and descriptions. I can help with that, if you want. Anyway at the moment making 100% walkthrough of Underrail and streaming it, so it will be not hard for me to fix all descriptions and stuff. Already sent e-mail about entering wiki to Styg, to admin@ adress. So I don't know, see for yourself, should I wait till he answers or you can as since you are online.

Bugs / Traps + skills like Electrokinetic Imprint bug
« on: April 22, 2016, 02:40:03 pm »
If you use skills like Electrokinetic Imprint on traps like bear trap or acib blob trap you will be trapped like if you stepped on them. Bug or feature? Bug, I guess.

General / Re: Underrail wiki?
« on: April 22, 2016, 02:12:55 pm »
Fix Cybernetic Module oddity on wiki. From 5 xp to 3 xp.

Suggestions / Concrete ideas, offerings and ways to improve Underrail
« on: April 22, 2016, 01:52:42 pm »
Hello. First of all, just for the info, there can be mistakes and misprints, my english isn't perfect, it's not my native. Now let's go closer to the point. I'm enjoying Underrail right from official release. Was streaming it online for more than 80 pure hours, on oddity, discussing it with viewers and other streamers and players of it. I thought to create account on Underrail main site time ago, but due to my dislike of forums I put it aside. But finally there are a lots of offers and things, so I created it and want to share my thoughts.

Unfortunately I forgot many of things and flaws, about which I was talking about. However this is better than nothing, I will edit or add notes and offers, if I will remember it or find some new ideas.

Here are some for now:

1] Give possibility to use Telecinetic Proxy from places we don't see. In your mind you remember where you placed it, so you just can move it where you want to. Also to have possibility to use it through force field. Seems logical.

[Crafting improving]
2] As we see in v. patch we have filter in feats. I suggest to make filter in crafting window. It's bad just to find and click on needed item when you have lot things in the crafting window.

3] Or give us possibility to click the first letter to jump to it. Like when you open crafting window, other hotkeys are blocking and you can click "p" on keyboard to jump to blueprints starting from "p".

4] At the moment we can craft only 1 item per click. This is pretty boring and disrespectfully to mouse when it comes to extracting humours or processing plants. I suggest to create possibility to shift+click and control+click to create 5 and 10 (or all we have) items per click.
[End of Crafting improving]

5] Highlight objects which we can sell when trading in a different way. At the moment highlight is pretty shitty, sometimes it's actually pretty hard to see this "highlight". So I offer to make green outline in highlighting objects. We just need more conspicuous highlight. I was talking with other people streaming Underrail and they were saying pretty same thing. Someone wasn't even getting what they can sell.

6] Journal. Journal needs improvement for sure. One similiar to Arcanum would be great. Can leave the simplicity tho.

7] Map? Of course I'm sure a lot of people were talking about it. Would be nice to implement map which is empty in the beginning, but filling when you exploring it, like our character is really making map himself. It is flaw of Underrail, even with a good memory it's damn hard to memorize all these passages and crossings.

8] Fix problems when someone can attack you from the corner or throught force field, and you can't (even with range ones, while someone can attack you with melee weapons). It's not even only about force field. I know in real life there can be circumstances when you can attack from the corner, while opponent nearly can't shoot you. But it's not the same here.

9] Autosave on transitions. Damn. Need I say at the moment they suck? If you are going to a place where fight will occur and you have no chance to do anything, then "You and your friends are dead. The End." Autosave really must be made in previous location from which you are moving, not in one you entering. At the moment autosaves are pretty useless. You actually need to quicksave everytime before you change location.

10]  Minor stuff like oddities and experiense. 3-5xp for things which is easy to do and only 1xp for one of the long quests like investigation the murder of a brother. Seems not logical. So I guess there is need to rethink xp givings. Like with allusion on System Shock 2, cyber modules oddity, which were 5 xp and now 3 xp.

11] Make a cache files to remember locations and stuff. It gets annoying to wait everytime ~10 secs when changing locations. If you played 24 hours it's like you actually "played" on black screen for almost 1 hour.

0] Eternal psi points bug. You can cast psi abilities even when your psi level is 0. No need for psi boosters, boyz. That was one of the reasons I finally wanted to create account to write about it. I hope you will fix it soon. Bug came with v. patch. Fixed.
12] - Traps + skills like Electrokinetic Imprint bug. If you use skills like Electrokinetic Imprint on traps like bear trap or acib blob trap you will be trapped like if you stepped on them. Bug or feature? Bug, I guess.
[End of Bugs].

13] Your House (in Core City). Considering this topic -, and also this one -, in which Ninjaxenomorph made very nice suggestions and ideas. So I/we suggest to add some quests combined with your house and your progress of cleaning and buying defence and stuff, because simple buying all the stuff just for cosmetic appearence is not interesting at all (imo at least). But I guess Styg has far-reaching ideas for it. So quests with your house would be really great. Then there will be sence in buying stuff and defence. Quest like organized zoners are trying to rob you or some other groups. At the moment it's quite senceless and even stupid to just buy stuff for nothing, except Workbenches which are giving +crafting skills. Read Ninjaxenomorph's topic for more ideas.

14] Bullet count of your equipped gun when shift is pressed topic by reinhark seems like a good idea -

15] Friendly fire problems. If you use certain skills on enemies and it jump or splash allies they turn hostile. Seems not very right. Also consider this 'Allies becoming hostile because of incendiary grenades ' topic as well -

As I said already there are only few offers at the moment, I need to recollect my memory to write other ones. Probably will write more later. Maybe I will find new ideas as well. That's it for now.
Till next time. Feel free to join discussions online, I'm trying to stream it more on free time last weeks. Really want to help to improve Underrail, one of the few games I really enjoy a lot amidst of newer ones, of last decade. So thanks for your attention and till next time.

P.S. You have my respect for your huge work, Dan Radishich. Excellent programming of quite unique engine. Keep going on the same spirit.

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