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Messages - YawaUR

Pages: 1 [2]
...Perhaps I can help. To start things off, I'm mainly writing this because initially I had a lot of trouble with it and upon looking up some stuff, so did others. In the end I suppose it wasn't hard to solve but it's not my place to decide that for others and if they need the information, I believe it should be readily available.

So, a few things to note.
1) The sequence is different for everyone, so the solution I give is for me only. This is just to show my thinking in working it out and hopefully you can follow suit.
2) Scan every mutagen (and I will be assuming you have them all - Echo 1-4 / Solis 1-2 / Helicon 1-3 / Io 1-3 / Ovid 1-3 / Exitus 1 for a grand total of 16). To do this, allocate power to the Hollow Earth Research Complex and enter the building with the security camera on the outside. You can find the sequences at the combinator past the gate however this will not tell you positive or negative atoms and they're a massive help to know. Plus you need to go there to scan Exitus as you cannot dump that into the combinator.
3) Write all the sequences onto a piece of paper. You won't regret it.
4) The aim of the game is to replicate the sequence of your Exitus 1 mutagen. It is not enough to simply walk into mordor have the correct atoms, but to get them in the right order too.
5) Compounds (the final product, essentially) can only consist of unique positive atoms.
6) Adding a positive or negative atom will nullify previous entries in sequences.
So for example, If you add mutagen A with the atoms A1, A2, A3 and then add mutagen B with B1, B2, -A3 then you'll end up with A1, A2, B1, B2.
7) You can use your mutagen reagents multiple times to add back in an atom that was previous nullified (or to nullify an unneeded atom).
8 ) When adding mutagens to a sequence, if there are negative atoms and it doesn't nullify a previous atom, you can consider it as non-existent.

Next I'm going to list all my mutagen sequences and follow that up with my process of elimination.

Exitus 1   - S1 VZ L1 PT Q2 CT GY Q5 IL VH Y8 FX

Helicon 1 - L1 PT Q2 CT GY -D4 -AN -YI
Helicon 2 - Y8 FX Q2 L1
Helicon 3 - WR Q5 D4 VH -A9 -VZ -YI
Io 1         - FX Y8 CT IL RT -Q2 -AN
Io 2         - S1 VZ D4 -Q5 -HV -Y8 -PT
Io 3         - L1 HV VH -VZ
Solis 1     - Q5 Q2 L1 AN -WR -GY -IL
Solis 2     - VZ CT D4 -A9 -HV
Echo 1    - Q2 AN S1 HV
Echo 2    - RT VZ IL Q5 -WR -FX -VH -PT
Echo 3    - Q5 Q2 WR VZ
Echo 4    - PT VH Y8 FX -A9
Ovid 1     - RT VH PT WR A9 CT Y8 -D4 -FX -S1 -GY
Ovid 2     - A9 IL L1 -QT -WR
Ovid 3     - Y8 RT VZ QT -L1 -IL

Okay. The first thing I noticed was an abundance of RT atoms but no -RT. This immediately eliminates any mutagen containing RT as my Exitus sequence does not contain RT and I will therefore have no way to remove it once added (unless I clear the sequence and remove all of my work)! This means we need to ignore: Ovid 1 / Ovid 3 / Echo 2 / Io 1. Now I can work out the sequence using this list:

Helicon 1 - L1 PT Q2 CT GY -D4 -AN -YI
Helicon 2 - Y8 FX Q2 L1
Helicon 3 - WR Q5 D4 VH -A9 -VZ -YI
Io 1         - FX Y8 CT IL RT -Q2 -AN
Io 2         - S1 VZ D4 -Q5 -HV -Y8 -PT
Io 3         - L1 HV VH -VZ
Solis 1     - Q5 Q2 L1 AN -WR -GY -IL
Solis 2     - VZ CT D4 -A9 -HV
Echo 1    - Q2 AN S1 HV
Echo 2    - RT VZ IL Q5 -WR -FX -VH -PT
Echo 3    - Q5 Q2 WR VZ
Echo 4    - PT VH Y8 FX -A9
Ovid 1     - RT VH PT WR A9 CT Y8 -D4 -FX -S1 -GY
Ovid 2     - A9 IL L1 -QT -WR
Ovid 3     - Y8 RT VZ QT -L1 -IL

Now, my Exitus sequence starts off with S1. Looking at my list, the only mutagen that has this is Io 2. Luckily, the next atom in the sequence (VZ) is also correct. So far it looks like [green for correct, red for incorrect]:

S1 VZ D4

Because Q5/HV/Y8/PT are negatives, they do not matter and hence why they weren't listed (read point 8 above). We only need to worry about D4. So we have to find a mutagen that  not only has -D4, but also contains the next atom in the sequence, which is L1. Out of my list there is only one mutagen that contains a -D4 and since we've established Io 2 has to be correct as a starting point, this must be the next mutagen. This mutagen is Helicon 1. My sequence will now look like:


What luck - all 5 of those atoms were exactly what I needed and it removed that pesky D4. Next in my sequence I need Q5. Looking at the list, Echo 3, Solis 1 and Helicon 3 all contain Q5. I don't really want to add Helicon 3 because of the -VZ, so we will rule that out. With a 50/50 chance I picked Echo 3, and my sequence ended up as:


Now I have to try and get rid of WR and add in IL. Looking at my list, Ovid 2 is the only mutagen that I haven't blacklisted that contains IL and also handily has a -WR. The sequence will now look like:


We got IL but it added an atom we didn't want, A9. So now we need a mutagen that removes A9 and hopefully can add the final atoms (VH, Y8, FX). Looking at the list, Helicon 3, Echo 4 and Solis 2 all contain -A9. I therefore knew immediately that the final mutagen must be Echo 4 because it has: -A9, adds in VH, Y8 and FX and the PT was a previous positive entry so can be disregarded. This gives me the final sequence of:

Io 2, Helicon 1, Echo 3, Ovid 2, Echo 4. AKA Exitus 1.

I won't pretend to know tonnes about this but I hope this can help point people into the right direction like it did me and I'll try to answer questions. Thanks for reading.

General / Re: Black Arrow Sniper Rifle.
« on: July 12, 2016, 07:34:47 pm »
I read this before getting to DC and kept my eyes open throughout and still nothing.

General / Re: Invictus
« on: July 10, 2016, 04:10:50 pm »
I noticed this and this was a gripe I held in TES4 which was somewhat rectified in TES5. I find it hard to believe something that is advertised so widely (considering the circumstances), people wouldn't recognise me.

...Maybe I shouldn't have picked the character portrait that has a mask on.

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: July 04, 2016, 05:53:49 pm »
I've seen it twice now (and I don't remember where sadly), but "ya'll" is incorrect. It's "y'all".

I've just defeated Stygian Exorcist and then spoken to Garry. He states "Well, I can't say much other than you're up against a difficult opponent. You're going up against one difficult opponent. Not everyone can become the Invictus, you know. [etc]".

Clearly he's very eager to tell me I might be in trouble against Dread Lord.  :P

Come to think of it, I recall NPCs saying invictus but it should really be capitalised due to it being a title, no? I also don't remember where, though most likely around/in the Arena.

At the Oculus base, hack the console for level 2 access. Access Biocorp files then Old Biocorp.
There appears to be an error which states "Somewhere between hundred fifty-two hundred years ago a revolt [...]".
Having seen a few NPCs tell me Biocorp fell apart some hundreds of years ago, I have a feeling this meant "somewhere between a hundred (and) fifty-two to a hundred years ago" in which case it should be a little clearer.

Once again at the Oculus console, this time access Protectorate Biocorp. It states "Core City is an independent city mostly focus on violent sport entertainment and trade, though local Coretech organization did inherit some of the Biocorp facilities and projects".
I think it'd look nicer as "Core City is an independent city mostly focused on violent sport entertainment and trade, though a local organization by the name of Coretech did inherit some of the Biocorp facilities and projects".

Rupert Simmons under Personal Files. "Rupert was a high ranking Biocorp technocrats before joining Core City rebellion".
I feel this should say "Rupert was a high ranking Biocorp technocrat before joining the Core City rebellion".

Gunnar Edstrom under Personal Files. "Unknown" is misspelt.

Speaking to Phyllis in Oculus, ask her about the Oculus and on the final bit of text that starts with "Ignoring the deadly drop", "any" is repeated twice.

Speaking to Sophie in the Hardcore Bar, "cocktail" is misspelt when speaking about her being alone at the bar.
"Thought" is misspelt when asking her about herself.
Actually, speaking of the Talloskis, is Maxim supposed to deny I'm the Invictus (when I actually am)? I mean, he does watch the fights after all. Plus his dad invited me over, apparently.

When Georgis gives you the quest to retrieve the protein data, if you already collected it and state this to him, he says "I'll send this right through to my assistants.And this is for you, brother". A space is required before 'and'.
Also when asking him about what the protein data is, he states "Protein design it, by definition, [...]", I believe that should be an 'is'.

When informing Schteff of Pavel's death, a space is required in the sentence "I am responsible for Pavel's death... as well asthe opening of the west wing...".

When informing Rista of the behemoth (as such) and pick the 3rd option to fully explain what went on at Forsaken Island, in the paragraph that starts "So that's what been going on!", there's several errors. Firstly in that sentence alone, then further down it states "Interesting, it really is, but is is an evidence that [...]".

When meeting Eidein in his office for the first time (just prior to the tremors), he states "Welcome back to my office" despite I have never been there before, unless I am mistaken.

Again while speaking to Eidein, this time about his age, the paragraph beginning with "My age is a testament", 'would' is misspelt.

Perhaps the wiki is wrong but it is telling me the place where the Faceless reside in DC is called "Talos Outpost" but when you're at Arke Powergrid and can allocate power, it is spelt "Tallos".

In Arke Powergrid, when you access the central room (where the red face is), turn off the power at the bottom-right then enter the door to the north. "Taught" is misspelt twice on the security console.

When speaking to Iris, the sentence that starts as "No! No!", a space is required between "NOTstatic".

When speaking to Six in the elevator, after he bids you to ask questions, choose option 5. The final segment states "I could not explain this things to you", it should be 'these things'.

The ending sequence, I sided with the Black Eels and had the Protectorate move in. During this particular scene, "ambitious" is misspelt.


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