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Messages - Cmdr. DuctTape

Pages: 1 [2]
General / Re: Syphoner man?
« on: July 18, 2017, 05:09:29 pm »
Great mysteries of Underrail

in vague order of first appearance
- (int) abuse
- Tanner
- Ezra
- Mysterious Disk
- Dude's thought(?) process
- Styg's doppelganger in Junkyard
- Siphoner Man
- pig_backpack_l.png
- Hollow Earth Incident
- lack of ladders near the institute
(1.0 release)
- Tanner's sunglasses
- Utility Slot #6
- Black Arrow
- Eidein's Passage (jk its unfinished)
- Siphoner Man
- Faceless Medallion
- Al Fabet's ultimate fate (he's not dead!)
- why they called it Expedition instead of Doom Sea of Doom
- Two-Headed Mutant

Correct me if I'm wrong, but didn't somebody post the picture of a 2 headed mutant a while ago?

EDIT: Yep, somebody did found it. Link to the topic:

Development Log / Re: Dev Log #53: Expedition Gameplay Video
« on: July 13, 2017, 06:22:24 pm »
Looks good. I really like the way shotguns work, and that there are so many types of shells. Looking forward to playing the dlc! :)

General / Re: Release date first half of 2017?
« on: July 10, 2017, 03:37:23 pm »
I think the reason we didn't have another dev log for a long time is because there's nothing new to show, since they already showed off the major new features (new psi skill tree, shotguns, jet-skis). And they *are* behind schedule, so I guess Styg didn't have enough free time to sit down and write a new log.

General / Re: Release date first half of 2017?
« on: July 09, 2017, 04:38:45 pm »
Styg said in an interview a couple of months ago that the expansion turned out to be a lot bigger than they originally thought. So, as usual, it's done when it's done.

General / Re: End game experience
« on: March 28, 2017, 01:08:35 pm »
Just thought I'll mention that in DC, you can avoid 99% of the respawning enemies if you are quick enough, and know how the respawn system works. (I only had to kill 2 or 3 of those enemies, and they weren't that difficult either.) And if you are friends with the faceless and the tchortists, and you did Leo's quest, DC will be a relatively "plesant" experience.  ;)

General / Re: (spoilers) Failed one of Jack's quests
« on: March 19, 2017, 10:17:40 pm »
Welp. Time to redo the whole foundry questline! .-.

Other Games / Re: List of sandbox games?
« on: March 19, 2017, 10:13:45 pm »
Since you like dwarf fortress, you should try RimWorld too. It's a sci-fi colony building/management game, with a relatively complex combat, and health/injury system for the humans and animals. It's been in development for quite a while, and while the game doesn't have patches too often, they always contain a lot of new content

General / (spoilers) Failed one of Jack's quests
« on: March 19, 2017, 09:32:52 pm »
So, it turns out that busting out Todor from the Foundry prison was NOT the correct way to finish the quest. :( However, it took me a BIT too long to figure this out (5 hours), since I thought I'll have to wait for a while for Jack to contact me, and I completed quite a few quests while waiting for him. And when I came back to core city, he already left.

So, my question is: Is there a way for me to get Jack to appear again, and "complete" that quest, or do I have to reload a save that I made before I attempted to bust Todor out?

General / Re: Question about imported characters, and their equipment
« on: February 26, 2017, 08:59:46 am »
Thanks for the quick reply! :D

General / Question about imported characters, and their equipment (SOLVED)
« on: February 25, 2017, 09:12:44 pm »
Hello everyone! :D

So, I recently finished my first playthrough of the game, and I decided to do another run with that character. I imported the character without any problem, and after going through the training course again I was eager to begin my adventure. However as soon as I woke up in my bedroom, I saw that all of my gear was gone. I checked every container in my room, and I even went down into the armory to see if it's there, but no luck.  :(

So I have two questions about this: Are we supposed to lose all of our gear after we finished the training course, and if not, then how can I recover my equipment?

P.S: I've just started using this forum, so I don't know if this question has been asked before

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