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Messages - Minarai

Pages: 1 [2]
Bugs / SMGs vs Rifles
« on: February 24, 2019, 06:42:31 pm »
I don't know if it's intentional but rifles have different Skills(s) to Quality(q) conversion formula than other firearms.
Usually the formula is something like s=q*0.8 but for rifles it looks approximately like s=q*0.95.

Hello dear game developers,

     I have to ask you to remove or make optional "items you sell cost less (50%,25%)" setting from "choose your difficulty" menu. It just forces players to invest more into Mercantile instead of trying other, more essential and interesting builds.75 (Spoiler alert!) is enough points for Mercantile. This artificial difficulty is just unnecessary, we are spending more than 50% of the game time doing shopping rounds already instead of questing and having action. Now we have to scrape for money and be less of hero and even more of a trader. The game already looks like a merchant simulator.
So I beg of you don't take the thrill of action and character building from the Dominating difficulty with this setting.

Thank you for your time.

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