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Messages - Hammer Wizard

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Builds / Re: Hammer wizard but with metathermics
« on: September 16, 2021, 08:27:21 pm »
>Early on you can find only Steel or Tungsten.
Tungsten definely no, Steel is too bad to use.
You can also get TiChrome pre depot A, past the second mercantile check from Blaine, and with enough perserverance (Or merchant refresh) you can get 70 quality TiChrome bars before tackling on the mutants.

> Tichrome is a bit weak.
Picture related
Yes but not as much as you'd think.
TiChrome dense padding helmet
TiChrome regen armor
TiChrome dense padding with strider
Sporting 43 MP currently, waiting for my Super Steel set to kick in currently.
For the somewhat decent mobility you get, these are pretty decent stats
All of this with fully spec'd Armor Sloping

>What do you mean by extremely tanky? 😅
Original hammer wizard is a tungsten tank with a lot of damage reduction, so he's extremely tanky, but you're right this is not exacly extremely tanky, but can still take a punch and dish it back

>You only have Phys resist to back you up
You forgot huge heat and energy resistances, and mech resistances aint that bad

>You get PSI Inhibited,
Dont get PSI inhibited, alternatively, use Psi reinvigorator. Regular Hammer Wizard can also use Force Field to take cover from psi interrumption, but I see you dont get that luxury, instead relying on MP.

>and then you are just a stationary damage sponge
Are you implying you're completely defenseless and useless in these situations? Because I can assure you're not.
Grenades, reinvigorator, high fortitude, high resolve, high survivality, LoS breaking around corners, making enemies come to you.
The only case what you say would be true, is getting permanely and repeatly acid entangled, but that's a fringe situation.

>I don't think Metathermics can "Blow things up" even at 7WILL to reliably guarantee safety.
It definely can, not as much as a pure psion can, but you still are able to wreck some havok.

>Also Quad Nagas
Hammerers are the best build to trash robots, your physical might along with a single mk3 EMP should win you the whole encounter.

>when every single enemy with a grenade in their inventory will lob it at you....
And? What? Does it stop you from playing? Grenadier is not needed at all.

By being a metal wearer, having 9 CON, by having tanking feats, drugs, etc.
What kind of question is that?
>Does it say Tanky Hammer Wizzard?
Hammer Wizard implies a tank build. Hammerers are by default tanks. Glass cannon hammerers are the exception to the rule, and are very rare to see as builds.

>mobile/tanky and immobile/super-tanky Hammerer + Wizzard shenanigans
Yeah, I already played both archetypes.

Builds / Re: Hammer wizard but with metathermics
« on: September 16, 2021, 05:01:54 pm »
>You are some sort of purist?
No, I just play builds that actually make sense thematically.

>Grenadier is mainly for Flashbangs, Gas Grenades and EMP's.
You dont really need those when you're extremely tanky, extremely powerful at melee combat and have PSI at your disposal. 3 DEX with minimum throwing will do it.
The only argument you could make is that since it mainly uses MT and not PK (the original Hammer Wizard I created), you take grenadier to better handle bots since MT is very bad against bots, but I'm still very skeptical.

>Don't have to use damaging grenades much. Molotovs for Crowd Control.
Then stay at 3 DEX, metathermics is better replacement than Grenadier.

>Wielding a Hammer and casting <Methathermics> Spells is a definition of Hammer Wizzard.
The very definition of a hammer wizard is a very tanky, very strong melee combatant and psi caster, that's it's whole trope.
What I see on the original build is, besides the QoL, is being a Nimble Can, which in itself is not a bad thing but it's an entirely different build I'm not sure you can really fit on a regular hammer wizard build. Mind you, if you can, congratulations, you did good, but otherwise I think you will be streching yourself too thin. Also being a nimble can justifies the 6 AGI, whereas my Hammer Wizard was a slow tungsten tank with 3 AGI and 0 MP.
By far the most outraging feature of the original build is the 3 Will, why would you 3 Will if you're a hybrid psi build that will heavily use a single school? It makes no sense since you also need the damage from your ranged sources. 3 Will is what a TM builds use a crutch, but hammer wizard actually needs a strong psi school to get by. I highly disagree with 3 Will.

>QOL Feats are there exactly for that - Quality of Life 😆 You can bang you head against the wall if you wish.
Hammer Wizard is one of the top builds in Underrail, if you feel you need to heavily QoL on feats and otherwise you feel like banging your head against the wall, then you're doing something very wrong.

>But then you will be Wizzarding more and less Hammering?
No? In reality it's 50% 50%, you hammer everything that gets in melee range and cast Psi on anything that stays away from your melee range.
With this same logic of yours, I could say if you take grenadier you will be less of a hammerer and more of a grenadier, and that also would be of course false.

>But basic Metal can be done at the start. 10-13% AP difference only and it is early game after all.
Taking a feat that only will work on early/mid game feels like a complete waste unless he plans to stay with TiChrome and/or Super Steel.

Bugs / Re: Minor bug: NPCs not using their designated weapons
« on: September 16, 2021, 06:27:04 am »
Another one

Builds / Re: Hammer wizard but with metathermics
« on: September 16, 2021, 06:12:19 am »
>Quick Pockets
>Trigger Happy
This is less of a hammer wizard and more of a generalist.
Next thing you're going to say is recommending TM

My recommendation is going 7 Will, Stoicism is great and is too good to pass, as well making your casting actually good.
Stop relying on grenades and traps, leave throwing at 10 maximum and traps at 0, boosting detection on a shaded metal helmet 3 PER build is dumb, you're not supposed to not detect anything, you're supposed to either tank it or play outside the box, like using exo aura to ward off crawlers.
3 AGI is an experiencie, you dont need to move when you're very tanky and you have mad damage from ranged sources: thats why tin can AR is so good.
Also not having Thick Skull will hurt, and unless you play to run TiChrome/SS, armor sloping on Tungsten will be virtually useless.

Mind you, I dont think MT is a good psi school, as matter of fact it's pretty bloody good, I simply dont agree with QoL choices, which makes the build less of a hammer wizard and more of your average generalist.

Bugs / Minor bug: NPCs not using their designated weapons
« on: September 15, 2021, 11:50:18 pm »
Very rare and odd but and I dont know what exacly causes it, but I have seen a few NPCs not using their designated weapons.
Oddly enough this bug only with tin cans, using hammers instead of their AR, I have yet to see any crossbow user or sniper use their knife or something.

Bugs / Minor bug: Alert activating NPC faulty pathing
« on: September 15, 2021, 11:38:16 pm »
So since I dont have a stealth, I initiated combat manually and tried to close the distance to the ironhead hammerfriend, he used his MP and AP to try to get close to the Switch (pointer indicates where he got so far) to active the alarm as usual, however when he ran out of MP and AP, he activated Sprint and actually he run towards me, and not the switch.
Now that I mention it, I find how he activated sprint when he ran out of AP, whereas he should have used it at the start of his turn.

Suggestions / Re: New Veteran feat suggestion
« on: September 09, 2021, 04:38:09 am »
I do agree in your feat trees idea, more feat customization to tinker with builds would be nice.
I sincerely hope Styg and devs deep plunge into heavy customization of builds, giving replay value is something that will keep the game alive for very long.

And no, Last Stand should not suffer because TM shenanigans making it OP.
I hate it.
Stop using TM.

Suggestions / New Veteran feat suggestion
« on: September 07, 2021, 04:24:29 pm »
'Vigor Resurgence'
Increases Last Stand duration by 1 turn, gives Adrenaline Rush and Pain Suppression buffs for as long Last Stand is active

Requires Last Stand and 10 base CON, level 26 or higher

Bugs / Junkyard mutie turns into a backpack when killed
« on: September 07, 2021, 04:21:12 pm »
Title, his body quickly faded into a backpack the same moment I killed him, so it happened in combat

Bugs / Minor Light bug
« on: September 07, 2021, 04:19:32 pm »
Turning off the power at the early game random dungeon (the one with either mole crickets or rathounds) dont actually turn off the lights, merely it turns off the light bulbs and the electric lock but the light in itself remains unchanged

Bugs / Re: Bioinvestigative Belt requires base skill not effective skill
« on: September 04, 2021, 01:01:11 pm »
Most of items and feats that require a certain skill to equipt/use are based off base skill, not effective skill.

Bugs / Re: Stun animation sometimes not playing out
« on: September 03, 2021, 04:05:36 pm »
The lunatic problem is probably because you have the old save from when the bug existed, so it's stuck like that.

As for dogs, is this problem only occurring when they are sitting?
Actually, yes, I think most of stun sprite bugs were on situations in which I got the jump on the dog and stunned them while they were sitting down

Suggestions / Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« on: August 25, 2021, 04:27:16 pm »
Make special bullet types to be crafted regardless of caliber, so you will have freedom to craft whatever war crimes bullets you want for whatever caliber you want
To counter this, make crafting these special bullets harder

Suggestions / Re: Ideas for new TM spells
« on: August 25, 2021, 03:18:10 pm »
Having a slow down on a huge area similar to Starcraft's 2 Stasis wards would be neat, could be a very high TM skill

This game has a system of colour coded NPCs that barely uses:

Red for enemy
Yellow for 'hostile'
Grey for neutral
Blue for allied
Green for 'friend'
Yellow'ish brown for inactive turrets

However only red, grey and blue are often used in this game, and some of them are poor implemented, for example:
You'd think that yellow NPC's are easily turn into enemies by movement or dialog checks, however in Epione lab as a Protectorade the soldiers in there are yellow and there's nothing you can do to turn them aggressive towards you besides outright attack them, the yellow colour is pointless, it should be neutral grey at the very least.
Another example, groups of common thugs/bandits in Core City, most of them are grey, however if you get close they turn aggressive and attack you (their quotes warning you is on point tho), they shouldnt be grey, they should be yellow.
Also another example is upon entering University for the first time, when you're about to be interviewed, you can see a Rassaphore and a Recombinant forming a line that implicitly tells the player to not go further and instead go to the questioning, these two tchortists should be yellow since walking past them will make them hostile (mind you that I never actually did it, but it's painfully obvious it would turn out like that since the game makes it obvious)
Well put colours are for example the Scavengers in upper underrail, or the Lunatics under Oculus, in which venturing into forbidden zone for the former and picking the wrong choice of dialog for the latter can turn them hostile.
At the same time, what are the differences between green and blue? Both of them will turn red if you attack them, and I'm fairly sure they both turn red on you if a grenade lands near them or if they step into your traps, yes, I get the reference of the green dog at the SGS dock, 'Man's best friend', and befriended rathounds while wearing Rathound Regalia (you're part of the pack), however siding with Coretech and going into the Coretech lab with the identification turns the robots green, the robots are not your 'friends', they merely simply dont vaporize you on sight, they should be grey.

I encourage a proper usage of code for Infusion and if possible fixing the colour coding in the base game so it can be more consistent and intiutive for the player.

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