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Messages - ShoggothWhisperer

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Nope, it can be blocked by block feats/riot gear, his pneumatic punch is just THAT good
According to a dev on the Discord, it counts as a close range pistol attack.

Nvm Industrial Bot melee attack counts as a ranged attack, apparently.

Bugs / Bug: Industrial Bot melee attack not treated as a melee attack
« on: June 15, 2021, 04:58:01 pm »
Industrial bot melee attack ignores uncanny dodge, and also ignores bonus melee resistance from dense foam padding and snake leather armor.

It always struck me as a little strange how merchants would be willing to buy nearly broken knives and guns that are far below the quality of items they sell. Having a minimum value that merchants accept would also discourage people form developing alphabet syndrome and carrying around 17 guns in hopes of selling them to squeak out a few meager charons. Minimum value would be the item’s base value without mercantile/difficulty modifiers. Merchant minimums would be something like SGS 3k, Junkyard 4k, Blaine/Hawthorne/Rail Crossing 5k, Core City/Marty 6k, Foundry/Free Drones/Procterate/Expedition merchants 7k, Oligarch merchants/Constantine/Hannah 8k. Inferior quality weapons and armor will no longer be flooding the economy with this change.

General / Re: Crystal Mainframe vision requirement
« on: June 14, 2021, 11:28:20 pm »
I believe the mainframe results are randomly chosen per play through, and you only need a certain will threshold to see them. I got the first one to appear on a 7 will build, but I have also gotten it on a 14 will build.

General / Re: [Spoilers sort of] Anyone know what Flottsørmir is?
« on: June 09, 2021, 03:40:41 am »
It is an extra dimensional entity that appears to the natives as a great serpent. It might be a leviathan, or it could be something else. It communicates through the shadowlith and the black rock totem, but it is not trapped within them.

The bladed claw cannot be used to perform crippling strike, despite combo only working with fist weapons and unarmed. Either combo shouldn’t work with the bladed claw, or crippling strike should work with the claw.

You can also get mutated at the waterways dungeon by attacking the barrels in the room with the d5 mutagen.

You can also turn the valves in the final boss fight to douse the boss with acid, and on dominating each valve takes 1/3rd of his health. It only hurts him if he is standing in a specific spot though, so it’s a bit inconsistent to do, but you can use the cameras to see where he is. The only downside is that the boss usually kills your allies while he is moving into position, so usually only one person survives. You also get a different ending depending on who you side with, or some unique dialogue if you kill the inhabitants without turning on the power.

Builds / Re: Fun, good build for dominating?
« on: May 22, 2021, 09:25:17 pm »
Here is a dex versatility build I made a while back with energy weapons. The build suffers a bit with accuracy in the mid game due to versatility being mediocre without specialization, but you have massive damage from the huge crit modifier energy weapons get. By level 18ish this build will steamroll every encounter in the game.

Suggestions / New Weapon Suggestion: Clubs
« on: May 20, 2021, 01:19:16 am »
I was recently doing a playthrough focused around riot armor with shields, and realised that there really aren’t a lot of good melee options to use with shields. Most knife and fist weapon builds don’t have enough strength or want mobility and evasion, swords and spears make shields redundant with parry and spear guard, and sledgehammers can’t use shields. To remedy this and to add a third category of blunt melee weapons, I propose adding clubs.

Blunt one handed melee weapon with low strength requirement (5-6 str) that do not benefit from dex ap reduction. Damage Increased by 9% for every point in Strength above 7 (117% bonus damage at 20 Strength).
Base 15 ap cost, tight damage spread (12-14 q15, 22-26 q70, 40-47 q160 when crafted with steel plates), base 80% critical damage bonus, and a base 5% crit chance with steel plates.
Has an inherent 25% chance to daze targets with each attack.
Crowbars and the Rolling Pin benefit from club feats.

 4 component slots: Metal Plates, Metal Plates/ Spikes (optional) , Power Module (optional) , Energy Core (optional).
Crafting with 2 metal plates creates a reinforced club that deals bonus damage similar to reinforced combat gloves, while crafting with spikes deals additional damage similar to spiked combat gloves, and changes the weapon name to mace. The power module slot allows an electroshock generator to be added to the club.

Benefits from Crippling Strike, Bone Breaker, and Heavyweight.

New Feat: Staccato Rhythm-Each successful club attack lowers the ap cost of further club attacks by one, and increases damage of club attacks by 5%. Stacks 5 times, stacks last for 3 turns. Requires: 8 Strength, 6 Dexterity, Melee 30.

New Feat: Hobble- Perform a melee attack with a club that deals normal damage, reduces a target's movement points to zero for 3 turns, and reduces a target's dodge and evasion by 50%. Only works on living targets (that have knees). Cooldown: 4 turns.
Requires: 9 Strength, Melee 40.

New Feat: Debilitator- Whenever you apply a non bleed debuff (crippled, expose weakness, dazed, hobbled, infected wound, incapacitated,stunned, broken ribs, inhibited) to a target using a club, apply a stack of debilitated, which increases all damage taken by 10%. Lasts 3 turns, and stacks up to 5 times.
Requires: 5 Intelligence, Melee 60, Feat:Crippling Strike

New Feat: Bludgeon-Your club attacks ignore mechanical damage threshold and mechanical damage resistance based on your level, up to 15 DT and 30% DR. (.5 DT and 1% DR ignored per level)
Requires: 10 Strength

New Feat: Disorient-Perform a melee attack with a club that deals normal damage and prevents the target from invoking psionic abilities for 3 turns. Only works on targets with exposed heads. Cooldown: 4 turns.
Requires: 7 Strength, Melee 50, Biology 50

Unique Clubs:

Morningstar- 30-35 damage, 15 ap, 5% crit chance, 100% crit damage bonus, 5 Minimal Strength. Incurs 125% mechanical damage resistance and threshold, 30% chance to inflict a bleeding wound that deals 100% damage over the next 3 turns. Found on a dead man in the lost vault dungeon.

Ennervator-20-25 mechanical damage, 15 ap, 2% crit chance, 75% crit damage bonus, 6 minimal strength. 50% chance on hit to create an EMP grenade blast centered on the player with the effects of a standard emp grenade. Crafted by using the strange power cell in the power module slot of a club, requires 120 effective Electronics skill to craft, and has fixed stats.

Rusty Pipe-13-16 mechanical damage, 15 ap, 3% crit chance, 80% crit damage bonus. Stater club weapon, found in the under passages between SGS and GMS in a barrel.

Plasma Mace-20-30 mechanical damage, 20-30 energy damage, and 20-30 heat damage, 20 ap, 5% crit chance, 100% crit damage, 6 minimal strength. 200 energy, uses 20 energy with every attack, loses energy and heat damage when unpowered. Found in Fetid Marsh at the entrance to Viridescent Quarry.

I recently discovered that the entrance to the Three Masters dungeon entrance can spawn in several places, so to cheese the masters head to the southern room.

In the Core City Sewers, the smoke effects are present before he dies. I know it just got fixed where his corpse would stop showing up early, but they forgot to remove the smoke effects.

Suggestions / Re: Rework for Balor
« on: May 17, 2021, 01:51:06 am »
The best way to make Balor more threatening would be to increase his mobility or give him a ranged attack instead of making him tankier. Most of the time he spawns in 80-95% penalty armor with boots and the helmet, so any build can easily kite him around with tabi boots and low armor penalty. Sprint would go a long way to remedy this, or giving Balor the nimble feat to reduce armor penalty. Balor could also use grenades with the grenadier feat to provide a ranged attack without being too overwhelming, and receive better grenades at higher difficulties.

Suggestions / Re: New quest: Assault on Foundry
« on: May 17, 2021, 01:33:27 am »
There is a random event where the Foundry Guard and Ironheads fight, but it is quite rare. I’ve only had it happen once in my 500+ hours of playing Underrail.

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