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Messages - ShoggothWhisperer

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Discussions / Re: How many hours in UnderRail do you have? :D
« on: May 15, 2021, 12:51:52 am »
According to Steam I got 486 hours, but I still keep discovering new things about the game.

Builds / Master Demolitionist Belt Build-Surprisingly Not A Meme
« on: May 12, 2021, 10:57:58 pm »

With the release of the newest update, we have been graced with a new item to build around; the Master Demolitionist Belt.

While most may be dissuaded due to its penalties to movement speed, agility, and most importantly grenade ap cost, I saw its potential for massive area burst damage, and made a build around it. This guide is divided into two parts, with the first part being focused on obtaining the belt and the second part going over what the build can do.

Important Disclaimer

The Master Demolitionist Belt is not available every playthrough, due to it spawning in a randomly generated Core City Sewer fragment. Additionally, it drops from Master Demolitionist, who only spawns on Dominating. You may have to do multiple playthroughs to Core City to find the belt. With this in mind, Classic XP is the way to go, since it allows for quick leveling so you can save time early game if the fragment doesn’t spawn, and this build is built around that XP system. The fragment in question is a ladder next to the entrance to the Praetorian Security quest area, but it may be able to spawn elsewhere in the sewers.

Part 1: The Quest For The Belt

Level 14 build

This build is your basic Dex focused time monk, and is mainly used to breeze through the early game and take on the Three Masters. Recommended factions are JJK and Procterate, but they aren’t required for the build. You can reach level 8-9 pre Depot A by following the gang warfare quest line, and can reach 14 quickly by doing the Oculus quests, Foundry quests, and JJK quests, which can all be completed fairly easily. You can also farm XP from the Coil Spiders in Zamans Lair and the caves below the Coretech warehouse, which give 800 and 1100 xp from the regular and greater spiders respectively. Speaking of Coil Spiders, get ready to fight through a gauntlet of them as you try to obtain the Power Fist, an essential item for beating the Masters. You can fight the Masters earlier than level 14 if you want to, but level 14 allows you to have enough stealth to consistently avoid being instantly detected by the Greater Coil Spiders that guard the power fist.

The Three Masters

The Three Masters are one of the most difficult encounters in Underrail, rivaling the quad nagas in difficulty. Each Master has 1.7k-2.3k hp and a Blast Suit to boot, making them some of the tankiest enemies around. Blaster has enough detection to instantly spot you with 150 effective stealth, and sports a high quality plasma pistol that hits for over 1k damage on its aimed shots. Time Master’s distortions are unavoidable damage that bypasses resistances, and he can dodge attacks even in the proximity suit with his Temporal Manipulation abilities. Demolitionist can intimidate you to neuter your damage output, and his super slams from his 2.3k health pool will turn any character to dust. The entire area is filled with napalm barrels which the Masters can easily wade through while you burn to death, and each Master carries MK 5 frag and HE grenades to detonate the barrels. To defeat this menace, you’re going to need to cheese them.

Recommend Gear

Power Fist (obtained from Hecate Research Outpost north of Foundry)
Black Balaclava (Constantine sells good quality)
Leather armor under 15% penalty, preferably with black cloth and soft foam padding
Ninja Tabis (Constantine sells good quality)
10+ adrenaline shots
10+ TNT charges


First, set up a bear trap behind the closed door to the west in the starting room, and 2 bear traps behind the closed door to the east. Once you are ready to begin, detonate a TNT charge west of the entrance ladder and position yourself out of stealth and out of sight next to the boxes near the east door. When the charge detonates, the Masters will come and investigate, approaching the west entrance first. Since the trap is hidden behind the door, the masters don’t have time to detect them, and Blaster will walk into the trap at the west entrance. It is recommended to slow down game speed here, as by manually entering combat as soon as the trap springs you can trap the master for 3 rounds instead of 2. After the trap is sprung, the other Masters will slowly make their way to the other door on the east side to reach you, allowing you to beat up the trapped Master with the power fist. Make sure to leave enough mp to break line of sight, to avoid being attacked or affected by the Masters abilities. When the bear trap wears off, hit the Master until the multi-turn incapacitate effect from the Power Fist is applied, and then enter stealth and sneak to the other side of the room. The Masters will walk to the detonation location and then return to their original spots, allowing you to repeat the cycle until they are defeated. It usually takes about 3 cycles to kill a Master, so you may be at this for a while. Do not rely on stun effects to cheese them, as all of the Masters have the Thick Skull feat. In addition to the Master Demo belt, each Master drops 3 MK 5 frag and HE grenades regardless of player level, allowing early access to a large supply of powerful explosives. Now that we have the belt, the real build can begin.
Part 2: Cooking With Gas

Final Build
Specialization is 1 Expose Weakness duration, 1 Blitz AP, 10 Three Pointer, and 3 Fatal Throw AP.

General Information

The strategy of this build is to get up in the enemies face, blow your load, and then finish off the remaining enemies with a flurry of blows. The big damage comes mainly from the belt detonation, with the base damage values listed below:
2160-5760 damage with Plasma MK3
1122-7584 damage with Frag MK5
1140-3780 damage with HE MK5
All detonations are assuming 6 grenades, with either minimum damage or max damage with all critical hits. As I have discovered from testing, frag grenade shrapnel is only reduced by evasion, and not by explosion resistance. MK5 frag detonations will kill you whether or not you're wearing a Blast Suit, and are thus not recommended to be used with the belt. You should normally be carrying 5 grenades for detonation, and use your 6th utility slot for throwing knives/throwing nets to activate Fatal Throw or immobilize enemies. Three Pointer with maximum specialization gives you an 85% crit chance at max level, so you will frequently be dealing 2k+damage per detonation before resistances. Explosion damage is greatly reduced by evasion, so use Dirty Kick or a net to stun or immobilize enemies and lower their evasion to zero. Expose Weakness also lowers resistances and thresholds, so you can combine both to obliterate bosses in a single blast. This build also comes with massive AP, and under ideal circumstances you can obtain 137 AP to work with, which should be more than enough to handle any encounter. AP breakdown:

(27-7)fatalthrow+22blitz+25vit powder+20contraction+50base=137 ap=28 4ap punches, 10ap belt detonation and 15ap stasis, 115 ap next turn with fatal throw kill.

Gear Overview

Dealing 5k+ explosive damage centered on yourself sounds great on paper, but in practice will usually result in complete disintegration without the proper equipment. To avoid turning into a splatter on the sidewalk, this build uses high evasion and blast cloth to reduce explosive damage. Evasion lowers explosive damage by evasion/400 and caps at 85% reduction, so while wearing Cave Hopper Leather armor with a Blast Overcoat and 20% penalty you will evade 57% of explosive damage. Additionally, Bakst Cloth reduces damage taken from explosions, so we will be using a Blast Overcoat and Blast Balaclava to reduce explosive damage. Q103 Blast Cloth provides 66% explosive damage reduction in leather armor and 34% reduction on balaclavas and tabi boots, so you don’t need super high quality Blast Cloth to make the build functional. From testing it appears that the clothier feat doesn’t affect Blast Cloth damage reduction, since with the feat the reduction on leather armor should be 75% with the Q103 cloth according to the wiki. The wiki also states that damage reduction maxed out at 75% for leather armor at Q120, but I was unable to verify this during testing due to not being able to find high quality Blast Cloth. I am also unsure if there is a cap on Blast Cloth Damage reduction, since I threw a MK 3 plasma grenade at the feet of a character with 0 evasion and 94% blast resistance and it reduced damage by 90%. For the purposes of damage reduction, evasion is applied first, and then armor bonuses reduce the remaining damage. You will take a small amount of damage from each blast, but it likely won’t send you under 85% health. Infused Greater Siphoner Leather is the best armor generally due to the evasion boost, low armor penalty, and resistances to heat and energy damage, but Infused Cave Hopper Leather armor is good if you want to focus more on mobility. Blast cloth adds a 15% penalty to armor, which prevents you from obtaining the Nimble feat boost to evasion, but will keep you under the lightning punches threshold while wearing most leather armors. It should go without saying that you should turn off your shield during detonations, since the blast will tear it apart regardless of frequency.

Recommended Gear

Leather gloves with spikes(blades if using taste for blood) and pneumatic hammer(natives have q160+ snake leather for gloves)
Knife Thrower Gloves(7ap knives for fatal throw at 18dex)
Electroshock gloves(build struggles against robots high mechanical dt)
Blast Balaclava
Infused Greater Siphoner Leather Armor with Blast Overcoat and Soft Foam Padding
Master Demolitionist Belt
Any Tabi Boots(I prefer Ninja Tabis or Infused Sea Wyrm Tabis)
Energy Shield Emitter(Low/Low for melee, High/High for snipers)

Optional Feats

Clothier-Taste For Blood/Opportunist: Clothier may not work with blast cloth, so Taste For Blood provides a damage boost instead. I don’t like the feat that much since it’s useless against robots, but it does rack up quickly with the amount of attacks you can dish out. You can also use vile weaponry with it to boost damage against a single target, but I find that most of the time targets die before getting more than a single stack of bleed. This build stuns, incapacitates, and immobilizes fairly often, so Opportunist is a nice 25% damage boost.

Expertise, Uncanny Dodge-Recklessness, Critical Power: This is for if you want to focus more on crits and free up 40 skill points from dodge, but focusing on crits isn’t really worth it without Focus stims and Survival Instincts, especially since throwing knives and grenades aren’t affected by critical power or most crit chance boosting effects.

Sprint-Pack Rathound: Plasma Grenades weigh .2 each and standard grenades weigh .3 each, so you may have difficulty managing weight with this build. This sacrifices some mobility for convenience, and can help carry around the bear traps and TNT needed to kill the masters early game.

This is a fun variant of the standard time monk if you like to live dangerously. The biggest challenge you will face with this build is finding good quality blast cloth, as while testing I could only find max q103 from the institute of Tchort after checking every merchant in the game. Despite its drawbacks, the Master Demolitionist Belt is a viable weapon that can give throwing builds some much needed burst damage.

I ran a similar build a while ago, here are my thoughts.
1. Decapitate is shit. Maybe killing one weak enemy per combat encounter isn't worth it in my opinion. You should take dirty kick instead, since stun reduces an enemies dodge to zero and makes it easier to gain flurry stacks, along with the normal benefits of stunning an enemy.
2. You are a 3 con build. If your taking damage your likely going to die, so Guard isn't worth it, especially since the block chance is so low. Fancy footwork gives you movement points for each flurry hit, which can allow you to get out of melee range and let you break line of sight on ranged characters.
3. You are  better off lowering agility to 8 and putting the additional point in intelligence. This frees up more skill points in the build without sacrificing any feats. I personally prefer to keep biology and chemistry at 20 effective skill for gas grenades, and pump electronics up to 135 effective skill. This lets you craft MK 3 plasma grenades and high quality shield generators. MK 3 frags are good in depot A but are obsolete immediately afterwards since you can buy MK 4 grenades from Constantine and Frasier.  Mercantile to 150 is also good to sell the reef glider for the maximum amount of Charons.
4. Don't sleep on tailoring. High quality infused rathound leather can give up to 12% crit chance while providing  60+ stealth, and high quality  ninja tabis can provide 45+ bonus mp and additional stealth and dodge/evasion bonuses. The only advantage Phantom Dancer + purchased ninja tabis have over crafted gear is damage threshold against bullets, which doesn't matter on a 3 con build. Additionally, you can craft infused armor after completing kill the beast, while phantom dancer requires you to beat the expedition main quest.

I ran a build like this on dominating and shredded every non-robot encounter, but your build should do fine on dominating.

General / Your Thoughts On New Lost Vault Dungeon?
« on: February 28, 2021, 12:03:49 am »
Recently started a new playthrough using the newly buffed pistols and went through the new Lost Vault dungeon. I wanted to share my thoughts on it and see if I missed anything. I went through the dungeon twice, once with a pistol build at level 15 on Dominating and once with an existing Strength Spear build on Dominating at Level 26.

The vault itself is a flooded room filled with cargo containers and shelves that you hop across like agility checks. Notably, hopping across does not break stealth. The north side and the eastern side don't require any skill checks to traverse, although to loot some of the shelves you will need 8-10 dexterity. You can hop across some of the gaps during combat, but you cannot hop across the gap leading to/from the central area during combat. There is a plasma turret on the central pillar when going across this route, but you can easily take care of it by hiding behind the 2 crates stacked on top of one another. Melee users can hop across the gap to attack it directly. On the north wall are some rooms guarded by 2 plasma sentries, with one in stationary cannon form and another patrolling and entering/exiting the form whenever it turns around. The eastern room is an armory and contains several locked weapons lockers ranging from 75-90 lockpicking. Most importantly, the room contains 2 Mk 4 HE and frag grenades, 2 MK 2 plasma Grenades, and 2 MK 3 EMP grenades. There is an industrial bot in the room to the east of the armory guarding a corpse with a tac vest and a pistol, so you can skip it without losing much. There is an island in the northwest corner where you can use dex to snag some items from shelves.

The other 2 areas in the dungeon are the south supply room and kitchen and the west toxic storage area. The southern area requires 11 agility to enter, which is kind of annoying, but you can get +8 agility with white dude/all in, super solider drug, a cave hopper steak, and cave hopper leather armor and boots. The Kitchen has some food items and the supply room has some extra components. The west toxic storage area requires 11 strength to access by pushing aside a crate, and has 2 plasma sentries and a industrial bot in the northwestern room. You can get +8 strength with vitality powder, Rathound regalia, Power fist, and junkyard surprise/super solider drug. The only thing of note here is a fair amount of toxic waste, so you aren't missing out on much if you skip this portion.

Your reward for completing the dungeon is some components that range from q100-135. Most of the components are paddings, armor plates, cloths, and various electronic components.

Final Thoughts:
I think this is a cool and unique dungeon, and I like the various mechanics introduced within. I think its a little annoying that half of the dungeon is locked behind pretty demanding skill checks, but you can get about 70% of the components without going into the skill check areas. If you are considering running a build with tactical/riot armor, then this is a great place to go to get decent quality materials post depot A.

General / Re: Random LORE thoughts (Spoler Warning)
« on: January 27, 2021, 11:20:10 pm »
I'm guessing that the player may originally be from northern Underrail, since the seem unfamiliar with many of the locations and creatures inhabiting the south. SGS is just the largest independent station, which is why many important characters reside there. The station is free from the influence of biocorp, the procterate, and the oligarchs, so it makes sense that people wanting to keep a low profile would head there. There isn't any evidence to suggest that Vivian is still alive, and Ola seems genuinely sad about her death, based on his reaction when the player says they don't care about her,  but I suppose he could be faking it. I think the canisters are just meant to be godmen technology or something of the sort, since they don't seem to do anything specific.

Another lore thought is that Hank Wardell, the previous inhabitant of your house in core city, is going to be the protagonist of infusion, since infusion is supposedly a prequel. The Housing corp guy said he likes to go spelunking, perform experiments, leave his house empty for weeks at a time, and randomly leave people in the middle of conversations, things that the player character is prone to doing.

Builds / Re: Viable spear throw build?
« on: January 25, 2021, 06:20:39 pm »
I just recently did a spear build, and found strength to be a better option then dex. I just pumped throwing to base 75 and used spear throw to hit immobilized/ nearby enemies. Spear throw does more damage than a standard spear attack, so it is worth using if you want to maximize damage, and the damage bonus and additional benefits you get from strength are far better then only receiving the crit and initative bonus from dex.

Builds / Re: Asking for suggestion to improve my energy pistol build.
« on: January 25, 2021, 06:15:19 pm »
Opportunist and nimble are good feats to take, since opportunist gives bonus damage to enemies stunned by the electroshock pistol and nimble improves you stealth by reducing armor penalty. Blindsiding is a good general purpose damage feat, since it helps improve your alpha strike. Aimed shot is a guaranteed crit that benefits from special attack bonus, so I think you should take it as well at some point. A good quality shield will save you from everything short of a sniper rifle shot unless you use a high frequency shield, but I prefer to use a low shield to stop crossbow bolts. I usually have leftover psi slots since I only use stasis, acceleration, and Limited temporal increment, but you can use other TM abilities like entropic recurrence if you want to.

For early game psi beetles, I recommend using throwing nets and stabbing them with melee, so you can avoid alerting other beetles. For rescue newton in particular there is a method to cheese the facility with Molotov's, you can find it easily if you watch any underrrail speedrun.

Builds / Re: Asking for suggestion to improve my energy pistol build.
« on: January 24, 2021, 09:28:51 pm »
For starters, I would drop trigger happy and paranoia. You already get a big initiative boost from dex and the JJK jacket, and drinking root soda will consistently let you outspeed enemies with high initiative like Carnifex and death stalkers. Future orientation is probably not worth it due to the action point cost increase, and you can't use tranquility on this build due to being at 30% health. Last stand only lasts for a single turn without specialization points, and cancels out the survival instincts bonus, so I'd either put specialization into it or drop it from the build. I'm not much of a fan of cryostasis since it costs 10 ap just to incapacitate a single target, and I feel like most of the time you would be better off taking cheap shots and stabbing them with a knife to try to incapacitate them, but it's up to your preference I suppose. I would highly recommend putting more points into tailoring, since infused rathound leather is an easy way to increase crit chance and it lets you craft high quality tabis to increase movement points and stealth. Overall it looks like a solid foundation for a build.

Builds / Re: Build recommendation for Expedition
« on: January 22, 2021, 02:41:45 pm »
If you're playing a non tin-can character in expedition, escape bonds is nearly required for many encounters, due to the large amount of enemies who can inflict immobilization. Its a decent feat n the base game as well, since it lets you escape acid entanglements, bear traps, and throwing nets.

Trying this build out, I'm post depot A now. What armor should I go for at this point? I have some good smart goggles and tabis but I'm still running with siphoner leather armor from before depot A.

Post depot A I would recommend JKK or Coretech faction armor. Coretech armor boosts energy pistol crit chance, but the wireless charging aura is pretty useless on this build since it reduces stealth to zero and makes it impossible to activate ambush. JKK armor boosts point shot and initiative, which is useful for this build, but I went Coretech on my playthrough to get access to Harlan's electronic components. You could also go for a low armor penalty tactical vest or Greater Siphoner leather jumpsuit if you want more defensive benefits, but its a matter of personal preference.

Builds / Re: Advice for a Stealth/Sniper/SMG Build?
« on: January 10, 2021, 02:28:23 am »
Since you want to use snipers and smgs, its best to try to get perception as high as possible. If you can reach 18 per that's great, but aim for at least 14 per. You should drop agility to 8 if you aren't using blitz, or keep agility at 10 and add the blitz feat. You should drop con to 3 since the difference between 4 and 3 con is basically nothing, especially on hard and dominating. Having 40 base dodge gives you access to the uncanny dodge feat which you should definitely take, and I wouldn't recommend increasing base dodge past 40. If you are pumping evasion you should max it out, since evasion reduces the chance to get hit relative to the targets guns skill and also greatly reduces the damage from explosions. I would recommend 85 effective throwing skill, but you can have less if you fine with reloading more when a grenade misses. 120 effective skill for hacking and lockpicking is sufficient, since Huxkey boosts your hacking and lockpicking skill by 15 and lets you open every locked door. With 130 hacking you can reboot Iris, but you don't get any reward from this except for some lore. 130 effective mechanics skill will allow you to craft with any component found outside deep caverns, and you can craft with higher quality components at a workbench inside your house. Electronics should be at about 140 to craft a 1.5k+ energy shield, which will compensate for having 3 con. With slightly more investment in chemistry you reach 112 chem, which allows you to craft Mk 5 grenades. You should aim for 150 mercantile, since that allows you to pass every mercantile check and get access to high quality components. For Feats, I would recommend dropping hit and run, since it does nothing if you have over 25 mp and only procs on kills.
Here is what your build may look like if you implement these changes.

Bugs / Bug-No Exp awarded from completing Kill the Rathound King
« on: January 10, 2021, 01:46:18 am »
Recently encountered this bug in my latest playthrough. If you kill the Rathound king before completing the Burrower Emergency quest and go to turn in the quest, there is special dialogue when speaking to Edgar mentioning that you already met and killed the Rathound King. When the quest is completed in this manner, you are awarded he money and the option to gain the hunter feat, but do not receive the 3500 Exp you would when completing the quest normally. This bug happened for me on the classic exp system.

I don't play oddity on dominating, mainly due to how hard it is to level up once you reach higher levels. With high quality tabis I get about 50 mp, which is usually enough to break line of sight if I have proper positioning. 90% of the time I clear encounters without being attacked, so the low health and dodge/evasion doesn't really matter. You cant get netted/webbed if everyone is stunned, incapacitated, or dead. Special attacks with the electroshock pistol are good enough for crowd control, and I use a fair amount of Molotov's and Flashbangs to slow down any survivors. The plasma pistol is pretty useless against Nagas, but the electroshock pistol can easily take them down. The builds biggest benefit is dealing primarily electric and energy damage, since no enemies strongly resist both of them.

Build Link-

Starting stats are: 5/10/3/3/7/3/9

 Do you like Energy Weapons? Do you want to deal MAXIMUM DAMAGE and wipe out hordes of devolved inbreds with a single well placed aimed shot? Do you like to suffer? If you answered yes to any of these questions, this build is for you. This build takes advantage of the dex ap reduction on light weapons combined with the versatility feat to allow you to get the most bang for your buck when using plasma and electroshock pistols. As a disclaimer, this build was tested on dominating, but this build should perform well on lower difficulties.

The Gear

Electroshock Pistol- This bad boy will be your primary weapon for most of the game. At 18 Dex it costs 21 ap to fire, which is reduced to 19 ap with super solider drug. With adrenaline, and temporal contraction, this lets you attack 4 (5 with SSD) times in a single turn with regular shots and point shot. With a high quality circle wave amplifier you can easily get over 500% critical damage, and when combined with a high quality smart module and high quality smart goggles you can get over 100% special attack damage bonus. An aimed shot from stealth usually does about 1500-2000 damage, and chains to nearby characters for 65% of previous damage, letting you easily clear most groups of enemies, in addition to often stunning the primary target if they somehow survive the initial attack. Be warned that the electricity can chain to you or nearby friendly characters, and has been the source of a fair amount of deaths in my playthrough of this build.

Plasma Pistol- This is where the big damage comes from in this build. At 18 DEX it costs 24 ap to fire the plasma pistol, which is lowered to 22 under the effects of super solider drug. With adrenaline and temporal contraction this lets you attack 4 times with regular attacks and point shot. The plasma pistol can easily reach over 600% crit damage and get the aforementioned 100% special attack damage bonus, letting you easily obliterate the tankiest of enemies. Under ideal circumstances, you can do 3500+ damage aimed shots and crits. Unfortunately, high quality plasma dischargers are extremely rare, as I have gone an entire playthrough without finding a 135+ plasma discharger, so you may have to use a weapon with sub-par components. The electroshock pistol already does plenty of damage, so the plasma pistol is mainly used to one shot bosses and deal with coil spiders.

Ti-Chrome Knife with energy edge emitter- Takes advantage of this builds high dex and melee to deal good damage without alerting enemies. You could swap out recklessness with cut-throat if you want to reduce an enemies evasion (more on that later) and have an easier time against human enemies, but its a matter of personal preference.

Armor- Smart Goggles are great for the special attack damage, Infused Rathound leather for the crit chance, and Ninja tabi boots to boost stealth. I recommend a low-low efficient energy shield, but this is more up to personal preference.

Psi-The only 2 psi abilities this build needs are temporal contraction and stasis, although you can use others if you feel like it. Temporal contraction acts like a second stackable adrenaline shot with bonus movement, while stasis effectively gives you a second turn to finish off any remaining enemies that survive your initial attacks.

The Cons of This Build

This build probably has one of the worst midgame experiences of any build out there. You will start to encounter some trouble in depot A, where on dominating you have a 65% chance to hit the mutant dogs. This build only needs 25 guns skill for feats, but I pumped it to 70 to have a decent chance to hit anything. Without full specialization points, it takes until about level 15 for high dex melee versatility to surpass 70 guns skill with 7 perception. Endgame, 18 dex with 10 specialization points in versatility equates to about maxed guns skill with 13 perception, but before then get used to seeing 49% accuracy on Ironhead bandits. Additionally, this build is a glass cannon, so 90% of the time if you miss your aimed shot your probably dead. This build also
has low movement points without high quality tabis, so don't expect to be able to outrun melee enemies. If luck is on your side, you can steamroll through tough encounters without taking damage. If you get unlucky, get ready to f5. You have been warned.

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