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Messages - cypherusuh

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Builds / Re: Need opinion/criticism on my psi-monk build
« on: November 04, 2019, 10:40:54 am »
For leather gloves, you only need 14 Dex w/ lightning punch + tabi, or 18 dex w/o lightning punch (can use heavy armor this way)

You could do something like this (feat chronology is messed up cuz you can't drag drop it on mobile)

For last pick, you could grab either thick skull, deflection, nimble (if you decided to go medium armor) , or vile weaponry (more damage, should stack with The Claw, might overkill if you use the claw)
If you absolutely don't want premeditation, you could remove 1 int and put it into Agi and take Uncanny Dodge, could combine with deflection if you want more dodge proc.
You could also go more beefy by taking Increased Con + Bodybuilding, although you need to remove 1 feat

If you wanna go crit, I recommend max cheap shot crit damage specializations, since fist only has 100% crit damage, although not sure if the bonus 100% works with crit power or not, if it does, then it's quite strong

If you're starved for skill point, you could shave off some of crafting skill and calculate it with Crafting Bonus, +2 INT from hypercerebrix and under pie +3 skill. Although for biology, it's better to not depend on crafting bonus, because most high-end requires Deep Cavern ingredients
Your lockpicking and hacking is also too much, you forgot to calculate the bonus using huxkey, jackknife, and lemurian engineer suit

Builds / Re: crossbow/shotgun build advice
« on: November 02, 2019, 09:11:57 am »
Bit late, but earliest shotgun you could get is from Armory's weapon persuasion. Need 20 effective for shoddy shotgun. Crafting your own shotgun is pretty damn expensive,  I think it was around 800-1200 SGS credit, it also need quite a high mechanic

Builds / Re: crossbow/shotgun build advice
« on: November 01, 2019, 01:49:42 am »
Agree with apostrophe. Auto shotgun is the way, ultra strong compared to normal shotgun. For primary skills, I think maxing crossbow and getting enough Guns for shortty perk is better. Crossbow has pretty bad accuracy overall, while shotgun will make due with Leading Shot, and even if it's missed your main target, it'll hit someone behind it

Builds / Re: Are snipers just terrible?
« on: October 31, 2019, 11:54:04 am »
AP consumption is pretty much the "weakness" of sniper rifle. You could use Dragunov / lower caliber w/ RR if you want lower AP. It works really well on super tanky mob. I tried sniper/shotgun and it works really well. The classic combo was sniper/SMG, but I don't like SMG due to massive bullet drain
Pure sniper is doable with bagful of caltrops and bear trap every now and then

Builds / Re: General advice for a stealthy assassin build
« on: October 30, 2019, 10:07:30 am »
Regarding game speed, it's better to just download Speedhack, someone made a very nice small app for that, you just need to run it once, and it's usable as long as the app is on, without "studying" Cheat Engine for that.

Also, you need Trap skill to disarm traps, not lockpick. To take and reuse enemies trap, you need X+20, where X is enemies' trap disarm requirement, which affected by the trap type (MK I is easier to disarm than MK V) and NPC trapper's Trap skill, it's why the "hard cap" of Trap skill is kinda hard to calculate, due to flexibility of trap difficulty.
Disarm difficulty is also affected the enemies. The higher your trap skill, less likely enemies will found and disarm / evade it

Regarding economy, you probably don't need to min-max it to the extend of saving few hypo and walk all the way to nearest free medics. Melee and psi build Dont really need to buy too much supply, compared to gun builds. If you want to save money, stock up on the explosive powders + mine /grenade case, and craft them yourself rather than buying mines from store. Also, 105 effective mercantile to unlocks special merchandise is great if you have spare skills (and don't forget other buff like Hypercerebrix and Under Pie, if you want to minmax it)

Builds / Re: Need opinion/criticism on my psi-monk build
« on: October 30, 2019, 01:32:07 am »
Didn't read that part where you wanna do no stealth run. Imo, it's an unnecessary burden. If you want to kill all enemies, just kill em. Stealth until you're on melee range, get alpha strike, proccing fancy footwork, get enough MS to get more than 1 kill
That first hit will helps you tremendously, especially if you're using light armor. You'll most likely die from unlucky sniper hit / psi barrage

Builds / Re: [Expedition] Force User hybrid build
« on: October 29, 2019, 02:13:45 am »
It's because the build is focused on Corporeal Projection (and usually Power Fist unique gloves) . If you wanna focus more on the punching, max dex 3 str would be better. 8 dex is good enough for 4x leather, 2x metal gloves attack for Combo proc abuse, each Combo cost 25 AP.

For the case, it's up to you, both offers its strength and both has different playstyle, albeit having slight difference

Builds / Re: Need opinion/criticism on my psi-monk build
« on: October 29, 2019, 01:49:22 am »
Yeah and 70 TM for static. Mb

Builds / Re: "Mind Spear" Build
« on: October 28, 2019, 08:32:03 pm »
I'm just a casual normal-hard player, but I agree with sapfearon. With really high psi skills, you'll rarely use melee, and once you're in melee range, you'll most likely die in 1 hit due to 3 Con + 0 dodge, hell you might die in turn 1 if anyone attacked you since you also have 0 evasion. 3 Con pure psi tranquil might be possible, since it's easier to full-heal when you don't have health pool anyway.. I'd say that it's better to invest on throwing + grenadier for additional CC.,flashbang and molotov are great

Psi build should be possible to run without mercantile, since you don't really need that much money, probably you' ll missed some rare stuff from special merchandise, but it's still possie to find high quality items without it.

For Free Maura quest, it's doable to just sneak past guard with high enough stealth, although idk what's the good spot, 90 effective is good enough to walk casually in 6-7 tiles distance

Builds / Re: Need opinion/criticism on my psi-monk build
« on: October 28, 2019, 03:11:31 pm »
8 agi is for Uncanny Dodge, it's pretty great since you could just leave your dodge on 40 and still get massive effective w/ Evasion synergy + deflection, else you have to rely on dodge chance, which means huge evasion investment.

Yep, leather should be prioritized. Mechanics and Electronics is mainly used for the "secondary" mods, such as Pneumatic Hammer, so lagging behind a bit is fine.

Evasion is usually better since it's also reduced AoE damage. With high enough evasion you could literally walk into mines with blast cloth tabi + leather armor and won't get scratched. There's no "soft cap", since it's depend on the enemies. Also, Siphoner could boost your dodge and evasion a lot more than other leather

Builds / Re: Need opinion/criticism on my psi-monk build
« on: October 27, 2019, 11:30:56 pm »
Force User worth far more than Blitz. Imo, that feat is extremely situational on certain build, since you could get Psycho-Temporal Contraption, which gives better buff and you only need 55 base Temporal Manipulation (can be increased further with feat, 15AP - > 20 AP bonus for 3 turn),with adrenaline, you have 90 AP, that's a lot. Also, don't forget that higher will increased your psi, which in turn, increased your overall fist DPS (although 7 will is good enough, don't really need to boost it further)

More or less. Tbh 4 AP punch is basically the meme-tier target, you'll do just fine with lightning punch + tabi, just enjoy the ride and you'll get there eventually.

Leather gloves is your bread and butter, you could use both leather and metal gloves for Combo purpose (2 hit leather 1 hit metal for Combo proc), but leather w/ serrated and pneumatic mod should be good enough. You could rely on your psychokinesis to deal with robots and other high DT enemies until you grab Expose Weakness.

Cheap Shot isn't reliable enough, but free stun from psychokinesis and cryokinesis slow is worth enough for opportunist.

As for build simulation, your Temporal Manipulation is too much, you just need 60 max for Static, or stop at 45 for haste. I'd recommend focusing on tailor first, since you don't really need electronics that much early game. It seems like the skill distribution would be very strict, I suggest to bump the level to 30, Google "underrail in-depth faq steam guide" for crafting skill requirement on Q160 (don't forget to check Crafting Table bonus and +2 INT stats from Hypercerebrix if you invest on at least 70 effective biology) and see how many spare points you have. You could put the rest on either throwing or 40+ dodge (although 40 + deflection + uncanny dodge should be enough). As for persuasion, 110 is the hard cap on DC area

Builds / Re: Need opinion/criticism on my psi-monk build
« on: October 27, 2019, 01:37:11 pm »
You could find loads of combat gloves on GMS area, and it cost practically nothing on early game. By the time you fixed your lock/hack/persuasion stats, you should be able to catch up with the mechanics and electronics (although I recommend 25 effective mechanic before GMS for recycle + elevator fix. It'll saves you a lot of time if you like to hoard everything. Also, I'd recommend to rush The Claw, it's really good vs non-robot

Bare fist is kinda shit, you could kill some rathound, but you'll have a hard time against anything with leather armor, it's doable but it's on Arbitrary Challenge category. Check on Dexterity wiki page, there's AP cost table there. It's not necessarily a long haul, since your AP will be quite low even after Lightning Punch + tabi

Force User is just so damn good, plus you maxed psychokinesis anyway, your TK punch will kill any living being. -1 cost and the wall is a huge plus, too.

For detection, don't worry about it. Trap placement is not random. You could memorize it after few run, and by the time you got to Camp Hathor, you should be able to buy / find motion-detection goggles, it's enough to reveal most trap in the game if you wait few seconds, adds the food buff for quicker detection. I'd say that between those 2, I'd pick pack rathound due to massive QoL on low STR char, it's practically 40% increase of weight limit. Also, base detection increased as your level increased, low level means low base, which only gives small bonus on paranoia. Even on higher level, motion-detection goggles + food is probably enough

Cheap shot gives Incapacitated status, not daze. It's basically stun, but removed if you hit them. It can be a life saver, but you can hold it or drop it, since there's other better way to disable, I.e psychokinesis skills and taser. Dirty Kick might be good, but I usually feels it's a bit overkill, since I don't really need much disable outside of psykokinesis skills until lv 18. Everything just melt around turn 1-3, and flashbang/emp is good enough

Builds / Re: Regrouping your most fun builds in this topic
« on: October 26, 2019, 03:32:51 pm »
For hybrid, it's usually better to not touch Tranquility / Psychosis, since usually your weapon feat took priority, and you don't really use psi that much to justify those two. For buffing only, you just need Temporal Manipulation 45 for Psycho-Temporal Acceleration (or 60 for static). You could adds 45 psychokinesis for Electrokinetic Imprint and 50 Metathermics for Thermodynamic Destabilization

Tbh the big dick of psi is Psychokinesis, due to Force User' TK punch + telekinetic proxy and later, implosion. It could pretty much melt everything outside of the big b0is

Builds / Re: Need opinion/criticism on my psi-monk build
« on: October 26, 2019, 03:21:08 pm »
For starter, you need 14 DEX+tabi boots+Lightning Punch or minimum AP, my recommended starting  base stats is 3/10/8/3/3/7/6, then put the rest of stats on dex. Always take Force User at lv 4, and Premeditation at 6.

1. If you want to have light armor, then max dodge/evasion + nimble is recommended, especially on 3 Con character. For fancy footwork, it's better to go aggressive, by the time you finished Depot A, you should be able to kill non-robot really quickly, you could probably managed to get 3 kill per turn

2. Always min-max your hacking/lockpick unless you want to stop on certain level. The general  effective skill phase is Depot A 50,rail crossing 70, corecity 85. You could use higher tier lockpick/haxxor, since there's very few high requirement. Lemurian Engineer suit, jackknife, stats booster and underpie could helps if you want to very minmax it on stats-hungry build

3. You could probably a little bit of persuasion, although it'll make early game skill distribution quite strict and your crafting skill might lag behind. If I remember correctly, there's list of Social Skill somewhere, could check Google. The "important" softcap is 60 persuasion up to rail crossing. The SGS help for gang showdowns requires 45 if you choose to "stay neutral", or 50 if you hate praetorian.

For feat, improved unarmed only affect bare fist. The must-have feat would be lightning punch and Expose Weakness. Taste for Blood is also fun. Cheap shot is great due to incapacitate chance, crit bonus is just cherry on top. It's also possible to do crit psi-monk, although you probably need Survival Instinct to helps with crit chance, which sacrificed your Agi 3 and Int 5. If you don't wanna go crit, Expertise is pretty good.

Fist, sledgehammer and pure psi is probably the most fun build for beginner, since they're quite straightforward and there's loads of feat to assist.

BTW just in case if you got annoyed with robot, makes sure to grab Combo around lv 14 / 16 and use pneumatic mod. Max psychokinesis should be able to handle most of the robot, too

Suggestions / Re: Faster zone transitions
« on: October 20, 2019, 09:12:36 pm »
Speedhack only increased the "fade-in fade-out" and other animation effects, technically it doesn't speed up transition loading nor save progress

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