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Messages - Kiruha

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Builds / Re: Can I make a viable build with all this?
« on: September 15, 2019, 05:34:28 am »
Carry weight is not a problem, it's all about inventory managment. If you bad with it, even 18 str will not solve this. You can take pack rathound to get extra 50 carry weight, this is the difference between 3 str and 8 str. You can drop pickpocket skill completely. Persuasion is not for rewards - it's for opening alternative solutions, but unfortunately final boss can't be persuaded anyway. About money - you will have enought later, you don't need to pickup every item and sell it. If you see crappy armor or a weapon, it's better to recycle it and make repair kits from scraps. Sell only the most expensive items, repair them before sale to get more money.

General / Re: Another crafting question
« on: September 14, 2019, 05:11:41 pm »
For creating items you need Effective skill levels. Also keep in mind that later you will get your home and will be able to get workbenches, they will increase you crafting skills. Also you can use drug to get +2 intelligence and eat underpie to get another +3 all skills

If you want to craft a top notch shield emitter, you will need about 160 effective electronics skill level.  This will be a dual module shield emmiter, if you are ok with the single one it will be lower.

For tailoring, if you want to craft a kickass infused leather armor, you should aim to 124-128 effective tailoring skill. It can be a little lower or higher, because of different optional parts.

Also 160 level components are super rare, and I personaly think that 150+ quality components  are enought to create really stong gear

Builds / Re: Noob needs help with Sniper-Traps-Stealth-Crafting
« on: September 14, 2019, 09:17:10 am »
If you prefer to pick enemies one by one, sniper rifle is not so good, because it is loud. You will kill one enemy, and everyone esle will be alerted. It will be easier to do with crossbows, melee or psi. About skills - usually you don't need to raise stealth, lockpicking and hacking,more than 40-50. If you prefer to be stealthy, you need to raise them to these levels, and then you can switch to other skills, like crafting. Bear traps is a potent option even with 0 traps skills, so every character can use them. Also caltrops and some grenades are useful even if you are not a dedicated throwing specialist. Key to succes is preparing for batlle and thinking outside of box. You will win most battles mostly because of clever usage of terrain and tactics.

General / Re: Where to find Hypercerebrix Blueprint?
« on: September 14, 2019, 08:39:05 am »
Wiki says the blueprint for Hypercerebrix is rarely sold by Phyllis. I've checked her inventory like 4 or 5 times, no Hypercerebrix.

Is it somewhere in Lemurian ruins? I didn't pick up every Expedition blueprint so I may have missed it, but now I need Hypercerebrix to progress the Sormirbaeren storyline on my 8 INT character.

If you have no luck with Phyllis, try to investigate Nexus of Technology. It is a fixed location for this blueprint. It's inside the table in one of the rooms.

Builds / Re: Hunter (Xbow/Poison/Traps/Stealth) build help for a new player
« on: September 13, 2019, 06:42:05 pm »
Poison bolts are not so useful - you better use poison for caltrops. Hearthbreaker poison also is not a gamechanger, 150 biology is too much for it. If you want to use it anyway, you get many poison bolts from tribals in epxedition. You can skip tailiring completely, but for roleplaying it makes sense, also you can craft really cool infused cave hopper leather armor with huge bonus to stealth and moving points. If you want evasion, you should max it or avoid completely. It is a good passive defence. You can check old Mindless crossbow domination build and mine revision of it for expedition if you want.

Builds / Re: General advice for a stealthy assassin build
« on: September 11, 2019, 04:49:14 pm »
Best playstyle for a beginner is full psi character

You should have enought points to max evasion and get 105 mercantile with bonuses. Mercantile will help you to get better parts for crafting - it will be faster, because of special offers. At the same time, mercantile can be dropped - you still will be able to get quality parts, but it will take longer.

You can play a high perception character to get all secrets and level up persuasion for dialogue options (no need more than 80 persuasion). There are some Will cheks in expedition, but only psions will raise that stat. If you metagame a bit, you can still get mostly all secrtes with 3 start perception, so playing a high will and persuasive psionic will be best for you. Also high will is a synergy for persuasion

Builds / Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« on: September 08, 2019, 03:57:51 pm »
Would recommend the Spec ops goggles located within a certain military base in expedition when you can get them, but cool build man.

They are sweet, but unfortunately they have an amor penalty. But with nimble you can use them with regalia and still have 0 penalty, and you will have regalia for most part of the game anyway.

Agi is not so useful - you will have many moving points with good tabi boots anyway. You should start combat out of enemies field of view and out of stealth to still have moving points. I played this build with 3 agi and its perfectly fine. In places where you can't trigger ambush try to use acid and ice pistol combo for a crowd control. Also keep in mind that heavy dex investment will shine in lategame only. QT is still useful out of combat - you can set up minefields right under enemies noses. Using Incendiary pistol and laser pistol for criticals is op, you can deal up to 990% of base damage, one shotting nearly anyone. If you drop tailoring and do a bit min-maxing you will be able to max out evasion and nearly max out dodge if you want. The only real downside for me is the range of pistol, after crossbow build it kinda sucks

Builds / Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« on: August 31, 2019, 02:17:14 pm »
If you're going to spec into traps and electronics, Plasma mines are extremely strong, especially if you can reliably detonate them with throwing invested.

I don't really understand why you wouldn't take aimed shot & snipe though, especially for a steath & critical focused build. I understand how deadly snares works.. but are you really using beartraps for every fight? If it's for the personal challenge, then all power to ya.

Snipe, aimed shot and cryostasis shattering let you breeze through early, middle and any time you ever run into a group of three or less enemies later on as quickly as you can encounter them with no prep.

I used to play build like this with aimed shot and snipe, but i found that these feats are nearly useless in late game, because of ambush and deadly snares. For ambush you just need a single flare or molotov, there are so many of them ingame. Also you can't use elemental bolts with snipe and aimed shot, for me it was another reason to drop them. In lategame you will be able to kill 4-5 enemies in first turn if you ambush them. Traps will be useful mostly for the most difficult fights (like beast or rednecks camps in expdeiton), or in places where Ambush can't be used. Plasma mines and grenades are cool, and it's better to join coretech faction because of that (they usually sell plasma grenade blueprint, unlike JKK)

About cryostasis  - I never used that strategy, also I never used statis from temporal manipulation. They can be very useful, I just used TM only for a speed buff.

So I dropped aimed shot with snipe because you can score criticals every turn by other ways (mostly ambush, but also snares for a backup option)

Builds / Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« on: August 31, 2019, 06:29:13 am »
You can buy molotovs from biologist in SGS and doctor in junkyard. Also you can use flares - they are silent, unlike molotovs. And it's better to save magnesium and napalm C for bolts
Why? Grenades have better AoE, do more damage (mostly over time, but i am abusing bear traps anyway). I believe its totally worth ~10 skill points.

Also, what is your tactic against robots? I was forced to just ignore them in GMS, because i cant kill them even in 1vs1.

The tactic is the same - bear traps and ambush. Also EMP grenades, EMP mines and shock bolts mk3. I skipped most early fights on dominating, the most difficult moments are Newton's warehouse and silent island. On island I used bear traps to silently kill all rathounds and then sneak around beetles to get the package. Depot A is easy because there are so many mines that you can use - you dont need to kill all enemies if you are sneaky anyway. Even before you get deadly snares, you can use bear traps and molotovs to trigger ambush. This build will shine when you get deadly snares and when you will have enought points into stealth to always get criticals from ambush, because it will eliminate the luck factor, and all fights will be much more predictibale and easy. Also night googles is very useful, because precision is bad without them.

Builds / Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« on: August 30, 2019, 08:45:55 pm »
Hmm no one seem to be including concussive shot in their build.
Is it that useless?

It's not so useful because most living targets will be dead in one critical shot. At the same time, you wil have throwing and mines for slowing down enemies anyway

Builds / Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« on: August 30, 2019, 08:41:19 pm »
You need tailoring 10 for incendiary grenades.
So far build feels comfortable for Dominating, but i am only finished with GMS.

You can buy molotovs from biologist in SGS and doctor in junkyard. Also you can use flares - they are silent, unlike molotovs. And it's better to save magnesium and napalm C for bolts

Builds / Re: Crossbow Dominating Build (without Aimed shot and snipe)
« on: August 24, 2019, 04:53:14 am »
Well, now I would like to see crossbow buils without traps...

You can play this build without levelng up traps and without quick tinkering, deadly snares - you can still use bear traps with o traps and use staff like caltrops to slow down enemies and molotovs to illuminate them and ambush them left and right. Ambush is so good, but sometimes it fails (for example  - gray military base - it's just to bright to use ambush). And when it fails, if you have traps, you can use deadly snares to still get criticals. You will have about 56-60 percents of raw critical chance with focus stim by using mentioned gear and  feats

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