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Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 29, 2019, 07:34:39 am »
Even though, you will find the blueprint, you will need to harvest Glittershroom Spores (70 biology to process) that according to wiki is found on Black Sea...

Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 28, 2019, 09:40:24 am »
still rusty on Underrail mechanics after couple of months/years far from the game. I thought it will reduce AP but it is only in the case of Armor. So, great weapon for any Psychosis build.

Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 27, 2019, 04:47:28 pm »
Quick question > I saw that there is an interesting item called Spirit Staff. It requires 6 Strength, is it worth spending points in strength for a pure psi build psychosis as the bonus is very appealing? Or it will be obtained only near end game?

Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 23, 2019, 06:03:16 pm »
You may think in pumping your CON to 9 to get Last Stand. It may not look that useful for a Tranquility build but the possibility get back to full health is very useful on tough fights. You can move easily 1 point from AGI and 1 point from INT.

Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 22, 2019, 12:51:18 pm »
Mixed skills ans stats  :-X I read what I wanted to read...

The build starts to be short on points for crafting high end equipment then. It needs to have some skills lower (it was mentioned few posts ago...).

Thanks for your patience :)

I repost the lightly updated build even though there might more optimized build proposed:

Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 22, 2019, 11:51:02 am »
If it is additive (food + drug), it means that int can be raised by +5 for the purpose of crafting.
Have I missed something here?

Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 22, 2019, 07:51:03 am »

Final thoughts with all your nice feedback.

The 3 feats (Pyromaniac, Cryogenic Induction and Power Management) are not strictly fixed and may change depending on what would be needed (Conditioning and Stoicism for surviving if it is getting tough for example).
Pyromaniac has been changed and occurrence was increased, I may not have taken it after patching so will give a new shot.

I have very slightly min/max some skills to raise Hacking. With 9 int, it would be a pity not to use the synergy.
For grenade, it will be limited to Napalm but can craft gas grenade early without any bonus.
Split between Electronics, Mechanics and Tailoring may change upon components found.
All crafting are relying on the +5 bonus int and workbench.

Versus previous build, it will not craft as good but should be able to make very decent gears. It is possible to remove some points from Temporal or Thought Control if there is something worth crafting from the expansion. The starting idea was to have a max psi skills so not willing to trade much on that.

Once more time thanks for your help, especially Gortsby and Omni. It is high time to start playing and discover by ourselves.

Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 21, 2019, 03:49:07 pm »
Updated build is as following:

I placed Pyromaniac as advised even though I was not convinced by  its efficiency as it was triggering too rarely  to rely on it. Power Management is not sure to be taken as the last feat, there will be time for reaching it and choose something else.

Throwing is removed. No hacking or lockpicking, the build is designed to fight anyway...
For chemistry and biology, it does not need huge investment to reach high amounts
Crafting skills are not fixed and will depend on quality of materials found, Electronics will be higher than mechanics for example.
Social skills are copy paste from Omni build (Still not sure how to raise it efficiently), are they correct values? It is rather low investment in number of points.

What do you think about this version? Do you see rooms for improvements?

I was also thinking that few points in trap might be useful for some fights> it means 56 points to reach 75 with belt and knife. what do you think? or simple bear trap are far enough as with 3 STR no big carrying possible.

Side note for Omni build > You did not take Psychostatic Electricity on your build, even if you have psionic mania, it is very useful for long fights. I would drop Hypothermia for it.

Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 20, 2019, 09:39:37 am »
And one more question, I noticed on Omni build that past level 25 it is possible to choose regular feat over veteran feat. Is it correct?

Builds / Re: Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 20, 2019, 08:15:08 am »
I thought I replied but the amended build was not sent. I will post it in a next message tomorrow for your support and critics.

Not maxed psi skills was a non planned mistakes... Thanks for noticing.

Agility was dropped and int raised to 9 for crafting.
The feat that replaced Sprint is Power Management. Do you see better options ?

For stats, can you disclose threshold reasons for persuasion and intimidation? How fast should it be reached?

I am not for reducing psi skills.

You mentioned +5 int with drugs and food. Are there accessible from late game or earlier?

Builds / Dominating Expedition Psi Build > Advice needed
« on: July 19, 2019, 09:28:52 am »

looking forward to start a new run for the expansion. I am thinking about a psi build for dominating. I have been playing a bit on Dominating (after Depot A but can't remember until what point). Combat were tough, this is why I would like to have versatility of a full psi.

My idea is to have a build like that:

It is a classic Psychosis build > 3 3 6 9 3 18 6
With Max psi, a bit of throwing, reasonable crafting and able to craft grenade and some drugs (up to Bullhead).

I have few questions:
is this build manageable on Dominating?
is Mercantile worth investing? Is 72 a nice threshold to reach?
Are Sprint and Conditioning better feats than Stoicism and Mental Subversion?
Is there a reason to dumb Agility and focus on other stats? (Intelligence for more Crafting, Constitution for Survivability,...)
Am I going to miss a lot of lore with this build in the new expansion?

Thanks in advance for your help and feedback.

General / Re: Kidnap Sarine (Spoiler)
« on: April 06, 2017, 06:50:03 am »
Thanks for confirming Destroyor, I ll try it in a next palythrough. I think that stealth check is not working as intended or very misleading.

General / Re: Tabi Boots not showing Dodge/Evasion bonus?
« on: April 05, 2017, 08:16:43 am »
It is not changing on the character sheet but it is changing on the combat stats.

General / Re: Kidnap Sarine (Spoiler)
« on: April 05, 2017, 08:13:08 am »
The quest is not  completed as it is still appearing in the journal. It is tricky as kidnapping Sarine does bring nothing in fact only losses (no city access, no workbench, no feat)...

General / Re: Kidnap Sarine (Spoiler)
« on: April 02, 2017, 08:43:09 pm »
I confirm the stealth check for taking her out straight from her home. Doing so and killing the king will not complete the quest as it  is still appearing in the journal. It seems there is a way to do both as the person who wrote the quest description on the wiki has succeded to do so. np save so not able to reset this quest... I suspect that it is necessary to lure her out of the camp and then stun her. That might be the option for not turning the village hostile.

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