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Messages - Eliasfrost

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Suggestions / Re: Fishing
« on: August 12, 2014, 10:50:06 am »
(including sewers)

Ooh that's nasty.

Other Games / Re: Divinity: Original Sin
« on: July 25, 2014, 06:48:31 pm »
Almost forgot about this thread. Got the game on release day and played it co-op with my brother, it had it's fair share of issues but Larian did a phenomenal job on patching the game so now I can play it without crazy lags and stuttering. I really like how they managed to get the role-playing aspect, exploration and combat top notch, if someone were to make an all-combat oriented addon for this, I'd be all over it.

Suggestions / Re: See-Through Walls
« on: June 16, 2014, 12:31:01 pm »
Don't you normally see floor behind walls? Or do you mean seeing undiscovered areas when holding Z?

General / Re: Ambush - Is This Thing On?
« on: June 15, 2014, 06:21:56 pm »
Perhaps there could be an indicator on the cursor whether certain feats will work with the shot. Like: "95% - (ambush)"

Suggestions / Re: Quick Transfer for any Container
« on: June 15, 2014, 09:38:14 am »
I think you can alt-click things to quick transfer them, haven't played in a month or so but I recall there was a way to quick transfer one at a time.

General / Re: Ambush - Is This Thing On?
« on: June 15, 2014, 09:37:16 am »
You get ambush from shooting an illuminated enemy from the shadows, even if you're detected. I've noticed inconsistency with the feat as well, it's hard to tell what is a shadow and what is an illuminated area and where the distinction is made.

General / Re: Feats
« on: June 02, 2014, 08:15:54 am »
So Opportunist work with melee, I understand you right?

Unless specified otherwise, it works as long as a target is immobalized. So yes, it works with melee.

Suggestions / Re: Feedback Alpha
« on: May 28, 2014, 10:58:11 pm »
I agree on the money part, later in the game (I'm lvl 15) I can sell a single gun worth right above 10k and trade for everything I need and then some. The annoying part is that I have like 10 more of those guns just lying in my inventory and I can't balance the trade window because it's too valuable.

General / People seem too alike
« on: May 19, 2014, 09:26:36 pm »
I've played Underrail for a good 10+ hours over the last week and I've got a bit of a concern about character personality and language in the new content.

This is something that can be hard to get right (I write characters as well for my game), especially with just one or a couple of writers but one thing I noticed is that a lot of the characters in the new content seem to be just a tad bit too alike each other. In their phrasing, how they build sentences and how much they speak, it felt as if they all had the same vocabulary with little to not enough unique phrasing and articulation. To be fair there were a lot of characters with interesting personalities, quirky dialogue and all around likable but here's a few things that could be of interest for your writer when writing characters, some things that I've picked up over the years and a few tips I've gotten from different sources that helped me a lot when writing dialogue.

  • Phrasing - Lots of the time the characters use the same phrasing, one very common phrase I noticed was "would you believe it", I think at least a handful of different characters used that exact phrase which seemed weird to me. Mixing it up a bit by lending the characters their own way of saying things can make the world seem bigger than it is. When characters use the same phrasing it can make it seem like they all come from the same local area, which in turn can make the world seem smaller and less diverse.
  • The length of their speech - Some people are very formal, other talk poetically, some talk lots and drag on. What I noticed was that a lot of the new characters talked a lot, and not always because it was necessary, in some cases the characters could have used less words, or use one word to describe a longer sentence. More often than not, the characters would talk whole paragraphs, which is completely fine but I'd also like to see a healthy mix of different lengths in character speech.
  • Unique wording - I really liked the way Styg chracterized most of his characters by giving them special ways that they say things, words that only they use or words that are at least uncommon. It's one of the things that really sucked me in from the beginning but I've seen a steady decline of special wording the further I get into the game. For example everyone at the camp talked the same, except for Fred, Fredd  Freddy, I liked them a lot - but the point is that when delivering characters through text it's extra important to give the characters a vocabulay that make them unique and stand out, I was excited to meet the Rat Hound King until I realized he talked the same way as the deputy. Don't be afraid to play with words, real people do that all the time, why not the characters in Underrail?
  • Articulation - How a character linger on some words, or how they emphasize certain words says a lot about that character but I didn't see a whole lot of that. I'd love to see some more emphasis on having some characters repeat words to get their point across, articulate certain words to bring them out, stuff like that. A lot of the new characters are very formal, it would be a welcome addition with some articulation to build character.

Other than that I like the new characters, it's clear that a lot of love have been squeezed into making them but the language kept me from loving them even more!

Keep up the good work and keep making awesome new characters :)

Bugs / Re: Various minor bugs
« on: May 19, 2014, 09:18:58 am »
Cool :)

Bugs / Re: Various minor bugs
« on: May 19, 2014, 08:34:01 am »
It happened in the double door to the power room in GMS.

Bugs / Re: Report spelling/grammar errors
« on: May 18, 2014, 02:39:07 pm »
When talking to Clifton he says "Greetings, I'm Clitfon--" instead of Clifton. *giggle*

When talking to Harold about the battery system, you are given the option to bargain for a higher pay. But the options says [Barter] when it should be [Mercantile] for a skill check.

Bugs / Re: Various minor bugs
« on: May 18, 2014, 01:42:00 pm »
Oh and I noticed that the normal Balaclava is of a mechanical type item when it should be fabric.
Styg is already fixing it (:

I also noticed that if you put an item that you own into an owned container (that is, owned by someone else, red hand), then retreive the item, it counts as stealing.

Bugs / Re: Various minor bugs
« on: May 17, 2014, 09:51:02 pm »
Oh and I noticed that the normal Balaclava is of a mechanical type item when it should be fabric.

Bugs / Re: Various minor bugs
« on: May 17, 2014, 03:51:10 pm »
Another bug: If you stand in a doorway and save, when you load, the door will be closed and your character stuck in the door.

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