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Messages - ShoggothWhisperer

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Suggestions / Re: Infusion suggestions
« on: August 27, 2021, 06:16:07 pm »
Yeah but think of how many builds there are that are stat hungry as is and barely viable for dominating without using any cheese tactics. Think of glass cannon Hammer Builds that rely on Adrenaline to properly use Balor's Hammer in the earlier levels or even more niche builds that try to combine two less meta concepts.

As someone who has experimented a lot with making purposefully sub optimal builds that have a very specific style of play or fill some sort of arbitrary role playing purpose decided before the play through, it's already difficult to make certain things work with other things, and adding further restrictions will only make creative build crafting harder.

Instead of slapping on more restrictions to make things interesting, why not slap on some further benefits. If you're worried about those benefits making the game easier, try to make niche concepts work on Dominating.
Balor’s hammer builds are a bad example to use, since there are so many ways to boost str (vit powder, regalia, food, ect) that you need a max of 15 base str to use effectively. Right now Underrail heavily rewards killing enemies as fast as possible, so most people either run 3 con or 9 con for SI. Styg has already talked about nerfing crits in infusion, so I wouldn’t be surprised if the glass cannon play style also gets nerfed. Con doesn’t effect skills or damage most of the time, so adding in con requirements for certain consumables gives a real downside for conlets.

Suggestions / Re: Infusion suggestions
« on: August 27, 2021, 04:03:36 am »
I’d think con would be more valuable if there were con requirements to use certain drugs/consumables, where a 3 con individual would be so sickly that their body couldn’t handle the drugs. Stuff like adrenaline requiring 4 con, morphine requiring 5 con, junkyard surprise requiring 6 con, ect. Make planning builds a lot more interesting.

Suggestions / Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« on: August 23, 2021, 03:00:46 pm »
I think the only buff riot armor needs is having Iron Grip work will all weapons, not just spears. Melee weapons would get a 15% damage penalty, while ranged weapons would get a 15% accuracy penalty.

Suggestions / Re: Assorted suggestions for the final update
« on: August 22, 2021, 11:08:53 pm »
Nerf W2C:  Have it do 90% base damage and only bypass 35%-50% of armor.

Have Tony show up at Ray's as an employee if the expedition is over and he/aegis survives. 

An mp-boosting food:  +5-10 mp, maybe a candy bar
also perhaps nerf root soda to +3 init +5 mp
also perhaps a very rare +2 AP food that can only be found, never bought

The faceless group you encounter after beating the last boss; they drop equipment with durabilities ranging from about 800-1500, yet I can find some elsewhere in DC up to about 2400; since this is the last real fight of the game and also one of the hardest, and the faceless are the most technologically advanced faction, why not give them the good shit?  2400+ durability items
Also, you could have them start the fight with infusions active, maybe food too, maybe only on DOM

I didn't see many enemies with food active; I expected to see more natives with bison milk in particular.  During invasions at least.
Maybe enemies of various factions could each have a chance to have a randomly selected food from a list that makes sense for their faction.

In the DC labrynth, there is a faceless tunneler with a corpse; maybe give that corpse a mask fragment oddity?

For your house, add the option to install a safe and give you the key. 

Perhaps Colton in junkyard wants to buy 0-2 random jet parts, seeing as how he's on the docks and the Eels are a naval faction.
Tying in to that, perhaps have jet parts be rarely found in the early game or else away from the waterways as random loot or in special locations.  Can't make use of them early but if you haul them to a merchant you can make some decent cash. 

On DOMINATING, hide the tags on special dialogue checks that let you know that option is a persuasion check or an intelligence check or whatever.  (I showed some people these suggestions before posting; this is the only one that got any real flak)

Reduce the bonus from the Beast tattoo to 5%; people currently seem to recognize it as the "best" option for most builds and I agree.  The next most common being the shadowlith fragment which I see as fine, especially considering how late it's requirement comes.

Reduce the AP-cost reduction of the doctor's pouch from 75% to 50%; the ability to take a bunch of drugs for 2 AP each is frankly broken.  I have made great use of that on many of my builds.

On silent isle, behind the perception check to get to the small island, there is a corpse with randomized leather armor.  Sometimes it's mutated dog leather which is great for Depot A.  Could it always be mutated dog?

The tunnel connecting the first two buildings in the outposts of the first quest is a good location for a small random dungeon fragment, imo. 

Someone told me that disassemble doesn't work on metal boots; I figure it should.  Also, if disassemble doesn't give you back a component (that is then lost), it should at least give you scraps (amount based on quality). 

Would it be too much trouble to add an overcoat sprite for greater siphoner leather at least?  Both siphoner leathers are great candidates for antithermic given that they are still light enough for nimble and they already have heat resistance. 

I think the game could use some oddity location swapping.  Many areas, mainly mainquest ones, are loaded with oddities, whereas many side areas (particularly those added later) are bare in comparison. 

As it stands, the protectorate questline gives less oddities than the free drones, and a couple can only be had through the free drones.  Also, there is no legal way to get a protectorate cruiser; what if there was a quest for protectorate characters at port zenith to go do something (perhaps in the waterways) that gives 2-3 oddity exp and a cruiser?  Maybe you need to be on good terms with Briggs before talking to somebody at Apogee or Zenith.  This also might be an easier way to handle Gorsky's shield emitters quest.
A Mp boosting food already exists, coffee.

I’d say tranquility is pretty generous. Any decent quality shield will block everything outside of sniper shots and melee attacks for the first few hits, and on higher difficulties any build that isn’t focused on tanking will usually lose at least 20% of max health from a weak attack. I ran a build that could fire off 6 plasma beams per turn, and I don’t feel like tranquility builds need any changes.

Builds / Re: Does Taste For Blood Work With Fist Weapons?
« on: August 21, 2021, 04:59:13 am »
It works for any weapon that uses melee skill, including fists and unarmed.

Builds / Re: Feat Priority List (Feedback requested)
« on: August 21, 2021, 04:51:06 am »
Added some clarification to main post, also priority dictates how soon you should take a feat on builds that will use it, not how good that certain feat is for every build.
I could say that Expertise is really useful early on for SMG build - at level 5 you add extra 5 dmg on top of 8-12 5mm (11-16 from skill bonuses) that is extra 30-50% damage, so should be picked up early. Also, it greatly helps when fighting DT on same build, as that extra from Expertise, might be the only damage going through.

I would suggest, instead of rating it by 1-3 priority (which differs depending on the build) to maybe including: Great for [that & that], Average [for that & that] 😄
Otherwise, lots of good points on Feats and good job!

Rating feats for different builds is a very good idea and I will try to do that if I have the time, though I think I might need to make another thread because doing so will likely hit the word limit.

Oh and would anyone mind telling me if I missed something below? Am going to post the basic combat types so I can better separate feats by build.

Assault rifle
Sniper rifle
Energy pistol
Chemical Pistol
Leather gloves
Metal gloves
Thought Controller
Temporal Manipulation
TC Hybrid
PK Hybrid
MT Hybrid
TM Hybrid
Throwing is usually separated into grenade and throwing knife due to the limited utility slots. Also, you forgot crowbar.

General / Re: How does Bleed work?
« on: August 19, 2021, 02:11:21 am »
All bleed sources roll separatly, so even if you have 5 sources (boots, armor, ripper*3) with 35% chance to bleed, you might apply none.
On a side note, using multiple blades on a metal armor only gives you one source of bleed with stacked damage.
Dang, I never knew that about metal armor. Guess I gotta redo my 3 million damage eviscerate build.

General / Re: Random useful tips you've learned?
« on: August 16, 2021, 01:22:10 am »
If you suspect hostiles on the opposite side of a closed door, and you haven't engaged in combat against them, you can enter combat, open the door, and move to the side out of LoS and then end combat.  Useful if you don't want to have a 25 AP cost applied to you at the start of battle for opening that door.

The lantern belt item can be activated to stop the dopplegangers from appearing on Forbidden Isle while its light holds up.

The thugs in the GMS compound do not have a key to get into the gun turret control room.  You can enter that room, shut/lock the door in combat and then, once it ends, activate the turret outside which should kill at least two of them as they walk back into the cafeteria.

You can charge items placed on your hot bar instead of finding them in your inventory.  For that matter you can hotbar repair kits for easier repairs on equipment, instead of switching between tabs.

You can export/import a character to earn oddity experience again from quests you complete.  Oddity items found will not grant any more points obviously.

Marsh Honey increases your perception by 2.  The Juice by 1.  Mushroom Salad by 1.  Googles can be found to grant you another 1.  All of this can get you +5 to perception for 50 seconds if you're looking to reveal some secrets.

On that note rathound barbeque, the Power Fist, Rat Hound Armor, and Adren shots can grant you +5 strength for 15 seconds.  Useful to push some blocks or boulders around.  I believe (I can't recall) a certain unique armor found in the jetski dungeon can grant you +3 strength when it's powered and activated, allowing for +7 strength for 15 seconds.
There was a new headgear added called the synthesetic refocus that gives +2 per while standing still. You can also use SSD to get more per, so you can get +6 per without drugs and +8 with drugs, for a total of 11 per (All in is pretty rare now that you can’t pickpocket it).

Builds / Re: Creation order for builds
« on: August 10, 2021, 02:24:54 am »
The first thing I do is pick a weapon type for the build (knife, AR, MT, etc) and assign stat points to get the feat requirements. I’ll then pick 1-2 adjectives (secondary weapon, tanky, agile, versatility, ect) and use them to come up with a basic idea for the build, like Tanky hammer wizard. Then I assign skill points based on what I want to do with the build, and then move on to feats. I put the feats in order, and adjust skill points and stat points accordingly to allow for the feats. Feat order and skill point distribution is based mostly on personal preference. For example, I take EW and thick skull at level 10 or 12 because you don’t encounter many armored enemies or enemies that stun you pre depot A. I also rush 20 bio/chem and 40 tailoring ASAP to get early gas grenades and siphoner leather armor pre depot A. Starting out with a basic idea of what you want the build to be makes it easy to plan out a build.

Builds / Re: milton bug
« on: August 07, 2021, 04:23:56 pm »
If you pickpocket the key from milton right after selling it to him, then leave the map and come back, the footlocker is still empty.
Wrong section Harper.

Builds / Re: Feat Priority List (Feedback requested)
« on: August 07, 2021, 05:33:07 am »
I disagree with a couple of these. Here are my opinions on some, listed in no particular order.
Heavyweight-down to priority 4- Hammers already overkill a lot on crits, and you don’t need the crit damage boost from heavyweight, especially if you have to give up mobility to get the effect.
Improved unarmed combat-up to 1- great damage boost and chance to daze, which can let you easily avoid melee attacks by running away.
Cheap Shots-up to 1- You can cheese any single target fight with this feat by stun locking them with incaps, which can let yo take down powerful enemies like the three masters early. The crit damage is also massive for any melee crit build.
Gun Fu-down to priority 3- You need to be in melee range for the feat to apply, and you get a max of 64 extra guns skill at level 30. It bets you more damage more consistently to take blindsiding.
Impale- up to 1-Literally a better aimed shot for spears, what’s not to love?
Barrel state-down to 3- mutually exclusive effect with leading shot that only works at point blank, better to stay out of melee range and use leading shot.
Fatal Throw-up to 1- literally the best throwing knife feat, without spec gets you an additional 3 knives with gloves and 19 dex.
Spec ops-up to 1- 33% less rust cost means 33% more bursts.
Taste for blood-up to 1-50% damage boost that can also be gained from killing enemies in addition to bleeds, best universal melee damage boost.
Blitz-up to 1- main reason anyone puts 10 agi on a build, extra ap for 1 turn is great mp loss is manageable with sprint and other feats.
Concentrated fire-up to 1-best feat in the game behind commando, basically gives you double to triple damage against enemies after your first burst.
Expertise-down to 3- only worth it on SMGs and other weapons with many hits, only applies on non-critical damage so it’s almost useless on crit builds.
Versatility- up to 1- lynchpin in a lot of light gun builds, take as soon as dex melee starts outscaling you base guns skill.
Escape Artist-up to 1- required for any dodge/evasion build or mobility dependent build in expedition, take as soon as you start expedition.
Ballistic-up to 3- excellent feat if you can afford to take it early, and good on tranquility builds that use psi beetle tac vests to more consistently absorb smg and pistol shots.
Skinner-Up to 2- more MP on tabis and extra base damage on leather gloves is always great, but it really shines on leather armor, where it boosts the effects of infused leather. With this feat you can get melee immune sea wyrm armor, heartbreaker armor that trivializes most encounters in DC, and siphoner jumpsuits that can stride without fear through acid puddles and molotov fires.

General / Re: Infused rathound leather armour
« on: August 06, 2021, 08:50:57 pm »
1. You should not compare low AP leathers to high AP ones. Wyrm sure is good but the AP puts it to heavier tact vest/Riot gear category. But again, most leather users will be low AP ones.

2. Sure heartbreaker and bison have some use, but given that the best defence is to kill everything or just move out of range it is hardly comparable. You craft Bison for 1 dungeon but still ...

3. G. Siphoner, one specific very niche build, and it is very questionable anyway.
4. Hopper is decent, have some uses, but I rarely see anyone picking it over rathound.
Think about what builds don’t want to use infused rat. Hammer and spear builds already kill most enemies in one hit, so focusing crit on them is rather pointless when you could use Infused Bison to become extremely tanky while maintaining low armor penalty. Swords want to build flurry stacks, so killing an enemy with a crit on the first hit can prevent further flurries that turn. Ranged weapon builds with the exception of shotgun already can reliably reach 100% crit with ambush and other sources, and are better served with Greater Siphoner if they are evasive and want acid puddle/Molotov fire resist or hopper if they want mobility. Psi is unaffected by rat crit boost, as are throwing knives and grenades, so evasive psi and throwing builds are also served well by Greater Siphoner or hopper. Any 10+ con build without a required belt that can afford 7 will wants to wear Ancient Rat and the lifting belt, since that gets you at least 40% mechanical resist at full health with brew, and 100% mechanical resistance at 60% health with morphine and stoicism. Strongman punches and death stalkers stings simply bounce off your invulnerable skin, and sniper rounds do nothing at 100% resistance. The only build that wants to run infused rat are crit fists/unarmed/knife.

General / Re: Infused rathound leather armour
« on: August 06, 2021, 04:47:38 am »
It is a shame that 99% of leather armour wearing builds (with crafting) use infused rathound in the end. Sadly other options are not good enough. Crit is too valuable for all builds. But I do not wish for it to be nerfed, rather other options brought up to par.
Bruh. Infused rat is only good on 3 con stealth glass cannon builds that focus on crits. Infused Wyrm can give you immunity to all melee damage with high quality leather and high density foam padding. Infused heartbreaker gives you enough bio resist to tank all bio damage in the game, and has enough mechanical resistance to tank enemies like shroom chompers and locusts. Infused bison’s cold resistance is basically required for the utility tower dungeon, and it can get 50%+ mechanical resist at just 22% armor penalty. Greater Siphoner has excellent resists, and the evasion boost is great to use with the demolitionist belt and plasma grenades to resist nearly all of the damage. Infused Ancient rathound can get you to 100% mechanical, heat, and cold resistance. Infused hopper leather armor can give mobility equivalent to a set of tabi boots. Each leather armor has its uses, although infused rat is never a bad choice.

Builds / Re: Rate my basic bitch build
« on: August 05, 2021, 06:24:29 pm »
Ok, so usually when I want to play a rpg, i watch some gameplay and read some info on wikis to get a good grasp of combat, while not spoiling quests, and plot.
In the end, I came up with this build:

It's Assault rifle, throwing, sneak and TM build, because I heard all of those things are meta but I have never played the game so I don't know yet.
I'm planning on playing hard, because normal seems to easy to me. I also don't care about reloading many times.
I have 2 free feats slots so if there are any must have feats, that I didn't take feel free to include them.
Also what is the best AR frame? I think its hornet cause it has very low ap cost, and I think that amout of attacks per turn is better then any other "stat".
Best Ar frames are 7.62 hornet with rapid reloader, and a 9mm chimera to use with the free commando burst.

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